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List Of Morals

From Arthur Wiki
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In many episodes of Arthur, the characters learn important lessons at the end of the episodes. Here is a list of morals they learn throughout the seasons:

Season 1

Arthur's Eyes - Arthur learns that it's okay to be different. He also learns not to care about what others think of him.

Francine's Bad Hair Day - Francine learns to be herself.

Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn - Arthur and Buster learn not to believe everything they hear.

Arthur's Spelling Trubble - Arthur learns the value of hard work.

D.W. All Wet - D.W. learns to face her fears.

Buster's Dino Dilemma - Buster learns not to take things that don't belong to him.

D.W.'s Imaginary Friend - Arthur learns not to be embarrassed by D.W.

Arthur's Lost Library Book - Arthur learns to be more careful with his library books.

Arthur's Pet Business - Arthur learns responsibility.

D.W. the Copycat - D.W. learns to be herself.

Locked in the Library! - Arthur and Francine learn that friends care about each other.

Arthur Accused! - Buster learns not to jump to conclusions.

Arthur Goes to Camp - The boys and girls learn to put aside their differences and work together.

Buster Makes the Grade - Buster learns to study really hard to accomplish his goals.

Arthur's New Puppy - Arthur learns that hard work pays off.

Arthur Bounces Back - Arthur learns not to get carried away with his wants. He also learns the value of honesty.

Arthur Babysits - Arthur learns to be patient with the Tibble Twins.

Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe - Arthur learns that people aren’t always what they seem.

Arthur's Birthday - The kids learn that it’s more fun to play together.

Francine Frensky, Superstar - Francine learns not to be bossy.

Arthur's Baby - Arthur learns how to be a big brother.

D.W.'s Baby - D.W. learns how to be a big sister.

Arthur Writes a Story - Arthur learns that a story can be whatever you want.

Arthur's Lost Dog - Arthur learns that although pets run away, they still are your pets.

So Long, Spanky - D.W. learns that friends help mend a broken heart.

Buster's New Friend - Arthur learns that things aren’t always what they appear.

Arthur the Wrecker - Arthur learns to obey his parents. He also learns to tell the truth.

Arthur and the True Francine - Muffy learns not to lie. She also learns that friendship is more than material things.

Arthur's Family Vacation - Arthur learns that when life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm - Grandpa Dave learns that everybody needs help sometimes.

Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest - Arthur learns not to plagiarize.

D.W. Flips - D.W. learns that practice makes perfect. She also learns not to do something until she is ready.

Meek for a Week - Francine learns that friends like you just the way you are.

Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper - Arthur learns not to lie.

Arthur's Chicken Pox - D.W. learns not to be jealous of Arthur.

Sick as a Dog - Arthur learns that dog stomachs are different than human stomachs.

D.W. Rides Again - D.W. learns to keep trying.

Arthur Makes the Team - Francine learns that making people feel bad doesn’t help.

Arthur's Almost Boring Day - Arthur learns that a boring day is an opportunity to discover something new.

The Half-Baked Sale - Arthur and D.W. learn that the truth hurts less than a lie.

Sue Ellen Moves In - Buster learns not to believe everything he hears.

The Perfect Brother - Arthur learns that nobody is perfect.

D.W.'s Snow Mystery - D.W. learns that everybody‘s perspectives are different. She also learns not to assume things.

Team Trouble - Arthur, Buster, and Francine learn to communicate and work as a team.

Bully for Binky - Binky learns that you don’t have to be good at everything.

Misfortune Teller - Arthur and his friends learn to make their own decisions.

Arthur's Tooth - Arthur learns to be patient.

D.W. Gets Lost - D.W. learns to ask someone for help when she gets lost.

.D.W. Thinks Big - Arthur’s family learns that you’re never too little to help.

Arthur Cleans Up - Arthur learns to be assertive.

My Dad, the Garbage Man - Francine learns to appreciate her dad’s career.

Poor Muffy - Muffy learns to respect other families’ lifestyles.

D.W.'s Blankie - D.W. learns to listen to Arthur.

Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble - The class learns that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.

I'm a Poet - Arthur’s class learns that writing poetry can be fun.

The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club! - The kids learn to stand up for themselves.

My Club Rules - Arthur and his friends learn to include everyone.

Stolen Bike - Francine learns not to lie.

Arthur's First Sleepover - Arthur and D.W. learn not to take pranks too far.

Arthur's New Year's Eve - Arthur learns that New Year's Eve is a time for looking back on the good times of the past and looking forward to the next year. He also learns not to believe everything he hears.

Season 2

Arthur Meets Mister Rogers - Arthur learns that it’s okay to like kids’ stuff.

Draw! - Arthur and his friends learn that it's not funny to make fun of other people. They also learn to treat others the way they want to be treated.

Binky Barnes, Art Expert - Arthur and Buster learn not to underestimate Binky.

Arthur's Lucky Pencil - Arthur learns the importance of hard work instead of luck.

D.W. the Picky Eater - D.W. learns to try something new.

Buster and the Daredevils - Buster learns it's stupid to do something just because he was dared to.

