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List Of Morals

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In many episodes of Arthur the characters learn important lessons at the end of the episodes. Here is a list of morals they learn throughout the seasons.

Season 1

Arthur's Eyes (episode) Arthur learns that it's okay to be different and not to care about what others think of you.

Francine's Bad Hair Day - Francine learns to just be herself.

D.W. All Wet (episode) - D.W. learns to not judge something until you've actually tried it.

Buster's Dino Dilemma (episode) - Busters learns that he shouldn't of takes things that doesn't belong to him.

D.W.'s Imaginary Friend - N/A

Arthur's Lost Library Book - Arthur learns to be careful and take care of books.

Arthur's Pet Business - Arthur learns to be resonable and take care of animals

D.W. the Copycat - D.W. learns that she shouldn't copy other people and Arthur learns it's annoying to have a person do everything you do.

Locked in the Library! - Arthur and Francine learns to settle their differences and work together.

Arthur Accused! - The moral was to find proof if a person didn't committed a crime.

Arthur Goes to Camp - The boys and girls learned to work together.

Buster Makes the Grade (episode) - Busters learns to have faith in himself and study in order to past.

Arthur's New Puppy - Arthur learns to train Pal in order for him to stay in the house.

Arthur Bounces Back - Arthur learns he sometimes have to work for things he wants.

Arthur Babysits - N/A

Arthur's Cousin Catastrophe - N/A

Arthur's Birthday - N/A

Francine Frensky, Superstar - Francine learns that it's not right boss people around

Arthur's Baby - Arthur learns it's not so bad having a baby sibling

D.W.'s Baby - D.W. learns how important is to be a big sister.

Arthur Writes a Story - Arthur learns he should write about topics that you are confident and passionate about.

Arthur's Lost Dog - N/A

So Long, Spanky - N/A

Arthur the Wrecker - Arthur learns to listen to his mother.

Arthur and the True Francine - Muffy learns not to lie or cheat.

Arthur's Family Vacation - Arthur learns that even a bad vacation can be a good one.

Grandpa Dave's Old Country Farm - N/A

Arthur and the Crunch Cereal Contest - Arthur learned he shouldn't of take credit of something he didn't do.

D.W. Flips (episode) - D.W. learned that she needs to pratice in order to be good at something and shouldn't do something she not ready to do it

Meek for a Week - Francine learns to not bottle up her feelings.

Arthur, World's Greatest Gleeper - Arthur learns not to lie in order to get somebody to like him.

Arthur's Chicken Pox - N/A

Sick as a Dog - Arthur learns not to feed Pal food that he shouldn't eat.

D.W. Rides Again - N/A

Arthur Makes the Team - Arthur and his friends learned to work together.

Arthur's Almost Boring Day - Arthur learns that something old can be interesting.

The Half-Baked Sale - Arthur and D.W. learns to tell the truth.

Sue Ellen Moves In - Buster learns to not judge other people just because they are different.

The Perfect Brother - N/A

D.W.'s Snow Mystery - N/A

Team Trouble - N/A

Bully for Binky - Binky learns that fighting don't solve anything and it's wrong to be a bully.

Misfortune Teller - Arthur and his friends learn they shouldn't of listen to something that's basically junk.

Arthur's Tooth - Arthur learns everybody is different and loose their teeth at a different time and age.

D.W. Gets Lost - D.W. learns that kids even grown ups ask for help.

D.W. Thinks Big - D.W learns she's not too little to do anything.

Arthur Cleans Up - Arthur learns the important of cleaning up and the danger of litter.

My Dad, the Garbage Man - Francine learns that jobs that sound boring can be actually exciting.

Poor Muffy - Muffy learns that when you go to other peoples houses they have different rules.

D.W.'s Blankie - N/A

Arthur's Substitute Teacher Trouble - N/A

I'm a Poet - Arthur and the gang learned that writing poetry can be fun.

The Scare-Your-Pants-Off Club! - Ed learns that he shouldn't of judge books if he never read them.

