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Muffy Crosswire
Muffy Crosswire | |
Age | 8[1][2] 9 (Arthurs First Day) |
Grade | 3rd |
Gender | Female |
Animal | Monkey[3] |
Birthday | 25th of a month with 31 days[4] May 25 (books only)[5] |
Eye color | Green[6] |
Hair color | Light Brown (s1-s5, s14-s15) Auburn (s6-s13) Red (s16-present) |
Complexion | Yellow |
Favorite color | Mauve[7] |
Residence | Muffy's House, Elwood City |
Family | Mary Alice Miller (great-great-grandmother) Edsel E. Crosswire (great-grandfather) Taffy Crosswire (great-grandmother) Olga Crump (great-aunt) Edward M. Crosswire (grandfather) Ed Crosswire (father) Millicent Crosswire (mother) Chip Crosswire (brother) Unnamed cousin Unnamed cousin-in-law Muffy's grandmother
Book debut | Arthur and the True Francine |
Cartoon debut | "Arthur's Eyes" |
Voiced by | Melissa Altro |
“ | Vomitrocius! | ” |
—Muffy |
Mary Alice "Muffy" Crosswire is a third grader in Mr. Ratburn's class at Lakewood Elementary. She is the richest girl in Elwood City, and lives in an enormous mansion. Muffy entered Lakewood in second grade, when she met Arthur and his friends and quickly became best friends with Francine. She is often labeled as snobbish and spoiled because of her wealth, attitude, and frequent selfishness,[8] but makes up for it in most cases.
Physical appearance
Muffy is a medium-skinned anthropomorphic monkey. In the first season, she was rendered with buck teeth, but they seemed to have disappeared in Season 2 and beyond however made a cameo Arthur's TV-Free Week Her usual outfit is a purple puffy sleeveless knee-length dress with a lavender fabric belt over a long-sleeved white blouse, finished with knee-high white socks with brown Mary Jane shoes. Muffy's hairstyle consists of two chest-length auburn braids tied with a pair of matching purple bows. She is seen with this hairstyle in most of the episodes but sometimes changes the style, especially for formal events.
From seasons 1-15, her pajamas consist of a purple and white nightgown under a lavender robe and pink slippers. Starting with season 16, her nightgown changes from purple to light pink and she doesn't wear her robe anymore.
Her swimsuit consists of a purple maillot with an orange stripe.
On formal occasions, she wears a white t-shirt, a red dress with suspenders, and brown loafers. She wears this outfit with her pigtails.
In the summertime, Muffy wears a lavender t-shirt with a white collar, a green skirt with two pink stripes that are horizontal and vertical, and wears green slip-on shoes with pink soles and a pink flower on each shoe.
In "Bitzi's Break Up", Muffy wears a purple shirt and purple pants, but her double braids are changed to her ponytail. However, she still wears it in later seasons until Season 14.
In "D.W. Blows the Whistle", Muffy wears an orange racing suit with a blue stripe, a white helmet, and orange sneakers.
In "Muffy's Art Attack", Muffy wears the first outfit that consists of a green and purple striped bodysuit, a purple puffy dress with green and purple pockets on the front, and black Mary Jane shoes. She wore this with her double braids and her pigtails. Muffy wears the second outfit that consists of a blue-collar shirt that has sleeves being rolled up above her elbows, white overalls, and brown dress shoes with brown laces. Muffy wears the third one consists of a yellow shirt, a salmon jacket over her shirt, a blue puffy skirt, blue tights, and black Mary Jane shoes. However, she still wears the second and third outfits in later seasons until Season 14.
In "Prunella Gets it Twice", Muffy wears her first outfit, but it has several color changes with her bodysuit having blue and yellow stripes, her dress being red, and her shoes being brown. The only hairstyle she can have with her first outfit with an alternate color scheme is her pigtails.
In "How the Cookie Crumbles", Muffy's third outfit is originally a blue dress and a white jacket over her dress.
In "Matchmaker, Match Breaker", Muffy wears a purple version of the third outfit, but the shirt is still yellow.