Arthur Makes a Movie - Arthur and his friends learn that making films can be fun even if they turn out wrong.

Go to Your Room, D.W. - D.W. learns to treat Kate better.

Arthur's Underwear - Arthur learns an embarrassing situation doesn't change who you are and that everyone gets embarrassed sometimes.

Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider - Francine learns she shouldn't give up something she wants to do just because somebody does it better than her.

Buster Baxter, Cat Saver - Buster learns that fame shouldn't go to his head.

Play it Again, D.W. - D.W. learns that she shouldn't play her music over and over again to the point where it starts to annoy people and Arthur learns that it can be annoying to have another person play his or her music over and over again. Arthur also learns that threats don't solve anything.

Arthur's TV-Free Week - Arthur and his friends learn there is other stuff they can do besides watch TV.

Night Fright - Binky learns it's okay to be afraid and it's normal to have a nightlight.

Arthur vs. the Piano - Arthur learns to face his stage fright.

The Big Blow-Up - N/A

Lost! - Arthur learns to not get money from strangers and how ask for help when lost.

The Short, Quick Summer - Arthur learns that reading books as well as using your imagination can make for an exciting adventure.

D.W. Goes to Washington - D.W. learns that history can be interesting.

Arthur's Mystery Envelope - Arthur learns that he should face his troubles, not hide or run from them.

D.W.'s Deer Friend - D.W. learns that it's wrong to take wild animals from their homes.

Buster Hits the Books - Buster learns that books can be interesting.

Arthur's Faraway Friend - Arthur learns even though your friends are far away, they are still going to be your friends.

Arthur and the Square Dance - Arthur and Francine learn that just because they are friends doesn't mean they are in love.

Water and the Brain - Arthur and his friends learn that not everybody has to like the same thing, and if everybody was the same, that would be boring.

Arthur the Unfunny - Arthur learns that people are funny in their own way.

Sue Ellen's Lost Diary - Arthur and his friends learn to respect other people's privacy.

Arthur's Knee - Arthur learns that you can't keep injuries a secret because they can get infected and make you sick.

Grandma Thora Appreciation Day - Arthur and D.W. learn a very important lesson on doing acts of kindness for the ones you care about and love very much.

Fern's Slumber Party - Fern learns that her talents can impress other people.

Love Notes for Muffy - Brain and Francine learns that harmless jokes can lead to trouble.

D.W. Blows the Whistle - D.W. learns that safety is important, but it's also important to only draw attention to it when it really matters.

Francine Redecorates - Francine learns to compromise with her sister.

Arthur the Loser - Arthur learns cheating is wrong and having fun is more important than winning.

Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard - Arthur and The Brain learn not to take jokes too seriously.

D.W.'s Very Bad Mood - D.W. learns that it's wrong to be rude, even when you're angry, that she can't get invited to every party just because one of her friends gets invited, and that it's better to tell somebody about your problems than keep them bottled up to yourself.

D.W.'s Name Game - Arthur and D.W. learn that words can hurt other people's feelings.

Finders Key-pers - Arthur, Brain, and Binky learn they shouldn't take things that don't belong to them.

How the Cookie Crumbles - Muffy learns that it's wrong to take credit for something she didn't do and how a lie is still a lie, even when you get away with it.

Sue Ellen's Little Sister - Sue Ellen learns that it's not bad being an only child.

Season 3

Buster's Back - Arthur learns that no matter where your friends go, they are still the same person.

The Ballad of Buster Baxter - Buster learns that it's OK to miss out on things once in a while, and change can be good.

D.W. All Fired Up - D.W. learns fire drills are important and what to do if there is a real fire.

I'd Rather Read It Myself - D.W. learns that she can tell a good story.

Arthur Goes Crosswire - Arthur learns to be himself.

Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurus - Brain learns letting other people help with projects is better than just doing it by yourself.

Background Blues - Francine learns that family backgrounds can be exciting.

And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids - N/A

The Chips are Down - N/A

Revenge of the Chip - D.W. learns everybody gets embarrassed once in a while.

Binky Rules - Fern and Buster learn to work together to solve a problem.

Meet Binky - Arthur and his friends learned that some celebrities aren't what they thought they were.

Arthur Rides the Bandwagon - Arthur learns that fads are only temporary things, and how quickly they become unpopular.

Dad's Dessert Dilemma - Arthur learns he shouldn't use his father's talents just to get people to like him.

Popular Girls - Fern and Sue Ellen learn they should just be themselves not care what a magazine says.

Buster's Growing Grudge - Buster learns that staying mad won't get him what he wants.

Arthur's Treasure Hunt - Arthur learns he shouldn't get so crazy about finding treasure.

The Return of the King - N/A

Attack of the Turbo Tibbles - The Tibble Twins learn that they shouldn't do everything they see on T.V.

D.W. Tricks the Tooth Fairy - N/A

Double Tibble Trouble - D.W. and Emily learn that being a good friend is about helping someone, even when it's really hard.

Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival - D.W learns music that can be about anything.

What Scared Sue Ellen? - Sue Ellen learns to face her fears and confront them instead of running away.

