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Mrs. MacDonald

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Mrs. MacDonald
Gender Female
Animal Dog

Hair color Red (s9 - s10)
Blonde (s11 - present)

Residence MacDonalds' House, Elwood City
Family Molly MacDonald (daughter)
James MacDonald (son)
Unknown relative (husband?)
Myles MacDoogal (brother or brother-in-law)
Chester (brother or brother-in-law)
James's second cousin (possibly first cousin)
Prudence (possibly niece)
Myrtle (sister-in-law)
Molly’s Grandmother (mother or mother-in-law)

Cartoon debut Arthur Makes Waves

Mrs. MacDonald is the mother of Molly and James.

Physical appearance[edit]

In her first appearance in Arthur Makes Waves she is seen with tan fur and red hair but in her other appearances she is seen with white fur just like Molly and James and blonde ha

