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List of Title Cards/Gallery/Spanish
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Season 1[edit]
Arthur's Eyes
Francine's Bad Hair Day
Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn
Arthur's Spelling Trubble
D.W. All Wet
Buster's Dino Dilemma
D.W.'s Imaginary Friend
Arthur's Lost Library Book
Arthur's Pet Business
D.W. the Copycat
Locked in the Library!
Arthur Accused!
Arthur Goes to Camp
Buster Makes the Grade
Arthur's New Puppy
Arthur Bounces Back
Arthur Babysits
Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe
Arthur's Birthday
Francine Frensky, Superstar
Arthur's Baby
D.W.'s Baby
Arthur Writes a Story
Arthur's Lost Dog
So Long, Spanky
Buster's New Friend
Arthur the Wrecker
Arthur and the True Francine
Arthur's Family Vacation
Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm
Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest
D.W. Flips
Meek for a Week
Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper
Arthur's Chicken Pox
Sick as a Dog
D.W. Rides Again
Arthur Makes the Team
Arthur's Almost Boring Day
The Half-Baked Sale
D.W.'s Snow Mystery
Team Trouble
Bully for Binky
Misfortune Teller
Arthur's Tooth
D.W. Gets Lost
D.W. Thinks Big
Arthur Cleans Up
My Dad, the Garbage Man
Poor Muffy
D.W.'s Blankie
Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble
I'm a Poet
The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club
My Club Rules
Stolen Bike
Arthur's First Sleepover
Arthur's New Year's Eve
Season 2[edit]
Season 3[edit]
Season 4[edit]