Clarissa is Cracked- D.W. learns it's better to tell the truth and to treat other people's things better.

Arthur's Dummy Disaster - George learns it's better to be himself instead of using Wally to get attention.

Francine and the Feline - Arthur learns that it's better to give animals a chance than to judge them.

Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight - Arthur and D.W. learn just because parents fight doesn't mean they hate each other. (Stated moral by Nadine: "Don't put milk near the edge of the table.")

D.W.'s Perfect Wish - D.W. learns that even though you get older, you still can have fun and still have the memories of when you were younger.

Arthur and D.W. Clean Up - Arthur learns that if you clean your room earlier, you won't be late for something you want to do and how if you work together, things will get done quicker.

The Long, Dull Winter - The kids learn that the true meaning of a holiday is to honor someone or something that's really important.

Season 4

D.W.'s Library Card - D.W. learns how to write her name.

Arthur's Big Hit - Arthur learns that violence doesn't solve anything and it could eventually come back to you. Binky also made the Tough Customers learn that it's wrong to make somebody do something they don't want to do.

Hide and Snake - Arthur and his friends learn a lesson about the dangers of some wildlife and how unsafe it is to take it from its natural habitat.

Muffy's New Best Friend - Muffy and Francine learn just because they are best friends it doesn't mean they have to like exactly the same things.

Buster's Breathless - Arthur and his friends learn that just because Buster has asthma doesn't mean he needs extra help.

The Fright Stuff - Arthur and his friends learn that pranks can hurt people's feelings.

The Contest - Arthur and his friends learn that there will always be someone better than you at something.

Prove It - Arthur learns that just because people are younger than you doesn't make them less smart.

The Blizzard - Arthur and his friends learn as long they stick together and work together they can survive anything.

The Rat Who Came to Dinner - Arthur learns not to assume things about people before he can get to know them better and Arthur's friends learn just because Arthur starts spending time with Mr. Ratburn doesn't mean he's changed.

D.W. Tale Spins - D.W. learns that anybody can tell an exciting story.

Prunella Gets It Twice - Prunella learns that you should be happy with getting a present even though it's the same thing and realize how hard people work to get those things.

Binky Barnes, Wingman - Binky learns that something that is "girly" can actually be interesting for boys too.

To Beat or Not to Beat - Arthur and his friends learn that, although it may sound mean, being honest and telling people what you think is important.

1001 Dads - Arthur learns that just because Buster doesn't see his father that much doesn't mean he's sad about it all the time.

Prunella's Prediction - Prunella and Arthur learn they shouldn't hide just because of what they wear.

What is that Thing? - Arthur and his friends learn about how a normal object can have many uses.

Buster's Best Behavior - Arthur and Buster learn to just be themselves instead of trying to be like each other.

My Music Rules - Music comes in a variety of styles and you shouldn't judge it before you've actually listened to it; you may find that something you thought wouldn't be good could actually be great.

That's a Baby Show! - Arthur and his friends learn that something that looks babyish can actually be cool.

Season 5

Arthur and the Big Riddle - N/A

Double Dare - Arthur and his friends learn it's stupid to do something just because they were dared to.

Kids are from Earth, Parents are from Pluto - Sue Ellen learns it's better to let her parents be themselves and how being normal is boring.

Nerves of Steal - Buster learns that it's wrong to steal.

It's a No-Brainer - Brain learns that even though he may be wrong, he is still the same person.

The Shore Thing - Arthur and his friends learn that normal places like the beach can be exciting.

The World Record - Arthur learns that it's possible to do anything as long there are people to help him.

The Cave - Arthur learns that it's better to face his fear than to hide from it.

The Lousy Week - The characters learn the importance of taking out lice and how to be careful.

You Are Arthur - The viewers learn that people have different points of view.

The Election - N/A

Francine Goes to War - Francine learns it's better to get to know a person than to judge them without meeting them.

Sleep No More - Buster learns he shouldn't worry about a silly contest.

Pet Peeved - Binky learns the importance of following instructions.

The Last of Mary Moo Cow - D.W. learns that shows can and eventually will get canceled.

Bitzi's Beau - Buster learns that he should never jump to conclusions, and his mother still loves him even though she has a boyfriend.

Just Desserts - Arthur learns not to eat too many sweets before bed and that fairy tales can be exciting.

The Big Dig - N/A

Arthur's Family Feud - The Read family learns that there are always two sides to every story and that it might be better to just forget blame and work together to solve a problem.

Muffy Gets Mature - Muffy learns she shouldn't read teen magazines until she's older and it's better to act her age.

Arthur's Perfect Christmas - Each of the characters learned important lessons in this special:

  • Arthur learns the special time you share with family and friends is the most important thing on Christmas.
    • D.W. learns that she can't always get everything that she wants for Christmas, but the presents that she does get might be better than she thinks.
    • Buster learns he can make up his own holiday and it's important to tell his mother how he feels.
    • Bitzi learns that Christmas doesn't have to be perfect.
    • Muffy learns that even though one holiday (like Hanukkah) is not important to her, it's important to somebody else who celebrates it (like Francine). She also learns that she has to listen to her friends.

