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Norman Hedgehog

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The name of this article was obtained from production material.

While the name is technically official, a future episode can give the character a new name, which will then become the official name.

Norman Hedgehog
Grade 4th
Gender Male
Animal Hedgehog

Hair color Brown
Complexion Dark beige

Residence Elwood City

Cartoon debut "Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest"

Norman Hedgehog[1] is a fourth grader who attends Lakewood Elementary School.

Norman is mostly seen either at lunch, the playground, or the hallways of Lakewood, although he has been seen in other areas around Elwood City. He spoke once during the episode Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest.

During "Operation: D.W.!", Norman was admitted to Elwood City Hospital.[2]

Physical appearance[edit]

Norman is a hedgehog with a beige complexion. He wears a light yellow collared shirt with long sleeves, long blue jeans, and orange sneakers with white stripes. He has brown hair. He also has been seeing riding a red skateboard.

In the episode Brain's Shocking Secret, Norman was seen as a kindergartner in the picture. His appearance as a kindergartner has changed very little other than the yellow shirt that he was wearing as a kindergartner had a blue collar and he wore white shoes. During the Autumn (or the Fall) he wears a purple colored sweater.


I guess I should have taken those lessons.

—Norman Hedgehog, "Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest"


(bold indicates a speaking role)



Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Season 6

Season 7

Season 8

Season 9

Season 10

Season 11

Season 12

Season 13

Season 15


The full image gallery for Norman Hedgehog may be viewed at Norman Hedgehog/Gallery.
