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Maria Pappas

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This article is about a character. You may be looking for Maria Astadjova, a storyboard artist.
Maria Pappas
Gender Female
Animal Rabbit

Hair color Golden brown (s1-s5; ALaF; APC),
Orange-brown (s6-present; AIORnR),
Blonde (AT, ATT),
Dark brown (ATT; AOtS),
White (AE)

Residence Steve and Maria's House, Elwood City
Family Mother,
Steve (brother)

Maria is a third grader who attends Mr. Ratburn's class at Lakewood Elementary School.

Maria is presented as a shy girl with average grades and a large group of friends. She likes some traditional "girly" things, for example dolls, but she also likes things such as superheroes, sports, and toy trucks.

Introduced as a background character in the first episode, Maria has made consistent subsequent appearances throughout the series. Her place in Mr. Ratburn's class alongside the main characters has allowed her substantially more screen-time than most background students around Lakewood. The only other character to have so much focus and yet not be a major character is Alex. Coincidentally, Maria is often seen with Alex.

Maria was among the first of the background characters to receive a name available to the audience. This happened in the season 13 episode, "MacFrensky" (see name section, below, for more detail). As the years progressed, Maria's importance in the series continued to increase; this became especially noticeable by the 9 Story era. Maria is currently planned to be in "her very own episode" in the upcoming nineteenth season.


Pre-Lakewood years

Maria is not in the class picture of Mrs. Robertson's kindergarten class from three years ago, meaning that she came to Lakewood at a later year than the majority of her current classmates did. "Brain's Shocking Secret"

Second grade

Maria was present at Lakewood Elementary in second grade, "Arthur's Eyes" but was not in Mr. Marco's class, "Arthur and the True Francine"[note 1] unlike most of her third grade classmates. Her most noteworthy event during this year was walking into the girls' bathroom when Arthur had accidentally entered moments before. "Arthur's Eyes"

Third grade

Seasons 1-5

Maria and her class (minus Binky, Muffy, and Francine)

When Principal Haney announced that Maria and her classmates were going to be in Ratburn's class, she screamed with everyone else. However, she enjoyed his puppet show of Jack and the Beanstalk. "Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn" She did not qualify to participate in the Spellathon, but she did watch from the audience. "Arthur's Spelling Trubble" On a field trip to Rainbow Rock State Park, she did not find any fossils. "Buster's Dino Dilemma" Before a big test, Buster bounced a crumbled piece of paper off her head, which annoyed her. "Buster Makes the Grade" Maria played the role of a reporter for the class play about Thomas Edison. "Francine Frensky, Superstar" In the winter, she went ice skating with John. "Sue Ellen Moves In" After Prunella's half-birthday, Maria went to her to have her fortune told through the Cootie Catcher. "Misfortune Teller" She went on the class field trip to Crosswire Motors, the Ice Cream Shoppe, and the city dump. "My Dad, the Garbage Man" When Mr. Ratburn lost his voice and his sister was substitute teacher, Maria found Miss Ratburn's teaching style to be too easy. She was overjoyed when her official teacher returned. "Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble" Hoping to check out a copy of the new Scare-Your-Pants-Off book, she waited outside the library until it opened. "The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club" Muffy rallied Maria and the rest of her class to take a stand against whoever stole Francine's bike, whom, at the time, they assumed to be Binky.

Maria at the art museum, with Jenna and Brian

Maria was present when Mister Rogers visited the school. "Arthur Meets Mister Rogers" On a trip to the art museum, Maria partnered with Brian and Jenna to write a report on a work of art. She wore a green mask for their project. "Binky Barnes, Art Expert" Maria signed up with everyone else (except Binky) for the TV-Free Week. "Arthur's TV-Free Week" She and Jenna played on a merry-go-round in the school playground. "Love Notes for Muffy"[note 2] She and Steve competed in the Brother-and-Sister race in the Annual Picnic. "Sue Ellen's Little Sister"

Maria with a yellow Woogle

Maria went scuba diving with Muffy in the Crosswire Mansion swimming pool when Arthur delivered news that Buster was coming home. "Buster's Back" When the Magic Toolbox team came to film an episode with her class, Maria had to say something about the Solar System. "And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids" Maria bought a yellow/orange Woogle, but later abandoned it in favor of the new Bottlecap Clicking trend. "Arthur Rides the Bandwagon" She had some of the cakes which Arthur's dad made. "Dad's Dessert Dilemma" Over spring break, she took a camp at the community center. One class was a karate class hosted by Mr. Ratburn. "Popular Girls" She competed with her class at the Medieval Fair "The Return of the King" and she was in the Library Card song. "Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival"

