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Prunella Deegan/Gallery
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This is the Prunella Deegan/Gallery page |
Place images in galleries in appropriate sections. Do not post fan art here. DO NOT make unnecessary headers, for example put a Screenshot header when there's nothing but screenshots.
See also: |
Promotional Images[edit]
From Books[edit]
Prunella in Arthur's Teacher Trouble (book of 1986)
Alternate Apparel[edit]
Prunella in her sleep wear.
Prunella in her formal dress.
Prunella wearing her Winter clothes.
Prunella wearing a dark blue sweater and a light blue skirt
Wearing a karate uniform.
In her yoga and gymnastics outfit.
Wearing a Halloween Costume.
Prunella as a grebe.
In a painter's smock.
In her fortune telling outfit.
With swimsuit and bathing cap.
Season 1[edit]
Arthur's Eyes[edit]
Prunella in her first appearance
Francine's Bad Hair Day[edit]
Arthur's Spelling Trubble[edit]
As a Spellathon Contestant
Sue Ellen Moves In[edit]
With Muffy.
Season 2[edit]
Love Notes for Muffy[edit]
Prunella with her friends Steve and 4th Grade Aardvark.
Season 3[edit]
Popular Girls[edit]
Season 4[edit]
Prunella Gets it Twice[edit]
Season 5[edit]
The World Record[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Jenna's Bedtime Blues[edit]
Prunella Sees the Light[edit]
Season 9[edit]
Three's a Crowd[edit]
Prunella being tickled by her friend Marina.
Season 11[edit]
Prunella Packs It In[edit]
Brain's Shocking Secret[edit]
Season 13[edit]
Prunella and the Disappointing Ending[edit]
Prunella and the Haunted Locker[edit]
Season 18[edit]
Best Wishes[edit]
The Tardy Tumbler[edit]
Arthur's Missing Pal[edit]
With some of the 3rd graders.