In Other Media
In the Living Books computer games, Muffy had a brown complexion, dark brown hair, and buck teeth in Arthur's Teacher Trouble. She subsequently had her complexion changed to pale, her hair color changed to light brown, and her buck teeth removed in Arthur's Birthday. It was likely due to color and tone restrictions during the 16-bit era of computers and software. Her vocal tone was a bit deeper, as she was voiced by Kelly Greenley before the TV show replaced her with Melissa Altro. In the later games, such as Arthur's Thinking Games, during the 32-bit era of computers and software, her appearance was the same as she looks in the TV show.
Alternate hairstyles

Throughout the series, Muffy had many alternate hairstyles. She gets her hair done for many occasions, and her favorite place to go hairdressing is the Salon de Beauté. Some of the episodes she is seen with different hairstyles include "Francine's Bad Hair Day", "Muffy's Art Attack", "Lights, Camera, Opera!", "The Lousy Week", "Don't Ask Muffy", "The Election" and "No Acting, Please".
Muffy often has a lack of empathy for everything and believes that money, Bailey, and her father can fix any problem. However, in some fields, Muffy is good at giving advice on things like fashion or love. She is usually the first one to catch on to a fad or a trend.
Like Arthur, she is 8 years old and in the third grade, but in contrast, she is fashionable, talkative, melodramatic, stubborn, cute, beautiful, and very wealthy. Despite her cuteness and beauty, she is often labeled a snob and spoiled because of her wealth, condescending attitude and frequent selfishness, as shown particularly in the episode "Spoiled Rotten". However, Muffy can be quite mature at times. Muffy is also shown to be quite popular, as shown by the many parties she hosts. Like her father, Muffy is also good at doing business with people. Despite all of that, Muffy has a knack for being friendly, cares a lot about her friends, loves to hang out with them, and they usually have a wonderful friendship. That is especially true in the later episodes where she is all smiles. Muffy's spoiled home lifestyle has left her somewhat naive when it comes to certain basics of domestic life. She, for example, did not know how to wash dishes by hand in a sink, believing that she could get the job done simply by squirting some dishwashing liquid on a pile of dirty dishes sitting in a sink. ("The Great MacGrady")
When Muffy was younger, her personality was slightly more aggressive. She wanted to be friends with Francine yet have Francine take the blame for cheating during a test. In another episode, she stood up for Francine by telling Buster to not pick on Francine because it is not Francine's fault for The Frenskys to be in debt. She was willing to stand up to Binky even after she accused Binky of stealing Francine's bicycle. Muffy was also fed up with Francine's insults and challenged Francine to be calm for an entire week. Muffy lost her patience while tutoring Buster, and flunked him. Muffy is proven to be brave enough to stand up to Molly no matter how tough and old she and the rest of her fellow Tough Customers are as shown in The Law of the Jungle Gym.
Despite having a huge mansion, Muffy's family is quite small. She lives with her father (Ed Crosswire), her mother (Millicent Crosswire), and her butler (Bailey). Like D.W., she refers to her parents as "Mommy" and "Daddy". (She also originally called her mom as "Mumzee".) Muffy has an older brother named Chip, who was first referred to in Arthur's Perfect Christmas, but did not appear until "Matchmaker, Match Breaker". She has many privileges and freedoms, endless rooms filled with toys, and her own club house. She has eaten Hasenpfeffer Ice Cream while reading The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club books and got nightmares. There is a lack of communication with her parents. As a result, they suspected that the books gave her nightmares, and formed a protest to ban the books before realizing that Muffy never objected to the books. Despite the books being banned from Elwood City Public Library, Muffy kept her collection in secret until meeting the author. Ed also did not fully understand Muffy's disruption at another meeting with Ms. McWord during The Fright Stuff. While legitimately scolding her and her peers because they were pranking each other, he dismissed the possibility of Castle Manor being haunted. Muffy has been even more aristocratic compared to her parents, who assumed she was from a royal family. Her parents said that they are "just plain folks" (that she is only the 4th generation of entrepeneurs) and advised her to visit their Aunt Olga Crump.