Maria at Prunella's birthday party

She read a book at the library. "D.W.'s Library Card" "Muffy's New Best Friend" When Buster found out he had asthma, she went with her class inside Buster's lungs to see what asthma is. The tour may or may not have been a real experience. "Buster's Breathless" Prunella invited Maria to her birthday party, and she had a good time. "Prunella Gets it Twice" She watched the school talent show. "To Beat or Not to Beat" She was reading a book at the library, but Francine mistook her for Arthur. "Buster's Best Behavior"

When the school population had a lice epidemic, she probably caught it from trying on Muffy's hat during the school assembly. "The Lousy Week" She said something to Francine that upset her. "Francine Goes to War" She and Fern jumped rope in the park. "Muffy Gets Mature" Around the winter holiday break, she went shopping in the Mill Creek Mall. "Arthur's Perfect Christmas"

Seasons 6-10

Maria helped raise money for the school band to purchase new uniforms and musical instruments. "Buster's Sweet Success" She attended the school's Athlete of the Year Award Ceremony. "The Good Sport"

Maria at the Lapp family's farm

Maria and her mother went to Crown City and bought pretzels from a shop in the Crown City Subway station. "Muffy Goes Metropolitan" She had a role in the school's city centennial play, "Oh, Elwood!", as a student in modern clothing. "Elwood City Turns 100!" She went on a field trip to the Lapp Farm in Amish Country and helped with the barn-raising. "Buster's Amish Mismatch" She tried the static electricity exhibit and went on the overnight field trip at the Science Museum. "The World of Tomorrow" When there was a fire in the teachers' lounge, she evacuated the building with her class and made it to safety. For the next few weeks, her class would attend school at Mighty Mountain. "April 9th" She became a big fan of U Stink at the PTA rally, and was even more excited when U Stink played alongside the Backstreet Boys at a concert. "Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll"

Maria's desk group

She partnered with a preschooler to do a cross-school team project. "D.W., Dancing Queen" On a hot day, she, Muffy, and Fern had agreed to put a dust ruffle on the side of their desk group. After a long series of escalating tension, Maria joined in the classroom riot. When the principal told them to stop, she helped clean up the classroom before the teacher returned. "Desk Wars" Playing with a doll, she was surprised when Hammer walked by her house. "The Boy with His Head in the Clouds" She had ice cream at the Ice Cream Shop with her mother. "Big Horns George"

Maria rehearsing in the choir

As part of the Lakewood Elementary Choir, she practiced the song "In the Good Old Summer Time" to perform in Crown City. After a closed road forced the bus to take a detour, she sang in a diner with her choir. "Tipping the Scales" She watched a soccer game. "Arthur Weighs In" and rallied for Arthur and Brain in the checkers championships. "A is for Angry" When Buster told Arthur about an incredible rumor he had read, she overheard him and thought it was strange. Later, she and Fern got treats from the Ice Cream Shop. " Buster the Myth Maker" On a sunny day, she and Alex read together from a book. "Binky Goes Nuts"

Maria hearing Mr. Ratburn assigning homework

After watching the classic horror film, The Squirrels, Maria was too frightened to go outside, but seeing a real squirrel in class changed her mind. "The Squirrels" As an end-of-the-year assignment, Mr. Ratburn challenged his class to choose one food that would sustain them if they were stranded on a desert island. Maria chose cheese as her food. "Desert Island Dish"

Seasons 11-15

Maria playing hide and seek

Maria played a game of hide and seek with her friends. "Germophobia"

She practiced rock climbing in the gym and went rock climbing for real on a mountain. "The Chronicles of Buster" She and Alex went to see a movie " I Owe You One" and she went with her mother to the Sugar Bowl. "The Perfect Game"

Maria at the community center

When Buster discovered a list of numbers and names of students, Maria was number 23. However, it was later learned that this number had no significance. "Arthur's Number Nightmare" On Mr. Ratburn's Student of the Month chart, Maria had the fourth lowest score, slightly behind Fern. "MacFrensky" Maria was shocked to hear that Mrs. MacGrady had cancer. "The Great MacGrady" At the community center, she read a book. "George and the Missing Puzzle Piece". Maria briefly became a member of the Lakewood Pride Committee and ran in the track meet against Mighty Mountain. "The Pride of Lakewood"

