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Slink's Special Talent

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"Slink's Special Talent"
Season/Series: 21
Number in season: 5a
Original Airdate: United States February 13, 2018[1]
United Kingdom June 9, 2020
Written by: Peter K. Hirsch
Storyboard by: Cilbur Rocha
"Arthur Takes a Stand"
"Take a Hike, Molly"
Read transcript

"Slink's Special Talent" is the first half of the fifth episode in the twenty-first season of Arthur.


When Rattles takes over Slink's paper route, Slink is determined to earn his job back.


In the introduction, the Tough Customers make a video on how to be successful. Slink films the others as they tell the audience to have a positive attitude and practice. Then Slink's smart phone's battery goes dead and Slink decides to quit instead of using Rattle's phone. The others tell the audience never to quit like Slink did.

Slink's Special Talent

Slink reluctantly gets up after he could not make his alarm clock start beeping. He rolls up newspapers and goes on a paper route, carelessly throwing papers in bushes and puddles and stepping on flower beds.

After his route, he meets Rattles in the ice-cream shop and asks him to take over the route for one week while Slink visits his grandparents. Rattles agrees.

When Rattles does the paper route, he carefully places the papers on the doorsteps and chats with the customers. He uses the library computer and printer to make a good map of the route.

While Rattles tells Binky about his route, the newspaper supervisor calls and offers him to take over Slink's route permanently. Rattles is worried that Slink will be upset, but Binky tells him that Slink hated the job.

It turns out that Slink liked the paperboy job since he was good at it. After some pressure from Rattles he admits that he was terrible and in fact he is terrible at everything. Binky tries to cheer him up with a water balloon which Slink accidentally throws at Mr. Ratburn.

Rattles gives Slink a self-help book and tells him to make a list of at least three things he thinks he might be good at.

The next day, Slink reads the list to the Tough Customers. The first thing is comedy, but he tells a joke so lousy that Rattles tells him to skip it. The next thing is watching TV, but the others tell him that that is not a talent. Slink's third thing is packing, since his dad always lets him pack suitcases. He imagines being the professional packer for a rocket flight to Mars.

Rattles takes Slink to the mall parking lot to get practice. Slink packs a man's shopping in his trunk, but when the man drives off, Slink realizes that he has missed a bag. He tries to run after the man, but he is gone, so Slink gives up.

Rattles finds Slink watching TV and tells him that he is a quitter. Slink wants his paper route bag, because he believes he can do better. Rattles tells him, that the customers will get questionnaires and if he gets an average performance of at least seven out of ten, he will get his route back.

The next morning, Slink has put the alarm clock on the other side of his bedroom, so he has to get up. This time, he places the papers on the doorsteps and does his best make friendly conversation with the customers.

At the end of the week, Rattles tells him that his average rating is six. Slink refuses to quit and offers Rattles the money from the route if he will give Slink another chance. Rattles arranges this with the supervisor.

The episode finishes with Slink delivering a paper to Rattles’ house. Rattles compliments on how well-folded it is.








Episode connections[edit]

Scene from "Sue Ellen & the Last Page"
Scene from "Slink's Special Talent"

Cultural references[edit]