- Francine Frensky - Muffy's best friend. Though they are different in numerous ways, they always manage to find something to do together, such as in the episode Muffy's New Best Friend. The girls met when Muffy moved to Lakewood when they were both in second grade. They got to know each other better when they found out that they had the same middle name, "Alice." Despite their frequent arguments, the two girls do truly value each others friendship and care about each other deeply. This can be seen the episode "Vomitrocious" were Muffy showed genuine concern over Francine's well being and health.
- Fern Walters - Muffy and Fern did not frequently do things together in the earlier episodes, excepting Muffy's sleepovers. One episode, however, that Muffy and Fern got along is "Phony Fern", where they are seen hanging with each other by watching a movie and talking to each other on the phone. Muffy insisted that Fern solve a mystery and appeared to be upset with Fern because Fern was protecting The Brain & Francine. However, Muffy only acted angry so that Fern would confront them. When she did, Muffy followed Fern thus finding the pranksters.
- Prunella Deegan - Muffy and Prunella are seen together when they shop and have sleepovers and when there is an event at school or anything formal. In "Sue Ellen Moves In", it is mentioned by Arthur that Muffy did not immediately take to Prunella, befriending her only after a period of dislike.
- Arthur Read - Muffy and Arthur are great friends. They both have the same birthday: May 25. Arthur tends to get annoyed when Muffy talks about shopping and playing with her Polly action figures. But despite all of that, they are still great friends.
- Buster Baxter - Muffy and Buster are good friends. Muffy is usually disgusted of Buster's unhealthy eating habits, such as expired food or food that was dropped on the floor. Like Arthur, he also tends to get annoyed when Muffy talks about shopping and how popular she is. But despite that, they are still good friends. In Muffy Gets Mature, Muffy imagines kissing each other and then she turns into a frog and says: ”Ewwwwwwwww!”
Muffy and Buster kissing each other in her imagination in Muffy Gets Mature - Kaylie Lamott - Kaylie is a girl that Muffy met when she was staying at a shelter for residents of Elwood City that were displaced by Hurricane Sadie. Muffy was initially appalled at the idea of staying at a shelter, which only happened when there was a mistake with her family's reservation at a 4-star hotel and they were unable to find other lodgings. Kaylie gave Muffy advice on how to find the best snacks at the shelter and how to block out the sounds of snoring. The two quickly became friends and played together. Muffy was shocked when she learned that Kaylie's home had been almost completely destroyed by the storm and offered her and her mother a room at the Crosswire Estate. The two had already made the decision to move in with Kaylie's uncle in Florida, but before they left, Muffy and Kaylie spent time together in the repaired Ice Cream Shop.
- Jenna Morgan - The two play with action figures together.
- George Lundgren - In "The Trouble with Trophies", Muffy's relationship with George seems to have grown. They agree to work together to try and give Fern a trophy. Muffy wasn't exactly friends with George in past episodes but she is now. However, she made fun of him in "Vomitrocious!" and he is often forgotten by the main group of friends.
- D.W. Read - Muffy and D.W. are friends. At one time she considered D.W. as a possible replacement best friend. They have many things in common. They are picky eaters, have the same toys, both plan on becoming President Of The United States, and are sometimes very bossy. Muffy also considers herself a role model worthy of admiration, and offered to impress D.W. by eating a bowl of spinach. (D.W., the Picky Eater (episode).)
Muffy is also friends with Brain, Binky, and Sue Ellen. She also teamed up with Rattles. (Love Notes for Muffy.)
Muffy is also close to her butler, Bailey. She spends much more time with Bailey, who gives her advice, helps her with homework and other projects, and as a result his work is usually unrecognized. He performs her every order as well. In "The Butler Did... What?", Muffy realized she did not know anything about Bailey and was very hurt when she believed that Bailey had run away. In the conclusion, she shows a considerate facet of herself and vows to learn everything about her butler.