Maria watching George finish his walk

Maria watched the free throw contest between Brain (with Lydia) and Sam Scarborough "The Wheel Deal" and George's report on Buster. "The Buster Report" Muffy's new playground amusement park idea did not interest her. "The Play's the Thing" She was interested, though, to see George walk all the way to Elwood City from Crown City. "The Long Road Home"

Maria clapping for Binky's musical performance

When George went on a radio show to win money for the school, Maria listened to the broadcast from the assembly in the school auditorium. "Fifteen" In the same auditorium, she listened to Binky performing music for the clarinet. "I Wanna Hold Your Hand" She took the Stoddard Wilkins Elementary Aptitude Test, but did not take Mrs. MacGrady's relaxation lesson with the rest of her class. "S.W.E.A.T."

Seasons 16-17

Maria reading at the library

Maria welcomed Ladonna to class when she moved to Elwood City. "Based on a True Story" She participated in the first annual Lakewood Derby. "Muffy Takes the Wheel" When Lakewood started using the HUGO 3.0, Maria was interested at first. However, she was one of the first to be critical of the machine upon its insistence of Mr. Ratburn's err. Maria cheered for Brain's defeat of the computer. "Get Smart" She tried reading at the library, but the 'Shush Customers' were too loud. "The Last Tough Customer" After earning points in the IRP system, she looked at toy trucks among the prizes available. "Buster's Book Battle"

She listened to Francine's report on Luxembourg "Speak Up, Francine" and tried the ring toss game at the fair. "Crime and Consequences" Maria went to the new ice cream shop Yumbobo, but when Buster and Brain introduced Brain's Blending Lab, she returned to the Ice Cream Shop. "Brain Freeze"

Future life

In a possible glimpse into the future, an adult Maria is in the crowd behind President Mary Alice Crosswire at the new president's inauguration ceremony. "The Election" Maria wears a trench coat and holds a notepad, suggesting she will be a journalist. It is unknown if this is actually a glimpse of Maria's future.



Maria is normally quiet in class, usually from shyness.[1] In spite of this, however, she does often participate in class lessons. She is also willing to have lines in a class play, so long as they aren't solo lines. "Francine Frensky, Superstar" She once said something that upset Francine, although exactly what she said is unknown. "Francine Goes to War"

Average student

Maria received a 'C' on one of Mr. Ratburn's quizzes. "All Worked Up" For a history report she had given orally, the grade she received was a 'B'. "Brain Gets Hooked" On Mr. Ratburn's Student of the Month chart, Maria ranks low compared to most other students; she had the fourth lowest score, slightly behind Fern. "MacFrensky"


Maria in line for Bionic Bunny's autograph

When the new Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club book was released, Maria waited outside the library to get it. "The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club" She can frequently be found in the library reading other books, too. "D.W.'s Library Card" "Buster's Best Behavior" The music by the Finnish band BINKY was a favorite of hers. "Meet Binky"

Maria follows several sports, such as basketball "The Wheel Deal" and soccer. "Arthur Weighs In" Beside watching sports, Maria herself plays hopscotch "The Long, Dull Winter" and jump rope. "Muffy Gets Mature" She rallied for Arthur and Brain when they participated in the checkers play-offs. "A is for Angry" She is also a fan of Bionic Bunny. "Buster Gets Real" "Buster's New Friend" Maria owns a doll which she occasionally plays with, "The Boy with His Head in the Clouds" though she may also like toy trucks. "Buster's Book Battle" Her favorite food appears to be cheese, considering how she brought a plate of cheese for the 'one food to bring to a desert island' project. "Desert Island Dish"

Club activities

Despite never talking, Maria is a member of the Lakewood Elementary Choir. "Tipping the Scales" Maria also plays the tambourine for the school band. "Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet?" She participates on the Track and Field Team "The Pride of Lakewood" and was a member of the Lakewood Pride Committee during its short existence. "The Pride of Lakewood" She also often visits the community center. "George and the Missing Puzzle Piece"




Maria's mother was with Maria at the Ice Cream Shop "Big Horns George", the Sugar Bowl "The Perfect Game", and David's Toys. "Cents-less"

Maria's older brother Steve also goes to Lakewood. They often talk with each other between classes. The two were confirmed to be related by their participation in the brother-and-sister race at the Annual Picnic. "Sue Ellen's Little Sister" They sometimes take part in activities together, such as the spinning teacup ride at the amusement park. "Muffy's New Best Friend"