Season 6

Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked - Sue Ellen learns not to obsess over video games.

Best of the Nest - Arthur and his friends learn they shouldn't spend all their time on the computer and that the outdoors can be fun.

Arthur Plays the Blues - Arthur learns he should practice the things he's supposed to practice. 

Buster's Sweet Success - Buster learns that he should not give up on something he wants to succeed at.

Prunella's Special Edition - N/A

The Secret Life of Dogs and Babies - N/A

Muffy's Soccer Shocker - Muffy learns she should tell her father how she feels.

Brother Can You Spare a Clarinet? - Binky learns just because his music isn't going well doesn't mean he should ruin it for everybody else.

The Boy Who Cried Comet! - N/A

Arthur and Los Vecinos - Arthur and D.W. learn that you can have a lot in common with different people. 

Citizen Frensky - Francine learns how hurtful gossiping can be and that you should respect other people's privacy. 

D.W.'s Backpack Mishap - D.W. learns that things aren't always as they appear.

The Boy with His Head in the Clouds - George learns that his learning disabilities don't make him dumb. 

More! - D.W. learns that she shouldn't get crazy over money.

Rhyme for Your Life - Binky learns that rhyming isn't that hard as it seems.

For Whom the Bell Tolls - N/A

The Good Sport - Francine learns she shouldn't judge something if she never tried it. 

Crushed - Arthur learns that even though Sally has a boyfriend, he can still be good friends with her.

Arthur Loses His Marbles - Arthur learns he should play right and not be worried about losing.

Friday the 13th - N/A

Arthur - It's Only Rock 'n' Roll - Francine learns that when someone has something like a band, it's good to want things like fame and money, so long as you remember that your art, whether it be music or something else, is the most important thing.

Season 7

Cast Away - Arthur learns that sometimes D.W. will be better than him at something.

The Great Sock Mystery - N/A

Francine's Split Decision - Francine learns that it's impossible to be in two places at once.

Muffy Goes Metropolitan - Muffy learns different places may not go as you want but can be really fun to explore.

Ants in Arthur's Pants - N/A

Don't Ask Muffy - Muffy learns that she must listen to every detail of her friends' problems.

To Tibble the Truth - The Tibbles learn how much trouble lying can get you into and how to be honest but nice about it at the same time.

Waiting to Go - Binky and The Brain learn to be patient and wait for things.

Elwood City Turns 100! - N/A

Pick a Car, Any Car - Arthur learns not to give up hope.

Jenna's Bedtime Blues - Jenna learns she is not the only one with problems and that wetting the bed does not mean she's babyish.

D.W.'s Time Trouble - D.W. learns that it's good to have an older sibling to help you and how much responsibility an older sibling has.

Buster's Amish Mismatch - Buster learns being Amish isn't great if you live in the city and it's better to have people to help you instead of doing it by yourself.

The World of Tomorrow - Binky learns science can be exciting.

Is There a Doctor in the House? - Arthur and D.W. learn that they have to take care of things themselves when their parents are sick.

Prunella Sees the Light - Prunella learns that just because Marina is blind doesn't mean she needs extra help.

Return of the Snowball - D.W. learns that there are some things she has to let go and that she shouldn't obsess over them.

April 9th - Buster learns that some people experience a fire differently and Binky learns that it's okay to be scared and talk to someone about it. Arthur learns that while sometimes scary things can happen to parents, it's his parents' job to worry about him and not the other way around.

Season 8

Dear Adil - Arthur learns he shouldn't stereotype and that it's better to actually get to know the person before you assume things about them.

Bitzi's Break-up - Buster learns just because Bitzi and Harry broke up doesn't mean they can't still be friends.

Fernfern and the Secret of Moose Mountain - Francine learns to work together and that she should take her time and not rush and Fern learns she shouldn't do everything a character did in a book.

Thanks a Lot, Binky - Binky learns it's good to do good deeds and thank other people who help you.

Arthur's Snow Biz - Arthur and Buster learn to not get caught up in competitions.

Bugged - Brain learns everybody can be annoying sometimes.

Fernkenstein's Monster - Fern learns not to scare her friends for fun.

D.W., Dancing Queen - Binky learns in order to teach somebody something new, he has to go slowly and encourage them.

Vomitrocious - Francine learns it's not right to make fun of other people for something embarrassing.

Sue Ellen Chickens Out - Sue Ellen learns that she can protest against things she isn't happy about.

Postcards from Buster - Arthur and Buster learn even though you can get lost in New York, there are lots of exciting places to go.

Desk Wars - Arthur and the gang learn they shouldn't make a big deal over everything.

Desperately Seeking Stanley - Arthur learns that there are people who would appreciate some of his things more than he would.

Muffy's Art Attack - Muffy learns that the true reason for creating art is for self-expression, not competition.

Tales from the Crib - Vicita learns to not be scared of sleeping in her new bed.

Flea to Be You and Me - N/A

Kiss and Tell - D.W. learns she is too young to fully appreciate grown up things like kissing.

Big Horns George - George learns about blues music, and what it's really about.

