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The Great Lint Rush

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"The Great Lint Rush"
Season/Series: 14
Number in season: 4b
Original Airdate: United States October 25, 2010[1]
Canada November 10, 2010[3]
United Kingdom January 25, 2011[2]
Written by: Peter K. Hirsch
Storyboard by: Louis Piché
"Tales of Grotesquely Grim Bunny"
Read transcript
"The Great Lint Rush" is the second half of the fourth episode in the fourteenth season of Arthur.


Mr. Toad is back! And he is ready to corner the Sock Market, leaving everyone in Elwood City barefoot and bereft.


Arthur gets dressed, realizing his socks are missing. D.W. blames him for stealing socks until their father comes and asks if they've seen his socks. Meanwhile, Pal is dragging all their socks to the Sock Market Exchange. The sock market has crashed after Mr. Toad bought all socks. After having a conversation with Mr. Toad's wife, Toady, Pal conferences with Mr. Toad, asking if he could give back the socks he bought. Instead, Mr. Toad puts a sock on loan, with a few hot dogs. He had to bring back the sock in a week, as well as 10 other socks with it, or else bullfrogs would take over their house. After giving Baby Kate the news, frogs started to appear in the house. Amigo and Pal come up with a plan to get some socks back by bribing Mr. Toad into a trade. They gather a lot of lint and had their friend Killer spread the word, "Everyone loves lint." After lint became popular, Toady becomes jealous and asks Mr. Toad why they don't have lint. He thinks about it for a while, maybe it is useful. The day Mr. Toad came to collect the loan, Pal agrees that he wasn't able to pay him back and said to Kate to "pack up the lint". Mr. Toad gets interested and traded all his socks for the lint and the sock market opens up again.



Cultural references[edit]

  • The "Lint Rush" is an obvious parody of a Gold rush.
  • The "Great Chilly Toes Scare of 1929" is most likely a parody of the "Red Scare" and the "Great Depression."
  • Ben St. Bernardky references Ben Bernanke, who was chairman of the Federal Reserve when the episode was made.
  • The Wart Street Journal refers to the Wall Street Journal.