“ |
Woah! Now let me get this straight. You want me to eat food cooked last night, that other people touched, that got cold, and then was cooked again? ... I call it vomitrocious! |
” |
—Muffy Crosswire, Poor Muffy |
“ |
They're not acting like me, Arthur, they're acting like you! |
” |
—Muffy Crosswire, Arthur Goes Crosswire |
“ |
Bored with how your computer desktop looks? Tired of looking at the same old screen? Then install my free computer desktop patterns. They're easy to use, and most definitely NOT vomitrocious! |
” |
—Muffy Crosswire, Wallpaper the World |
“ |
Well, not exactly destroyed, but our first floor got flooded and we have no power! We have to move to a hotel! |
” |
—Muffy Crosswire, Shelter from the Storm |

- She has the same birthday as Arthur.
- Her speaking debut was also in "Arthur's Eyes" and her first line was "How do you get in trouble with the nurse?"
- Muffy had two front buck teeth from the episode "Arthur's Eyes" to "Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper". It was also shown in "The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club!", but they would disappear in some scenes.
- Muffy's first hairstyle was seen in "Francine's Bad Hair Day". The style was called "Prom Queen" by her hairdresser.
- Muffy is one of the few characters on the show with cell phones. Not only does she stand out in her mere possession of a cell phone, but she also has more than one. Its first appearance was in Francine's Bad Hair Day, her second in "Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain", her third in the first part of "Phony Fern", and her fourth phone (Portalex 360) also in "Phony Fern". Every single one has been a flip phone.
- It has been stated that Muffy takes tap and ballroom dancing classes after school.
- Muffy's quote "Vomitrocious" first appeared in the book Arthur's Thanksgiving, but became more and more common in the TV show.
- Muffy has been voiced by Melissa Altro since the first season. Altro is the only voice actor to begin voicing their character as a child and continuing to do so as an adult (she was 13 when she began voicing Muffy). If one listens carefully, one can tell Muffy's voice differs across seasons, sounding a different pitch in the earlier ones.
- In "Poor Muffy", she is revealed to be allergic to the odors of new carpets her family was once putting into their mansion but began removing when they learned about her allergies.
- During formal occasions, she sometimes had her frontal hair cut into bangs.
- She is the substitute (and relatively unskilled) goalkeeper for the Lakewood Elementary Soccer Team, as seen in "Muffy's Soccer Shocker".
- Also for the Lakewood Elementary Soccer Team, she is their cheerleader.[9]
- Muffy is somewhat spoiled. In "My Club Rules," she kicked Francine out of her club for not showing up on one day because she was sick. She is accused of being spoiled in "Spoiled Rotten!"
- Her dad likes to refer to her as "Muffin."
- Her character as created by Marc Brown is based on his sister Bonnie's best friend when she was growing up.[10]
- In "The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club," it is revealed that eating Hasenpfeffer Ice Cream gives her nightmares.
- It is suggested in "Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse" that Muffy does not like chewing gum.
- In "Sue Ellen & the Last Page" Muffy mentions to Sue Ellen that she was the first person in her class to get a library card.
- She does not like the vegetable squash.[11]
In "The Contest", Muffy is still friends with her companions in five years. In "The Election", Muffy appears to have become president, but it could simply be Muffy's dream, not reality. It is revealed in "Muffy's Soccer Shocker" that in a possible future, well after the events depicted in normal episodes of the series, Muffy will have a son who takes after her.