Bleep - D.W. learns cursing is a way to hurt people's feelings.

Season 9

Castles in the Sky - Arthur and his friends learn they may have different ideas, but it's better to use the original idea.

Tipping the Scales - N/A

Francine's Big Top Trouble - Francine learns she doesn't have to be good at something just because her sister is good at it.

George Blows His Top - George learns he should tell his friends how he feels.

Arthur Weighs In- Arthur learns to stay fit.

The Law of the Jungle Gym - Muffy and Molly learn to compromise.

Buster's Green Thumb - Buster learns the importance of taking care of plants.

My Fair Tommy - Tommy Tibble learns to have good manners and be polite.

Lights, Camera, Opera! - Muffy learns it's good to try new things.

All Worked Up - Arthur and D.W. learn that they'll always be the first priority of their mother.

Arthur Makes Waves - Arthur and Molly learn that they can be friends, despite what their friends think.

It Came From Beyond - Killer learns she has to nice to people and other dogs.

Three's a Crowd - Prunella learns that just because her mom Wanda paid more attention to Marina than her in yoga class, it doesn't mean that Wanda prefers Marina over her.

A is for Angry - Arthur and Francine learn they shouldn't go crazy over a game.

The A Team - Francine and Brain learn having fun is more important than winning.

Emily Swallows a Horse - Emily learns how much trouble lying can lead you to.

D.W. Beats All - D.W. learns anything can be made into a musical instrument.

Buster the Myth Maker - Buster learns he shouldn't listen to everything on the internet.

Binky Goes Nuts - Binky learns that there are many ways to cope with his allergy.

Breezy Listening Blues - N/A

Season 10

Happy Anniversary - Arthur and his family learn that just spending time together is as special as any planned celebration.

The Squirrels - Arthur and his friends learn that knowledge is key to overcoming their fear.

Fern and Persimmony Glitchet - Fern learns conflict is needed in stories because without conflict stories would be too boring and not interesting enough.

Desert Island Dish - Brain and his friends learn eating a variety of foods is the best way to survive.

The Secret About Secrets - D.W. learns it's not easy keeping a secret.

Feeling Flush - Francine learns the importance of saving water.

Family Fortune - Arthur learns that family is more important than money.

D.W. Aims High - D.W. learns she needs to research facts before doing something.

Flaw and Order - Arthur and Buster learn they need clues to prove that they're innocent.

The Curse of the Grebes - Buster learns that he should not let superstitions get in the way of his enjoyment of Grebes games.

Arthur Changes Gears - Arthur learns there's no point in having a bike if he never uses it.

Unfinished - Arthur learns that he can use his imagination to create an ending for 93 Million Miles in a Balloon.

D.W., Bossy Boots - D.W. learns that it's wrong to be bossy and that she can't have everything her way because then nobody would want to play with her.

Binky vs. Binky - Binky learns winning is not as important as finding the courage to continue.

Operation: D.W.! - D.W. learns that it's okay to be scared

Do You Speak George? - George learns there are many different kinds of language and his friends learn that even though it's fun to make up a language, it will be hard to understand.

World Girls - Muffy learns she should only keep the dolls she really likes and it will be impossible for her to collect all of the dolls in a collection.

What's Cooking? - Arthur learns that a mistake in cooking can turn into something good.

Buster's Special Delivery - Buster learns the importance of following directions.

Season 11

Swept Away - Arthur, Buster, and D.W. learn that nothing lasts forever.

Germophobia - Buster learns the importance of getting rid of germs and that there are some good ones.

Arthur Sells Out - Arthur learns he shouldn't scam people.

Mind Your Manners - The Tibble Twins learn table manners and how to be polite.

Buenas Noches, Vicita - Vicita learns that stories can be memorized in your head if you have heard them many times.

Prunella Packs It In - Prunella learns she shouldn't worry about college now and how her talent can get her into a good college.

Phony Fern - Fern learns she shouldn't get too crazy over a cell phone.

Brain's Shocking Secret - Brain learns that even though he got held back, he is still smart.

Baby Kate and the Imaginary Mystery - N/A

Strangers on a Train - Sue Ellen learns old things can be interesting.

The Making of Arthur - Arthur learns about video editing.

Dancing Fools - Francine and George learn they should enjoy doing what they like and not caring what other people think.

Hic or Treat - D.W. learns how to cure her hiccups.

Mr. Alwaysright - Buster learns that Brain can be wrong sometimes.

Francine's Pilfered Paper - Francine learns it's wrong to plagiarize.

Buster Gets Real - Arthur and Buster learn best friends don't have to like the same things.

D.W. on Ice - D.W. learns not everybody is a good skater.

Spoiled Rotten - Muffy learns that charity means helping others and giving some stuff away instead of keeping it herself.

Big Brother Binky - Binky learns that it is not bad having a baby sister and that his parents still love him no matter what.

Season 12

Is That Kosher? - Francine learns she does not have to fast until age 13.

Never, Never, Never - D.W. learns love isn't about what somebody says or buys but it's something your family and friends are willing to do for you.

