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Maria Pappas/Gallery
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This is the Maria Pappas/Gallery page |
Place images in galleries in appropriate sections. Do not post fan art here. DO NOT make unnecessary headers, for example put a Screenshot header when there's nothing but screenshots.
See also: |
Promotional images[edit]
From books[edit]
In Arthur's Eyes, as a 2nd grader.
Maria In Arthur's Valentine (1980)
In Arthur's Tooth, as a 2nd grader.
Maria's first 3rd-grade outfit, in Arthur's Teacher Trouble.
Maria's second 3rd-grade outfit, in Arthur's Teacher Trouble.
Maria's third 3rd-grade outfit, in Arthur Lost and Found.
In Arthur's Off to School (below Muffy)
Character modelsheets and storyboards[edit]
Season 1[edit]
Arthur's Eyes[edit]
Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn[edit]
Buster's Dino Dilemma[edit]
Arthur Accused![edit]
Francine Frensky, Superstar[edit]
Arthur's Lost Dog[edit]
On the far right.
Sue Ellen Moves In[edit]
Maria with John.
Bully for Binky[edit]
Misfortune Teller[edit]
My Dad, the Garbage Man[edit]
Ice Cream-making clothes.
The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club[edit]
Stolen Bike[edit]
Season 2[edit]
Getting lemonade with Alex.
Binky Barnes, Art Expert[edit]
Arthur's TV-Free Week[edit]
George and Maria talking at lunch.
Sue Ellen's Lost Diary[edit]
Grandma Thora Appreciation Day[edit]
Maria and Fern hand-clapping.
Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard[edit]
Sue Ellen's Little Sister[edit]
Maria with her brother, Steve.
Season 3[edit]
Buster's Back[edit]
Maria and Muffy scuba-diving in Muffy's pool.
Meet Binky[edit]
Arthur Rides the Bandwagon[edit]
Next to Alex for the class picture.
In the picture.
Clicking bottlecaps with Jenna.
Dad's Dessert Dilemma[edit]
Getting cake
She likes cake.
Popular Girls[edit]
Maria wearing a karate uniform.
Closer shot of Maria wearing her karate uniform.
The Return of the King[edit]
Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival[edit]
Arthur's Dummy Disaster[edit]
The Long, Dull Winter[edit]
Playing hopscotch while he rides a bike in Francine's song in "The Long, Dull Winter."
Season 4[edit]
The Rat Who Came to Dinner[edit]
Talking with Alex.
Prunella Gets it Twice[edit]
Dancing with Buster.
Maria, on the right, in her party outfit
Arthur's Big Hit[edit]
Just sitting next to Bionic Bunny on an average day.
Buster's Best Behavior[edit]
Season 5[edit]
You Are Arthur[edit]
The Lousy Week[edit]
Maria is seen with all the other kids.
The Election[edit]
Arthur's Perfect Christmas[edit]
Maria wearing her winter clothes and walking with Jenna and Muffy.
Wearing a sweater and sweatpants.
Maria wearing her other formal clothes.
Season 6[edit]
The Boy Who Cried Comet[edit]
The Boy with His Head in the Clouds[edit]
Maria holding her doll.
The Good Sport[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Elwood City Turns 100![edit]
Jenna's Bedtime Blues[edit]
Buster's Amish Mismatch[edit]
Wearing her Fall clothes.
The World of Tomorrow[edit]
Maria's pajamas. (click to expand image)
April 9th[edit]
Season 8[edit]
Formal clothes (somewhat difficult to see behind Buster).
D.W., Dancing Queen[edit]
Standing by the window.
Listening to Alex whispering.
Desk Wars[edit]
Summer clothes.
Brain's drawing, with her right next to the fan, but not receiving as much breeze as he.
But she's still okay with it.
Season 9[edit]
Tipping the Scales[edit]
Arthur Weighs In[edit]
Watching the soccer game.
A is for Angry[edit]
In class.
At the pep rally.
Buster the Myth Maker[edit]
Maria with Fern.
Binky Goes Nuts[edit]
Reading a yellow book.
Season 10[edit]
Desert Island Dish[edit]
Season 11[edit]
Running when playing hide and seek.
The Making of Arthur[edit]
Season 12[edit]
For the Birds[edit]
The Chronicles of Buster[edit]
I Owe You One[edit]
In line for a movie.
The Perfect Game[edit]
Season 13[edit]
When Carl Met George[edit]
The Pride of Lakewood[edit]
Maria on bottom far right wearing the new sports uniform.
Season 14[edit]
The Wheel Deal[edit]
The Buster Report[edit]
Muffy and the Big Bad Blog[edit]
Maria with Jenna.
The Long Road Home[edit]
Watching George's amazing kick.
Season 15[edit]
I Wanna Hold Your Hand[edit]
Sitting with Alex on opposite sides of the Tough Customers.
Walking with her mom.
Season 16[edit]
Flippity Francine[edit]
Getting something from her locker.
Get Smart[edit]
Disapproving of HUGO.
The Last Tough Customer[edit]
Season 17[edit]
All Thumbs[edit]
Season 18[edit]
D.W. & Bud's Higher Purpose[edit]
Best Wishes[edit]
Season 19[edit]
Maria Speaks[edit]
Maria with an aardvark nose in "Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble"
Maria with a cat/bear nose in "Tipping the Scales."
Her shirt appears as a jacket in "The Perfect Game."
Seen with a cat/bear nose in "Bitzi's Beau."
Seen with an aardvark nose in "Fifteen."
Seen with an aardvark nose in "Arthur's Dummy Disaster."
Seen with an aardvark nose in "Stolen Bike."
The back of her shirt is colored solid blue in ""A" is for Angry."
Other images[edit]
The Student of the Month reveals that the unnamed girl in the class is indeed Maria.
A very different but still recognizable depiction in an Arthur puzzle by the Fortune East Group.