- Specials
- Season 1
- Arthur's Eyes 10101
- Francine's Bad Hair Day10102
- Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn 10201
- Arthur's Spelling Trubble 10202
- D.W. All Wet 10301
- Buster's Dino Dilemma 10302
- D.W.'s Imaginary Friend 10401
- Arthur's Lost Library Book 10402
- Arthur's Pet Business 10501
- D.W. the Copycat 10502
- Locked in the Library! 10601
- Arthur Accused! 10602
- Arthur Goes to Camp 10701
- Buster Makes the Grade 10702
- Arthur Bounces Back 10802
- Arthur's Birthday 11001
- Francine Frensky, Superstar 11002
- Arthur's Baby 11101
- Arthur Writes a Story 11201
- Arthur's Lost Dog 11202
- Buster's New Friend 11302
- Arthur and the True Francine 11402
- Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest 11601
- Meek for a Week 11701
- Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper 11702
- Arthur's Chicken Pox 11801
- D.W. Rides Again 11901
- Arthur Makes the Team 11902
- Arthur's Almost Boring Day 12001
- Sue Ellen Moves In 12101
- Team Trouble 12202
- Bully for Binky 12301
- Misfortune Teller 12302
- Arthur's Tooth 12401
- Arthur Cleans Up 12502
- My Dad, the Garbage Man 12601
- Poor Muffy 12602
- D.W.'s Blankie 12701
- Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble 12702
- I'm a Poet 12801
- The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club 12802
- My Club Rules 12901
- Stolen Bike 12902
- Arthur's First Sleepover 13001
- Season 2
- Arthur Meets Mister Rogers 20101
- Draw! 20102
- Binky Barnes, Art Expert 20201
- Arthur's Lucky Pencil 20202
- D.W., the Picky Eater 20301
- Buster and the Daredevils (Cameo) 20302
- Arthur Makes a Movie 20401
- Arthur's Underwear 20501
- Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider 20502
- Play it Again, D.W. (Fantasy) 20602
- Arthur's TV-Free Week 20701
- Night Fright 20702
- The Big Blow-Up 20802
- Lost! 20901
- The Short, Quick Summer 20902
- D.W. Goes to Washington 21001
- Arthur's Mystery Envelope 21002
- Buster Hits the Books 21101
- Arthur and the Square Dance 21202
- Water and the Brain 21301
- Arthur the Unfunny 21302
- Sue Ellen's Lost Diary 21401
- Grandma Thora Appreciation Day 21501
- Fern's Slumber Party 21502
- Love Notes for Muffy 21601
- D.W. Blows the Whistle 21602
- Francine Redecorates 21701
- Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard 21801
- D.W.'s Very Bad Mood 21802
- Finders Key-pers 21902
- How the Cookie Crumbles 22001
- Sue Ellen's Little Sister 22002
- Season 3
- Buster's Back 30101
- The Ballad of Buster Baxter 30102
- Arthur Goes Crosswire 30301
- Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurous 30302
- Background Blues 30401
- And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids 30402
- The Chips are Down 30501 (cameo)
- Revenge of the Chip 30502
- Binky Rules 30601
- Arthur Rides the Bandwagon 30701
- Dad's Dessert Dilemma 30702
- Popular Girls 30801
- Buster's Growing Grudge 30802 (cameo)
- Arthur's Treasure Hunt 30901
- The Return of the King 30902
- Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival 31102
- What Scared Sue Ellen? 31201
- Arthur's Dummy Disaster 31301
- The Long, Dull Winter 31502
- Season 4
- D.W.'s Library Card (Arthur's imagination) 40101
- Arthur's Big Hit 40102
- Muffy's New Best Friend 40202
- The Fright Stuff 40302
- The Contest 40401
- The Blizzard 40501
- The Rat Who Came to Dinner 40502
- D.W. Tale Spins 40601 (Fantasy)
- Prunella Gets it Twice 40602
- Binky Barnes, Wingman 40701
- To Beat or Not to Beat 40702
- 1001 Dads 40801
- Prunella's Prediction 40802
- What is that Thing? 40901
- Buster's Best Behavior 40902
- That's a Baby Show! 41002
