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Molly MacDonald/Gallery
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This is the Molly MacDonald/Gallery page |
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See also: |
Promotional Image[edit]
From Books[edit]
Molly in the concert in Arthur, It's Only Rock 'n' Roll
Character Modelsheet and Storyboard[edit]
Alternate Apparel[edit]
Molly in her street hockey outfit.
Molly as a potato chip in "Revenge of the Chip".
Molly in a black shirt with a red collar and jeans, in "Don't Ask Muffy"
Molly in a green shirt, wearing a necklace, in "Don't Ask Muffy"
Molly in "D.W., Dancing Queen".
Molly as a cavewoman.
Molly as a cowgirl.
Molly in a '50s outfit.
Molly in her swimsuit
Molly in a summer outfit.
Molly in a dress.
Molly in barbershop quartet clothes, in "D.W. Beats All"
Molly's clothes in "D.W. Swims with the Fishes".
Molly's eyes as shown in "The Agent of Change".
Her top in "The Agent of Change".
Listening music with headphones in "The Last King of Lambland".
Molly wearing winter clothes in "Based on a True Story."
Molly as a Kindergartner.
Molly when she was young and put her hair up in a bun.
Molly in gym clothes
Molly as a teenage rockstar.
Season 1[edit]
D.W. All Wet[edit]
Arthur Accused![edit]
Arthur Goes to Camp[edit]
Arthur's Baby[edit]
Arthur's Lost Dog[edit]
Meek for a Week[edit]
Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper[edit]
Sue Ellen Moves In[edit]
Bully for Binky[edit]
Arthur Cleans Up[edit]
The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club[edit]
My Club Rules[edit]
Season 2[edit]
Arthur Meets Mister Rogers[edit]
Sue Ellen's Lost Diary[edit]
Arthur the Loser[edit]
D.W.'s Very Bad Mood[edit]
How the Cookie Crumbles[edit]
Season 3[edit]
The Chips are Down[edit]
Revenge of the Chip[edit]
Meet Binky[edit]
Dad's Dessert Dilemma[edit]
Popular Girls[edit]
Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival[edit]
Season 4[edit]
Arthur's Big Hit[edit]
The Rat Who Came to Dinner[edit]
Season 5[edit]
Pet Peeved[edit]
Season 6[edit]
Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet?[edit]
The Boy with His Head in the Clouds[edit]
The Good Sport[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Buster's Amish Mismatch[edit]
Prunella Sees the Light[edit]
Season 8[edit]
D.W., Dancing Queen[edit]
Season 9[edit]
The Law of the Jungle Gym[edit]
Arthur Makes Waves[edit]
Season 14[edit]
The Agent of Change[edit]
Arthur Unravels[edit]
Season 15[edit]
I Wanna Hold Your Hand[edit]
Buster's Secret Admirer[edit]
Season 16[edit]
Based on a True Story[edit]
The Last Tough Customer[edit]
Molly letting her hair down for the first time
Brain's Biggest Blunder[edit]
Season 18[edit]
Whip. Mix. Blend.[edit]
Season 19[edit]
Carl's Concerto[edit]
Season 20[edit]
Buster's Second Chance[edit]