Room to Ride - Binky learns he doesn't need a celebrity to endorse a campaign.

The Frensky Family Fiasco - Francine and her family learn they should spend more time together but agree to do something they all enjoy.

D.W's Stray Netkitten - N/A

Bats in the Belfry - Arthur and D.W. learn about time-shares.

Ungifted - Arthur learns it's wrong to give something away if a friend gave it to you.

The Chronicles of Buster - Buster learns that helping friends and practicing is more important than a DVD.

On This Spot - Arthur learns that normal places like parking lots have important history.

The Cherry Tree - Muffy learns how important trees are and what would happened if they were all cut down.

Matchmaker, Match Breaker - Muffy and Francine learn just because a girl and boy are very good friends, it doesn't mean that they are in love.

War of the Worms - Brain learns how important worms are to the environment.

I Owe You One - Buster learns that it is better to give back a favor instead of keep promising that he will do it.

The Blackout - Arthur and D.W. learn that there are ways to deal with blackouts and how survival is more important than A.C. or T.V.

Mei Lin Takes a Stand - Mei Lin learns that she will have to do things on her own when she's older and it's better to walk than to crawl.

Home Sweet Home - Buster learns making new friends isn't as difficult as he thought.

Do You Believe in Magic - Arthur learns just because Buster is talented with magic doesn't mean he has to show off.

The Perfect Game - Francine learns not everything has to be perfect.

D.W.'s Furry Freak-out - D.W. learns not to keep pets if they belong to someone else.

Season 13

No Acting, Please - Ferns learns that when it comes to acting, she should have fun, and be herself and truly shine.

Prunella and the Disappointing Ending - Prunella and Marina learn speed reading does not always pay off.

The Silent Treatment - George learns that he does matter to his friends and it's not good to be quiet all the time.

Kung Fool - N/A

Arthur's Number Nightmare - Arthur learns that just because people are listed, it doesn't mean that the first person is more important than the last person.

Brain Gets Hooked - Brain learns he shouldn't get addicted to things.

MacFrensky - Francine learns it's not right to frame people.

The Good, the Bad, and the Binky - Binky learns that his interests makes bad examples to younger kids.

The Great MacGrady - The kids learn that there are many ways to help and support people with cancer.

When Carl Met George - George learns some ways to understand people with autism.

D.W. Swims with the Fishes - Arthur and Molly learn they shouldn't get competitive.

The Portrait of the Artist as a Young Tibble - The Tibble Twins learn the fun of making art.

The Secret Guardians - N/A

Fernlets by Fern - Fern learns she should just write for fun and not profit.

Prunella and the Haunted Locker - Prunella learns not all stories are true.

Paradise Lost - Kate and Pal learn they can still be friends even when they get older and won't be able to understand each other anymore.

The Pride of Lakewood - Buster learns just because some kids don't join a pride committee doesn't mean they don't care about their school.

Looking for Bonnie - George and Buster learn that music can make the world a better place.

The Secret Origin of Supernova - Arthur learns he can still like his favorite superheroes, even if he doesn't have all of their merchandise.

Season 14

The Wheel Deal - Brain learns people with disabilites can still do normal activities like playing basketball.

The Buster Report - Buster learns it's better to tell the truth than lie.

The Agent of Change - Molly, Muffy and Francine learn it's fun to create movies and Binky learns how female main characters can be good like male main characters.

D.W. Unties the Knot - D.W. learns that she is not ready to get married.

Nicked by a Name - Brain and his friends learn that nicknames can hurt people's feelings and are not always true about the person.

The Play's the Thing - The kids learn it's fun to play outside once in a while.

Falafelosophy - Sue Ellen learns she should write stories for her enjoyment and not care what anybody else thinks of it.

The Great Lint Rush - Mr toad learns to try new things

Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny - Arthur learns it's okay to not like something that is scary.

Pet Projects - Arthur and Francine learn to not force Pal and Nemo to do things that they don't want to do.

Follow the Bouncing Ball - N/A

Buster Baxter and the Letter from the Sea - Buster learns about the danger of littering.

Around the World in 11 Minutes - Kate, Mei Lin, Pal, and Amigo learn how big the world is and that it's fun to travel.

Muffy and the Big Bad Blog - Muffy and Francine learn it's better to keep their argument online private than public. Muffy also learns she can't put regular stuff like eating a salad for lunch on her blog because that's too boring.

Arthur Unravels - Arthur learns not to be ashamed of his interests.

All the Rage - Muffy learns she shouldn't do everything that celebrities think is cool.

D.W., Queen of the Comeback - D.W. learns that it's better to ignore a bully because if you insult them back it just will get worse and worse.

In My Africa - D.W. learns it's fun to learn about new places and there are many ways to learn about them.

Buster Spaces Out - Buster learns not to give up something he worked hard for, and it's best to ask people for help when you need it.

The Long Road Home - George learns that, if he believes in himself, he can do anything.

Season 15

Fifteen - N/A

I Wanna Hold Your Hand - Binky learns it's okay to hold his mom's hand.

Whistling in the Wind - Timmy learns that just because he can't whistle, and Tommy can, it doesn't mean Tommy is better than him.