Maria is friends with many students around Lakewood, such as Fern, "Buster the Myth Maker" Jenna, "My Dad, the Garbage Man" John, "Sue Ellen Moves In" Muffy, "Buster's Back" Prunella, "Prunella Gets it Twice" Sue Ellen, "Arthur's Number Nightmare" a boy in Miss Sweetwater's class, "Buster Gets Real" and George "So Funny I Forgot to Laugh"


Alex and Maria at the Teachers Charity Carnival

Maria and Alex are friends. They are with each other more often than with any of their other classmates. They often talk "The Rat Who Came to Dinner" "Vomitrocious" and read together. "Binky Goes Nuts" They went to the movies, "I Owe You One" the Teachers Charity Carnival, "Draw!" and Brain's free throw contest. "The Wheel Deal"


Buster dancing with Maria (click for animation)

Buster once bounced a crumbled piece of paper on her head, which annoyed her. "Buster Makes the Grade"[note 3] However, they are still friends, seen in the facts that Maria danced with Buster at Prunella's birthday party "Prunella Gets it Twice" and that they talked at Jenna's Athlete of the Year party. "The Good Sport" When Buster imagined having a large family, Maria was in his fantasy as a family member of unspecified relation. "Among the Hmong"

Physical appearance

Maria is an anthropomorphic rabbit with a cream complexion. She wears a light blue skirt, a dark blue and pink striped shirt, and brown shoes. She has orange-brown hair in the form of a bob cut.

Not including her ears, she is a few inches taller than Arthur.[2] In some instances, though, her height has varied from preschooler size "The Perfect Game" to Prunella's size. "Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll"

Alternate apparel

  • In the fall, she wears a magenta jacket, "Buster's Amish Mismatch" a magenta jacket with buttons, "I Owe You One" or a blue jacket. "Arthur Accused!"
  • In the winter, she wears a green-blue jacket, a pink scarf, pink mittens, purple leggings, and snow boots. "Arthur's Perfect Christmas"
  • For cold weather, she sometimes instead wears a pink sweater, teal sweatpants, and green-blue sneakers. "Arthur's Perfect Christmas"
  • In the summertime she wears a pink T-shirt with light blue stripes and a white collar, a light blue dress, and her usual brown shoes. "Desk Wars"
  • For hot weather, she will also wear a light blue T-shirt and dark blue shorts. "Buster's Dino Dilemma"
  • She wore a light blue and pink swimsuit while swimming at Muffy's mansion. "Desk Wars"
  • She also wore an orange swimsuit with an orange scuba mask, oxygen tank, and black flippers when scuba diving with Muffy in her pool. "Buster's Back"
  • She has had two different types of formal clothes. One was a white shirt, a blue dress, long white socks, and brown shoes. She wore this outfit for a class picture, albeit in Brain's dream. "Bugged" Her other outfit was worn at Muffy's Christmas party: a green dress with a red collar and red sash, long red socks, and black Mary Jane shoes. "Arthur's Perfect Christmas"
  • At Prunella's birthday party, she wore a pink sweater with a dark blue collar and her usual light blue skirt. "Prunella Gets it Twice"
  • For sleeping, Maria wears pink pajamas. "The World of Tomorrow"
  • Her gym clothes are a light blue T-shirt, dark blue shorts, white socks, and red and white sneakers. "The Chronicles of Buster"
  • When she participates in track and field, she wears the new green and yellow uniform. "The Pride of Lakewood"
  • She also wore a karate uniform when learning karate at the community center. "Popular Girls"
  • Her costume for the Thomas Edison play was a dark blue top hat, a burgundy coat, olive green trousers, a white collared shirt, and a magenta necktie. "Francine Frensky, Superstar"
  • Her costume for the Elwood City centennial play was a white long-sleeved shirt, a pink vest, jeans, dark blue sneakers, and a pink baseball cap. "Elwood City Turns 100!"
  • After Buster ate the remainder of his fundraiser chocolates, he imagined the school band with makeshift instruments and old uniforms. Maria was wearing a dark blue button-down shirt with gold highlights and gold shirt cuffs, gold suspenders, an alizarin crimson skirt, and tan cowboy boots with gold stripes. "Buster's Sweet Success"
  • Maria wore a surgical mask, hairnet, and medical scrubs when she and the class were making ice cream. "My Dad, the Garbage Man" She wore a surgical mask again in one of Francine's imagination sequences. "Vomitrocious"
  • She was briefly seen with a haircut when she and her mother went to the Ice Cream Shoppe. "Big Horns George"
  • At a presidential inauguration in the possible future, Maria wears a brown trench coat. "The Election"


Maria wearing glasses

One time in second grade when she was talking with John in the hallway, Maria was wearing glasses. "Arthur's Eyes" She wore her glasses through the first days of third grade, but stopped wearing them after that year's Spellathon. Arthur's Teacher Trouble It is implied that now she wears contact lenses instead.


