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Edith Bycenko

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Edith Bycenko
Gender Female
Animal Cat

Hair color Brown
Complexion Tan

Residence Elwood City

Cartoon debut "Arthur's Eyes"

Edith Bycenko is in third grader who made her first appearance in the episode "Arthur's Eyes". She has spoken numerous times in a number of episodes.

The first time she spoke was in the episode "Arthur's Spelling Trubble" where she misspelled a word during the spelling bee. She spoke again in the episode "Arthur Bounces Back" where she and a few other girls saw Arthur's kissing booth.

In the episode "Vomitrocious", she was part of the kids that were making fun of George over the fact George had a bloody nose, but that event with George has since faded away. Despite that episode with George, she gets along with the other kids.


Edith Bycenko is a cat with a tan complexion. She wears a white collared blouse, a pinkish-red skirt with front pockets, a tan belt with a yellow belt buckle, long pink socks, and brown shoes. She also has short dark brownish-red hair in the form of a bowl haircut.


Her personality is not known, since she is a background character, but she appears to be nice to other kids.

She is probably a good speller, having made it to the school Spell-a-Thon. She plays the piccolo in the Lakewood Elementary Band, and was part of the ventriloquism craze George started with her moose puppet.



  • This character has spoken more than any other background character.
  • This character is in Miss Sweetwater's class.
  • Strangely this character has a bowl cut, which is an unusual hairstyle for girls as boys are more likely to have that type of hairstyle.
  • Even though she is nice to other kids in the background, she was mean to Arthur and George by laughing at Arthur's kissing booth and George's nose bleeds.


The full image gallery for Edith Bycenko may be viewed at Edith Bycenko/Gallery.