Buster's Secret Admirer - Buster learns to search for clues to solve a problem.

The Last King of Lambland - James learns that when you're a king, you have to be nice and fair, and that it's not right to treat your friends meanly.

Cents-less - Muffy learns there are other ways to get something you want than just paying for it.

Buster the Lounge Lizard - N/A

To Eat or Not to Eat - Buster learns there are some foods that are bad for you.

S.W.E.A.T. - Arthur and his friends learn good ways to handle stress, especially before a test, also learning that stress can be a good thing.

Prunella the Packrat - Prunella learns she shouldn't keep everything.

What's in a Name? - Binky learns that he's still the same person no matter what his real name is.

Muffy's Classy Classics Club - Muffy learns she shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

Best Enemies - D.W. and W.D. learn it's better to get to know each other than to just not bother to try at all.

Buster's Garden of Grief - Buster learns about responsibility.

Through the Looking Glasses - Arthur learns he shouldn't let new glasses change who he is.

The Butler Did... What? - Muffy learns more about her butler, Bailey.

The Trouble with Trophies - Muffy learns that trophies can mean something even if they don't really mean anything to anyone else.

Grandpa Dave's Memory Album - Arthur and D.W. learned that Grandpa Dave loves them just as much as he always has, even if he has trouble with his memory.

Buster's Carpool Catastrophe - Arthur, Buster, and Muffy learn that carpooling can be fun.

Season 16

Based on a True Story - Ladonna learns she doesn't have to make up stories to get people to like her.

Flippity Francine - Francine learns she should be famous for something she is proud of.

Muffy Takes the Wheel - Muffy learns she should make things herself and not take something that's already been made.

All About D.W. - D.W. learns that she shouldn't make a fuss if she doesn't get what she wants.

Blockheads - D.W. and Emily learn that they shouldn't get wrapped up when it comes to playing with toys.

Get Smart - Mr. Ratburn learns that robots are not 100% accurate.

Baby Steps - D.W. learns that she should be patient with Kate.

Night of the Tibble - James learns that things may not always be as bad as they seem.

Read and Flumberghast - Tommy learns not to lie.

The Last Tough Customer - Molly learns that bullying is wrong.

Brain's Chess Mess - N/A

Baseball Blues - George learns he shouldn't quit something he loves.

Brain's Biggest Blunder - Buster learns that he can do math in his head.

Buster's Book Battle - Buster learns not to read just to get prizes.

On the Buster Scale - Buster learns everybody has different opinions about movies.

Fern and the Case of the Stolen Story - Fern learns she shouldn't steal other people's stories and claim that they are her own.

Sue Ellen Vegges Out - Francine and Muffy learn that you shouldn't do something unless deep down you really want to.

So Funny I Forgot to Laugh - Arthur learns that jokes can hurt people's feelings.

The Best Day Ever - Arthur learns that he can have more than just one best day ever.

Season 17

Show Off - N/A

Dog's Best Friend - Pal learns that just because Arthur pays more attention to Amigo, it doesn't mean he isn't loved by Arthur.

Adventures in Budylon - D.W. and Bud learn that using their imagination can be fun.

Ladonna Compson: Party Animal - Ladonna learns that she can't do everything at once.

Molina's Mulligan - Alberto learns that it's important to have his dad supporting him.

Buster Bombs - Buster learns that humor can't be forced.

Opposites Distract - Arthur and Buster learn that they've got different styles when it comes to living in the same house.

Just the Ticket - Arthur's friends learn that they shouldn't get crazy over something they want.

All Thumbs - Buster learns that he shouldn't be embarrassed about what he does in private.

Kidonia - Arthur and his friends learn that they need rules to know what to do and what not to do.

Speak Up, Francine! - Francine learns that she has to speak up to tell people what's going on.

Waiting for Snow - N/A

Pets and Pests - Arthur, D.W., and Ladonna learn that mice can be friends as well as foes.

Go Fly a Kite - Muffy, Binky, and Ladonna learn they have to give back the things a person owns instead of keeping it for themselves.

The Director's Cut - George learns that when it comes to making a movie, he must take control and not let people change what he wants in the movie.

Crime and Consequences - George learns that he has to tell the truth instead of letting someone else take the blame.

Caught in the Crosswires - Muffy learns that she should be herself when it comes to reality T.V.

Framed! - Buster and Muffy learn that art doesn't have to be perfect.

Binky's Music Madness - Binky learns how people have different styles and tastes when it comes to music.

Brain Freeze - N/A

Season 18

The Tattletale Frog - D.W. learns that she should tell the truth instead of trying to cover it up.

D.W. and Bud's Higher Purpose - D.W. and Bud learn that if they're too short for a ride that's scary, they shouldn't try it.

The Friend Who Wasn't There - Muffy learns to connect with her imagination.

Surprise! - Francine learns that she shouldn't try to get revenge.

The Case of the Girl with the Long Face - Buster and George learn that people can be sad without a reason.

The Substitute Arthur - Buster learns to compromise.