- Season 5
- Arthur and the Big Riddle 50101
- Double Dare 50102 (Cameo)
- Kids are from Earth, Parents are from Pluto (Cameo) 50201
- Nerves of Steal 50202
- It's a No-Brainer 50301
- The World Record 50401
- The Cave 50402
- The Lousy Week 50501
- You Are Arthur 50502
- The Election 50601
- Francine Goes to War 50602
- Sleep No More 50701
- Pet Peeved 50702
- Bitzi's Beau 50802
- Just Desserts (Cameo) 50901
- Muffy Gets Mature 51002
- Season 6
- Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked 60101
- Best of the Nest 60102
- Buster's Sweet Success 60202
- Prunella's Special Edition 60301
- The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies (Mentioned) 60302
- Muffy's Soccer Shocker 60401
- Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet? 60402
- The Boy Who Cried Comet 60501
- Citizen Frensky 60601
- The Boy with His Head in the Clouds (Cameo) 60701
- More! 60702
- Rhyme for Your Life 60801
- The Good Sport 60901
- Crushed (Cameo) 60902
- Arthur Loses His Marbles 61001
- Friday the 13th 61002
- Season 7
- Francine's Split Decision 70201
- Muffy Goes Metropolitan 70202
- Don't Ask Muffy 70302
- Waiting to Go (Cameo) 70402
- Elwood City Turns 100! 70500
- Pick a Car, Any Car 70601
- Jenna's Bedtime Blues 70602
- D.W.'s Time Trouble 70701
- Buster's Amish Mismatch 70702
- The World of Tomorrow 70801
- Prunella Sees the Light 70901
- April 9th 71000
- Season 8
- Bitzi's Break-up 80102
- Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain 80201
- Arthur's Snow Biz 80301
- Bugged 80302
- Fernkenstein's Monster 80401
- D.W., Dancing Queen (Cameo) 80402
- Vomitrocious 80501
- Sue Ellen Chickens Out 80502
- Desk Wars 80701
- Muffy's Art Attack 80801
- Big Horns George 81001
- Season 9
- Castles in the Sky 90101
- Tipping the Scales 90102
- Francine's Big Top Trouble 90201
- George Blows His Top 90202
- Arthur Weighs In 90301
- The Law of the Jungle Gym 90302
- Buster's Green Thumb 90401
- Lights, Camera... Opera! 90501
- All Worked Up 90502
- Arthur Makes Waves 90601
- Three's a Crowd 90701
- A is for Angry 90702
- The A Team 90801
- Binky Goes Nuts 91001
- Breezy Listening Blues 91002
- Season 10
- Happy Anniversary (Cameo) 100100
- The Squirrels (Cameo) 100201
- Fern and Persimmony Glitchet (Cameo) 100202
- Desert Island Dish (Cameo) 100301
- Feeling Flush 100401
- Family Fortune 100402
- Flaw and Order (Prologue) 100502
- The Curse of the Grebes 100601
- Unfinished 100701
- D.W., Bossy Boots (Cameo) 100702
- Binky vs. Binky (Cameo) 100801
- Do You Speak George? 100901
- World Girls 100902
- What's Cooking? 101001
- Buster's Special Delivery 101002
- Season 11
- Germophobia 110102
- Arthur Sells Out 110201
- Prunella Packs It In 110302
- Phony Fern 110401
- Brain's Shocking Secret 110402
- The Making of Arthur 110601
- Dancing Fools 110602
- Mr. Alwaysright 110702
- Francine's Pilfered Paper 110801
- Buster Gets Real 110802
- Spoiled Rotten! 110902
- Season 12
- Is That Kosher? 120101
- Room to Ride 120201
- The Frensky Family Fiasco 120202
- Bats in the Belfry 120302
- For the Birds 120401
- Ungifted 120402 (fantasy)
- The Chronicles of Buster 120501
- On This Spot 120502
- The Cherry Tree 120601
- Matchmaker, Match Breaker 120602
- War of the Worms 120701
- I Owe You One 120702
- Home Sweet Home 120901
- The Perfect Game 121001
- Season 13
- The Great MacGrady 130100
- The Silent Treatment (Cameo) 130201
- Arthur's Number Nightmare 130301
- MacFrensky 130401
- No Acting, Please 130501
- Prunella and the Disappointing Ending 130502
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble (Opening) 130701
- Fernlets by Fern 130801
