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Molly MacDonald

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Molly MacDonald
Age 10
11(Arthurs First Day)
Grade 4th
Gender Female
Animal Rabbit

Hair color Brown (s1-s5)
Red (s6-present)
Complexion White

Residence MacDonald family's house, Elwood City
Family Mrs. MacDonald (mother)
James MacDonald (younger brother)
Myles MacDoogal (uncle)
Myrtle (step-aunt)
Chester (uncle)
Prudence (cousin)
Family relative (father?)
James’s second cousin (second cousin)
Molly's grandmother

Cartoon debut "D.W. All Wet"
Voiced by Maggie Castle

Molly MacDonald[1] is a fourth grader and an old member of the Tough Customers. Despite her tough exterior, she has also shown her more creative side in episodes like "The Agent of Change". Her younger brother is James, who is also D.W.'s friend and classmate. She enjoys listening to the heavy metal band Mütakrüde and taking care of James.

Personality and skills[edit]

In earlier episodes, she can be sarcastic, selfish, and a bigger bully than Binky at times.[2] Despite this, she still gives great advice which was revealed in "Don't Ask Muffy" and even described as her hidden talent in "Brain's Chess Mess", and she helps her younger brother James.[3] In "Mind Your Manners", she gives some practical advice to the Tibble twins, while showing courtesy to another customer. However, Molly has a complete change of heart in "The Last Tough Customer" after witnessing her brother James bullying Amanda Hulser, and resolves to stop being mean to others. Molly is very skilled in skateboarding, being shown to enjoy practicing at the skatepark and using it as her main means of transport outside school. She is also a talented artist, as seen in "The Agent of Change" when she joins up with Muffy and Francine to create an animated movie after being annoyed at there being no popular movies with female leads, and also after Binky makes fun of them for wanting a female lead, saying that a female lead is just boring.


Molly is a tall, thin rabbit with long ears and a white complexion. She wears a sleeveless blue denim vest with ripped jeans and red sneakers. Her hair is always let down and blocks her eyes, though they have been seen at least once.


In the episode "The Last Tough Customer", it was revealed that she was bullied as a kindergartner. That event marked the day Molly became a bully. Before she got bullied, her hair was put up in a bun on top of her head, giving her the name "Muffin Head".


James MacDonald[edit]

James and Molly seem to be quite close. James has been shown to turn to his older sister for advice on many occasions, and look up to her.  In "The Last Tough Customer" she stopped James from becoming a bully after witnessing him bully Amanda at a water fountain and promising to stop her mean ways.

Arthur Read[edit]

Arthur and Molly are shown to be friends in a few episodes,[4] but usually they aren't by the ends of the episodes. This public attitude, however, is just a cover for their secretly staying friends.

The Tough Customers[edit]

Molly seems to like the Tough Customers very much. In "The Last Tough Customer", she didn't want the Tough Customers to be nice. Also, in "The Law of the Jungle Gym", she didn't want to give the jungle gym to Muffy for her photos. She is the most loyal Tough Customer and is possibly tougher than Binky, Rattles, and Slink, who each have a secret, soft hobby.


Season 1[edit]

Season 2[edit]

Season 3[edit]

Season 4[edit]

Season 5[edit]

Season 6[edit]

Season 7[edit]

Season 8[edit]

Season 9[edit]

Season 11[edit]

Season 13[edit]

Season 14[edit]

Season 15[edit]

Season 16[edit]

Season 17[edit]

Season 18[edit]

Season 19[edit]

Season 20[edit]

Season 21[edit]




The full image gallery for Molly MacDonald may be viewed at Molly MacDonald/Gallery.


  1. "Molly MacDonald, by order of the circuit court of this jurisdiction, you are instructed to grant Muffy Crosswire access to this facility at any time, in any manner, for any purpose of her choosing."Walter, "The Law of the Jungle Gym"
  2. "The Law of the Jungle Gym"
  3. "The Last King of Lambland"
  4. "Arthur Makes Waves"