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Ms. Krasny

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Ms. Krasny
Gender Female
Animal Bear

Hair color Dark brown
Complexion Brown

Job Music teacher

Cartoon debut "Bully for Binky"

Ms. Krasny is the music director and teacher at Lakewood Elementary School.

Physical appearance[edit]

Ms. Krasny is a brown bear with short curly dark brown hair and wears yellow half-circle glasses, a lavender blouse, a cream-colored vest, a purple skirt, and brown shoes. In her early appearances, her vest was white.


She is a nice, wonderful, and caring teacher who gets the students tuned up in singing and playing their instruments. She does not tolerate rude behavior, such as when kids refuse to play their instruments, when they purposely don't bring their instruments, and backtalk as shown in "Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet?". In "Dad's Dessert Dilemma", she, like Mr. Ratburn, is shown to love cake.

Episode Appearances[edit]


  • She is named after author Marc Brown's wife Laurie, whose maiden name was Krasny.