- The Pride of Lakewood 130902
- The Secret Origin of Supernova 130102
- Season 14
- The Wheel Deal (Cameo) 140101
- The Buster Report 140102
- The Agent of Change 140201
- D.W. Unties the Knot 140202
- Nicked by a Name 140301
- The Play's the Thing 140302
- Falafelosophy 140401
- Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny (Cameo) 140501
- Follow the Bouncing Ball 140601
- Muffy and the Big Bad Blog 140702
- Arthur Unravels 140801
- All the Rage 140802
- D.W., Queen of the Comeback (Flashback) 140901
- Buster Spaces Out 141001
- The Long Road Home 141002
- Season 15
- Fifteen 150100
- Buster's Secret Admirer 150301
- Cents-less 150401
- Buster the Lounge Lizard 150402
- To Eat or Not to Eat (Cameo) 150501
- S.W.E.A.T. (Cameo) 150502
- Buster's Carpool Catastrophe 150602
- Prunella the Packrat 150701
- What's in a Name? 150702
- Muffy's Classy Classics Club 150801
- Buster's Garden of Grief 150901
- Through the Looking Glasses 150902
- The Butler Did... What? 151001
- The Trouble with Trophies 151002
- Season 16
- Based on a True Story 160100
- Flippity Francine 160201
- Muffy Takes the Wheel 160202
- Get Smart (Cameo) 160401
- The Last Tough Customer 160601
- Baseball Blues 160701
- Brain's Biggest Blunder 160702
- Buster's Book Battle 160801
- On the Buster Scale 160802
- Fern and the Case of the Stolen Story 160901
- Sue Ellen Vegges Out 160902
- So Funny I Forgot to Laugh 161001
- Season 17
- Ladonna Compson: Party Animal 170202
- Molina's Mulligan 170301
- Buster Bombs 170302
- Opposites Distract 170401
- Just the Ticket 170402
- All Thumbs 170501
- Speak Up, Francine! 170601
- Go Fly a Kite 170702
- The Director's Cut 170801
- Crime and Consequences 170802
- Caught in the Crosswires 170901
- Framed! 170902
- Binky's Music Madness 171001
- Brain Freeze 171002
- Season 18
- The Friend Who Wasn't There 180201
- Surprise! 180202
- The Case of the Girl with the Long Face 180301
- The Substitute Arthur 180302
- Best Wishes (Cameo) 180401
- The Tardy Tumbler 180402
- Fountain Abbey 180501
- Arthur Calls It 180502
- Messy Dress Mess 180702
- The Pageant Pickle 180901
- Shelter From The Storm 181000
- Season 19
- Brain Sees Stars 190102
- Sue Ellen Adds It Up 190201
- Wish You Were Here 190202
- Arthur's Toy Trouble 190301
- Spar for the Course 190302
- Dueling Detectives 190402
- Maria Speaks 190601
- Postcards from Binky 190602
- Carl's Concerto 190701
- Too Much of a Good Thing 190702
- Francine's Cleats of Strength 190801
- Little Miss Meanie 190802
- Mr. Ratburn's Secret Identity 190901
- Besties 190902
- The Last Day 191000
- Season 20
- Buster's Second Chance 200101
- Arthur and the Whole Truth 200102
- Fern's Flights of Fancy 200201
- Cereal 200202
- The Butler Did It 200502
- Prunella's Tent of Portent (Cameo) 200601
- Mutiny on the Pitch 200602
- The Hallway Minotaur (Cameo) 200701
- Ladonna's Like List 200702
- Season 21
- Binky's 'A' Game 210101
- Brain and the Time Capsule 210102
- The Master Builders 210200
- Francine and the Soccer Spy 210301
- Sue Ellen & the Last Page 210302
- Muffy Misses Out 210401
- Arthur Takes a Stand 210402
- Slink's Special Talent (Cameo) 210501
- Season 22
- Season 24
![]() |
- ↑
- ↑ Arthur's Birthday (episode); 8 candles on Arthur's cake; they were sharing cakes.
- ↑ (archived page)
- ↑ Arthur's Birthday (episode)
- ↑ Arthur's Birthday (book)
- ↑ "Buster's Growing Grudge" (see picture)
- ↑
- ↑ "Spoiled Rotten"
- ↑ "Nicked by a Name"
- ↑ Scholastic interview with Marc Brown
- ↑ "Muffy doesn't even like squash. You're imagining things, Vicita." - Alberto Molina to Vicita Molina, "Follow the Bouncing Ball"