Maria's nose is normally a "Y"-shaped nose typical of rabbits. On several occasions, however, her nose has appeared like an aardvark's nose. "Stolen Bike" "Arthur's Dummy Disaster" "Fifteen" Other times, she has had a bear's nose "Bitzi's Beau" or a cat's nose. "Tipping the Scales"

Character development

Maria and Alex were created to keep the classroom from looking too empty.[3] Both Maria and her brother Steve were designed based on background characters from the 1986 book Arthur's Teacher Trouble.[4] Though Maria had previously appeared in the 1979 book Arthur's Eyes and the 1985 book Arthur's Tooth, her design for the cartoon was mainly taken from her appearance in Arthur's Teacher Trouble.

In Arthur's Teacher Trouble, Maria had glasses. This was carried over to one brief scene in the episode "Arthur's Eyes". However, she did not have the glasses in Robert Waldren's original layout of the scene.[5] Additionally, in the original layout Maria had an aardvark nose, instead of a rabbit nose. Although this was kept in the final version of the scene, it was not permanent for her design; she has a rabbit nose in almost all later appearances.

Greg Bailey has joked that Maria could have a Canadian accent[6] or might be in the Witness Protection Program from Dexter's Laboratory.[3]


Maria's name, as it appeared in "MacFrensky"

The name 'Maria' was decided prior to the show's premiere, as were many other characters. The purpose of naming background characters was for the storyboard artists to have names to use. On the "Mr. Ratburn's Class" lineup model sheet, she is labelled "#2 Maria".[2] Maria is likely named after her designer or someone who worked at Cinar at the time.[4]

Her name was first revealed to the audience in the season 13 episode, "MacFrensky", in which her name is visible on the student-of-the-month chart.

Besides the in-series revelation, the ARTHUR crew confirmed the name on several occasions. Replying to a direct question from a fan, the official ARTHUR Facebook page posted in 2012: "That's Maria. She's in my class at Lakewood Elementary."[7] At the Q&A session of the 2013 New York Comic Con panel, the ARTHUR crew officially announced Alex's and Maria's names.[1][3]

As a featured character

Maria is currently the only student in Mr. Ratburn's class to not have a solo speaking role.[note 4] The 2013 New York Comic Con panel reported that "we may hear from [Alex and Maria] in the future".[1] On May 9, 2014, the ARTHUR Twitter page plainly announced, "Maria will be featured in her very own episode in Season 19."[8]

Depiction in other media

In the Living Books computer games that are based upon the books, Maria had a light yellow complexion and brown hair in Arthur's Teacher Trouble. When the player clicks on the poster behind her, the drawing comes to life and looks between Maria's ears. Clicking on Maria herself makes her say, "I thought I'd win," which is her only distinct speaking line to date. It is unknown exactly who voiced her, since the voice actors for minor characters were listed together with no distinction.

A puzzle produced by Fortune East Group depicts Maria with a white complexion and blonde hair.


Quotes by Maria

I thought I'd win.

—Maria, Arthur's Teacher Trouble

We don't believe it!

—Maria, Alex, and Fern, "Francine Frensky, Superstar"

Quotes about Maria

If you say that again you're going to get it!

Francine Frensky to Maria, "Francine Goes to War"


Significant appearances–times in which Maria has interacted with the main characters, has had effect on the plot, or has been the focus of attention in a scene–are in bold.


Postcards from Buster






Maria 1.JPG
The full image gallery for Maria Pappas may be viewed at Maria Pappas/Gallery.



  1. She actually was in Mr. Marco's class in the book Arthur's Tooth. However, the episode adaptation set the story in Mr. Ratburn's class. The cartoon supersedes the books in terms of canon.
  2. Maria may have said "Whee!" while spinning on the merry-go-round, but it is more likely that it was Jenna who said it, since her mouth was open and Maria's was not.
  3. In the Hebrew dub, Maria says "ow!". In the original English version, she remains silent.
  4. Maria has spoken in a group, but her individual voice was not distinct. For example, she, Fern, and Alex said together, "We don't believe it", in the episode "Francine Frensky, Superstar".