Best Wishes - George and his friends learn that not all wishes come true.

The Tardy Tumbler - Prunella learns to stick to things she wants to improve at, even if it is hard.

Fountain Abbey - Muffy learns her great, great grandmother led a very interesting life even though she was a common maid.

Arthur Calls It - Arthur learns to stand for what he believes in.

Whip. Mix. Blend. - Rattles learns that you don't have to change who you are to fit in with new family members.

Staycation - Arthur and D.W. learn to call for help when they need it.

Two Minutes - N/A

Messy Dress Mess - Ladonna learns to tell the truth even if it may upset your friend they will forgive you

Arthur Read: Super Saver - Arthur and D.W. learn various ways to save money.

Tibbles to The Rescue - The Tibbles learn that you should repay people for good deeds.

The Pageant Pickle - N/A

Some Assembly Required - D.W., Emily, and Bud learn that using their imagination can be fun.

Shelter from the Storm - Muffy learns that she should help people less fortunate than her.

Season 19

Brain's Brain - Brain, D.W., and Bud learn about the important functions of their brain.

Brain Sees Stars - Brain learns that he can always count on his friends.

Sue Ellen Adds It Up - Sue Ellen learns that math is a valuable tool for everyday life.

Wish You Were Here - Sue Ellen learns that she must listen for a change.

Arthur's Toy Trouble - Arthur, Buster, and Muffy learn about the value of rare objects.

Spar for the Course - Buster, Muffy, and Binky learn to cooperate.

Carried Away - N/A

Dueling Detectives! - N/A

Buster Isn't Buying It - Buster learns just because one thing isn't true doesn't mean everything he knows is a lie.

One Ornery Critter - Arthur learns that not every dog has to like him.

Maria Speaks - Maria learns it's okay to have a stutter and there are ways to speak clearly.

Postcards from Binky - Binky learns about the powers of descriptive writing.

Carl's Concerto - George learns that Carl's autism does not stop him from doing great things.

Too Much of a Good Thing - Buster learns how bad too much of a good thing can really be.

Francine's Cleats of Strength - Francine learns that she has to work to get the things she wants.

Little Miss Meanie - Muffy and Lydia learn they shouldn't judge each other just because they are different.

Mr. Ratburn's Secret Identity - N/A

Besties - Arthur learns that just because Buster is friends with Ladonna doesn't mean that he will be replaced.

The Last Day - Arthur's class learned that Mr. Ratburn's class was hard because they were learning a lot, and D.W. and Bud learn about being brave enough to go to kindergarten.

Season 20

Buster's Second Chance - Buster learns that he shouldn't try to change who he is.

Arthur and the Whole Truth - Arthur learns that he shouldn't get angry when people tell him the truth.

Fern's Flights of Fancy - Fern learns that she shouldn't give up on writing because one person doesn't like her story.

Cereal - Buster learns that he shouldn't try to make people look bad.

He Said, He Said - The kids learn to trust a kid who remembers things.

Bunny Trouble - D.W. learns to take care of pets.

Bud's Knotty Problem - Bud learns that it's easy to tie his own shoelaces.

That's MY Grandma! - D.W. learns that it is not a bad thing if Grandma Thora spends time with other kids.

Lend Me Your Ear - Arthur, Buster, and The Brain learn about noise-induced hearing loss.

The Butler Did It - Edward learns that robots are not perfect

Prunella's Tent of Portent - Prunella learns that she shouldn't cheat to win a bet.

Mutiny on the Pitch - Francine learns that being captain isn’t about bossing people around and Buster learns being captain is hard work and harder than it looks.

The Hallway Minotaur - George learns that, while rules are important, he shouldn't be rude or annoying by constantly enforcing them.

Ladonna's Like List - Ladonna learns that it's okay if not everybody likes her.

Season 21

Binky's 'A' Game - Binky learns that he can get good grades if he studies as well as writing stuff down can help him and Muffy and Francine learn not to assume when somebody does something unlikely.

Brain and the Time Capsule - Brain learns not to lie.

The Master Builders - The kids learn that they can get more done if they work together rather than do it alone.

Francine and the Soccer Spy - Francine learns not to spy on others.

Sue Ellen & the Last Page - The kids learn about the importance of libraries and books.

Muffy Misses Out - Muffy learns that, just because her friends can do things by themselves, does not mean that they do not appreciate her.

Arthur Takes a Stand - Arthur learns that he can protest against things he is not happy with.

Slink's Special Talent - Slink learns to stick to things he is good at.

Take a Hike, Molly - Molly learns that she should apologize after being mean or inconsiderate.

The Lost Dinosaur - Bud learns that bravery comes from yourself, not from an item.

The Princess Problem - D.W. learns that not all princesses have to be perfect.

Invasion of the Soccer Fans - N/A

Pal and the Big Itch - Pal learns not to take advantage of his friends' special treatment when he is in need of help.


Only the Frensky - Francine learns that she can't do everything herself when playing in a band; she needs the help of her friends.

Goldilocks and The Bears Trio as Told by Sue Ellen - "It's fun to take a walk in the woods, but you should never try to play with the bears."