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Muffy Crosswire/Gallery
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This is the Muffy Crosswire/Gallery page |
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See also: |
Promotional images[edit]
Melissa Altro, voice of Muffy
From Books[edit]
Muffy making prank calls from Francine's phone.
Muffy's first appearance in Arthur and the True Francine (1981).
From Computer Games[edit]
Alternate Apparel[edit]
Muffy in prom queen hairstyle.
Muffy in white overalls as seen in "Muffy's Art Attack".
Wearing a witches costume in "The Fright Stuff".
Muffy in bobcut hairstyle as seen in "The Election".
Wearing a princess dress as seen in "Arthur's Perfect Christmas".
Muffy in white overalls as seen in "The Cherry Tree".
Muffy in fancy clothes as seen in "Muffy's Art Attack".
Muffy as Marie Antoinette as seen in the intro for "Spoiled Rotten"
Muffy wearing all her fads in All The Rage.
Muffy with sweats.
Muffy in her straight hairstyle as seen in "The Lousy Week".
Muffy (right) wearing yoga clothes.
Muffy as Princess Millicenta as seen in "Sue Ellen's Lost Diary".
Wearing a racing suit.
Muffy as a talk show host.
Wearing an Alice costume as seen in "Arthur and the Haunted Treehouse"
Wearing a pink opera dress
Alternate Age[edit]
Mary Alice "Muffy" Crosswire as a teenager
Season 1[edit]
Arthur's Eyes[edit]
Francine's Bad Hair Day[edit]
Muffy and Francine about to enter the Salon de Beauté.
Francine and Arthur trading each others' school pictures
Muffy's third grade photo
Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn[edit]
D.W. All Wet[edit]
Buster's Dino Dilemma[edit]
D.W. the Copycat[edit]
Arthur Goes to Camp[edit]
Arthur's Birthday[edit]
The boys and girls having a tug of war against each other
At Arthur and Muffy's birthday party, Francine demonstrates to everyone how to play the Spin the Bottle game.
Muffy arriving at the front door of the Reads' house for her and Arthur's birthday party.
Francine Frensky, Superstar[edit]
Arthur Writes a Story[edit]
Arthur's Lost Dog[edit]
Arthur and the True Francine[edit]
Meek for a Week[edit]
Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper[edit]
Bully for Binky[edit]
Misfortune Teller[edit]
Arthur Cleans Up[edit]
Poor Muffy[edit]
I'm a Poet[edit]
The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club[edit]
My Club Rules[edit]
Stolen Bike[edit]
Season 2[edit]
Love Notes for Muffy[edit]
Season 3[edit]
Arthur Rides the Bandwagon[edit]
Dad's Dessert Dilemma[edit]
Popular Girls[edit]
Season 4[edit]
The Contest[edit]
Season 5[edit]
The Lousy Week[edit]
Season 6[edit]
Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet?[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Elwood City Turns 100![edit]
April 9th[edit]
Prunella Sees the Light[edit]
Season 8[edit]
Desk Wars[edit]
Season 9[edit]
The Law of the Jungle Gym[edit]
Arthur's Missing Pal[edit]
Season 11[edit]
Prunella Packs It In[edit]
Season 14[edit]
The Agent of Change[edit]
Buster Spaces Out[edit]
Season 15[edit]
Muffy's Classy Classics Club[edit]
Season 18[edit]
The Friend Who Wasn't There[edit]
Season 22-25[edit]
When Duty Calls[edit]
Muffy with Francine at World Girl World.
Sleepover Girls!