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Lakewood Elementary School

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Lakewood Elementary School
Location Elwood City
Type Public Elementary School
Administrator Francis Haney
Staff At least 17
Number of students 100+
Number of rooms At least 15
First appearance Arthur's Eyes

Lakewood Elementary School is a public elementary school in Elwood City which was founded in the 1950s.[1] It is one of the fifteen schools in the city.[2]


Lakewood Elementary School appears to be a kindergarten to fifth grade school that includes hallways, offices, classrooms, a cafeteria/auditorium, gymnasium, restrooms, and other various maintenance rooms and other areas that are typically found in elementary schools.

There is no fifth grade mentioned throughout the series so far, which raises assumption that there is none, but it is unknown for sure. Both the boys' bathrooms and the girls' bathrooms have counter sinks and toilet stalls while the boys' bathroom also has urinals. The exterior grounds include a playground and a baseball field. There are also bicycle racks immediately in front of the building for students who ride their bikes to the school.

In the early books, the interior of the school was shown most often, but the exterior was shown occasionally. The front doors of the school were originally located to the far right and had a half-circle window over the doors. In the cartoon and later books, the school was redesigned, and the front doors were moved to the very center and had a canopy right in front of the doors.











Third Grade[edit]

Fourth Grade[edit]

Students in Unknown Grades[edit]

Unidentified Students[edit]

In Arthur's Number Nightmare a seating chart for each class of the school is seen. It reveals unnamed characters who's names are below. Their grades are also unknown. Note that none of these characters are in Mr. Ratburn's Class. The name Frances appears in the episode, Castles in the Sky. It appeared on a posted note underneath a bowl of oranges. The note said "Vote Frances for Student Council" The name Frances appeared prior to the episode Arthur's Number Nightmare. A few more names were revealed in the episode, Grandma Thora Appreciation Day.

  • Jennifer
  • Frances [4]
  • Willy
  • Carol
  • Richard
  • Sharon
  • Alex
  • Dawn
  • Mark
  • LL & OT[5]
  • Jake [6]


Lakewood competes in at least six interscholastic sports.

They might have a Football team because in "Arthur's Baby" Arthur, Binky and other characters are playing. It appears that Mr. Marco is their coach. The students also compete in a bowling tournament against Mighty Mountain in "Francine's Split Decision". They have even played Jai Alai against Mighty Mountain (mentioned in "Francine's Split Decision").


(unfinished--please add)

Lakewood Elementary has hosted many events and festivals.


(unfinished--please add)

Lakewood Elementary occasionally holds contests to allow students to show off their abilities. Sometimes, these contests advance students to a greater level of competition, such as the checkers competition in "A is for Angry."

  • Spell-a-thon
  • Math-a-thon
  • Arithmattack
  • Kids Cooking Contest
  • Interscholastic Checkers Competition
  • Interscholastic Chess Competition



  • Lakewood Elementary School is named for an actual elementary school that Marc Brown had attended as a kid, as said in a readingrockets interview.[7]
  • Classes start at 7:30 am and are released at 3:00 pm daily.[citation needed]
  • The school year runs from September to June, with possible snow day makeups in July.[citation needed]
  • The exterior of Lakewood Elementary school is based on the school St Hubert Elementary in Windsor Ontario crossed with a school in Montreal near the old Cinar Sudio.[8]
  • Lakewood Elementary does not appear to have a school counselor, while the cafeteria staff are unseen. Mrs. MacGrady seems to take on both roles and there was one episode where she confirms that there is a staff.
  • Lakewood Elementary provides kitchen duty for its students in episode Love Notes for Muffy.
  • Another extra curricular assignment is to sort mail at the main office.
