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This is the Rattles/Gallery page |
Place images in galleries in appropriate sections. Do not post fan art here. DO NOT make unnecessary headers, for example put a Screenshot header when there's nothing but screenshots.
See also: |
Promotional Images[edit]
Promotional image of an alternate outfit.
Character Modelsheets and Storyboards[edit]
Alternate Apparel[edit]
Rattles wearing street hockey equipment in "Meek for a Week".
His sports clothes in "My Club Rules".
Wearing black mittens in "The Blizzard". He wears his regular clothes during the winter and in snow.
Rattles in a summer outfit during "Arthur Makes Waves".
Rattles in barbershop quartet clothes in "D.W. Beats All".
His dog ears.
Bear ears?
Cat ears.
And yet he uses earplugs like this.
Rattles as a caveman.
In '50s clothes.
He misspelled right as rigt in "The Play's the Thing".
Rattles wearing a green scarf and brown gloves in "Based on a True Story".
Rattles without his jacket in "The Last Tough Customer".
As a member of MCTC in "The Last Tough Customer".
The only time Rattles actually wore protective gear while skateboarding. "Brain's Chess Mess".
Rattles wearing his robe and slippers in "Brain's Chess Mess".
Season 1[edit]
Arthur Accused![edit]
Arthur Goes to Camp[edit]
Arthur's Baby[edit]
Arthur Writes a Story[edit]
Arthur's Lost Dog[edit]
Meek for a Week[edit]
Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper[edit]
Sue Ellen Moves In[edit]
The part of the inside of Rattles' house is seen.
Bully for Binky[edit]
Rattles being shushed.
Arthur Cleans Up[edit]
Arthur's dog choking on trash that Rattles dropped.
I'm a Poet[edit]
The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club[edit]
My Club Rules[edit]
Season 2[edit]
Arthur Meets Mister Rogers[edit]
Arthur's Mystery Envelope[edit]
Rattles arm-wrestling with Binky.
Buster Hits the Books[edit]
Arthur and the Square Dance[edit]
Sue Ellen's Lost Diary[edit]
Just before witnessing Binky's burping skills.
Love Notes for Muffy[edit]
Arthur the Loser[edit]
Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard [edit]
Relaxing on the grass.
D.W.'s Very Bad Mood[edit]
Season 3[edit]
The Chips are Down[edit]
Meet Binky[edit]
Arthur Rides the Bandwagon [edit]
Dad's Dessert Dilemma[edit]
Popular Girls[edit]
Buster's Growing Grudge[edit]
Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival[edit]
Near the bottom left, next to Molly.
Season 4[edit]
Arthur's Big Hit[edit]
Muffy's New Best Friend[edit]
The Blizzard[edit]
The Rat Who Came to Dinner[edit]
Buster's Best Behavior[edit]
Season 5[edit]
Pet Peeved[edit]
Bitzi's Beau[edit]
Season 6[edit]
Brother, Can You Spare a Clarinet?[edit]
The Boy with His Head in the Clouds[edit]
The Good Sport[edit]
Season 7[edit]
Don't Ask Muffy[edit]
Prunella Sees the Light[edit]
April 9th[edit]
Season 8[edit]
Thanks a Lot, Binky[edit]
Rattles calls Binky a squealer.
He can still get along with the other kids.
D.W., Dancing Queen[edit]
Binky helping Rattles up. He truly is his friend.
Season 9[edit]
The Law of the Jungle Gym[edit]
D.W. Beats All[edit]
Binky Goes Nuts [edit]
Arthur Makes Waves[edit]
Season 13[edit]
The Silent Treatment[edit]
Arthur's Number Nightmare[edit]
The Pride of Lakewood[edit]
Season 14[edit]
Arthur Unravels[edit]
Season 15[edit]
I Wanna Hold Your Hand[edit]
Season 16[edit]
Flippity Francine[edit]
Reading a book.
The Last Tough Customer[edit]
Brain's Chess Mess[edit]
Rattles and George playing chess.
Brain's Biggest Blunder[edit]
Season 18[edit]
Whip. Mix. Blend.[edit]
Season 19[edit]
Carl's Concerto[edit]
Season 20[edit]
Buster's Second Chance[edit]
Arthur - It's Only Rock 'n' Roll [edit]