My Club Rules - N/A

Stolen Bike - Francine learns that lies can get out of control.

Arthur's First Sleepover - N/A

Arthur's New Year's Eve - N/A

Season 2

Arthur Meets Mister Rogers - N/A

Draw! - Arthur and his friends learned that it's not funny to make fun of other people and treat others the way they want to be treated.

Binky Barnes, Art Expert - N/A

Arthur's Lucky Pencil - N/A

D.W. the Picky Eater - D.W. learns to try something new.

Buster and the Daredevils - Buster learns it's stupid to do something just because he was dared.

Arthur Makes a Movie - Arthur and his friends learn that making films can be fun even if it turn out wrong.

Go to Your Room, D.W. - D.W. learns to treat Kate better and Kate doesn't mean ruin the fun because she's just a baby.

Arthur's Underwear - Arthur learns people get embarrasses all the time and still the same people

Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider - Francine learns she shouldn't give up something she wants to do just because somebody does it better than her.

Buster Baxter, Cat Saver - Buster learns that fame shouldn't get to his head.

Play it Again, D.W. - D.W. learns she shouldn't play her music over and over to the point it start to annoy people.

Arthur's TV-Free Week - Arthur and his friends learned there are other stuff they can do beside TV

Night Fright - Binky learns it's okay to be afraid and it normal to have a nightlight.

Arthur vs. the Piano - Arthur learns to face his stage fright and just picture everybody as one person.

The Big Blow-Up - N/A

Lost! - Arthur learns to not get money from strangers and ask for help.

The Short, Quick Summer - N/A

D.W. Goes to Washington - D.W. learns that history can be interesting.

Arthur's Mystery Envelope - Arthur learns he should face your troubles, not hide or run from it.

D.W.'s Deer Friend - D.W. learns that it's wrong to take wild animals from their homes.

Buster Hits the Books - Buster learns that books can be interesting.

Arthur's Faraway Friend - Arthur learns no matter is your friends are fareway, they are still gonna be your friends.

Arthur and the Square Dance - Arthur and Francine learns that just because they are friends doesn't mean they are in love.

Water and the Brain - Arthur and his friends learn that not everybody have to like the same thing and if everybody is the same would be too boring.

Arthur the Unfunny - Arthur learns people are funny in their own way.

Sue Ellen's Lost Diary - Arthur and his friends learn to respect other people privacy.

Arthur's Knee - Arthur learns that you keep injuries a secret because they can get infected and make you sick.

Grandma Thora Appreciation Day - N/A

Fern's Slumber Party - Fern learns that her talents can impressed other people.

Love Notes for Muffy - Brain and Francine learns that harmless jokes can lead to trouble.

D.W. Blows the Whistle - D.W. learns it's dangerous to do somethings and not to be a snitch.

Francine Redecorates - N/A

Arthur the Loser - Arthur learns cheating is wrong and having fun is more important than winning.

Arthur vs. the Very Mean Crossing Guard - N/A

D.W.'s Very Bad Mood - D.W. learns she can't get invited to every party just because one of her friends are invited and it better to tell somebody your problems.

D.W.'s Name Game - Arthur and D.W. learns that words can hurt other people feelings.

Finders Key-pers - Arthur, Brain, and Binky learns they shouldn't take things that don't belong to them.

How the Cookie Crumbles - Muffy learns it's wrong to take credit for something she didn't do and how a lie is still a lie.

Sue Ellen's Little Sister - Sue Ellen learns it's not bad being an only child.

Season 3

Buster's Back - Arthur learns that no matter where your friends go, they are still the same person.

The Ballad of the Baxters - N/A

D.W. All Fired Up - D.W. learns fire drills are important and what to do if their is a real fire.

I'd Rather Read It Myself - N/A

Arthur Goes Crosswire - Arthur learns to be himself.

Sue Ellen and the Brainasaurus - Brian learns to let other people help with projects than just doing it by himself.

Background Blues - Francine learns that family backgrounds can be exciting.

And Now Let's Talk to Some Kids - N/A

The Chips are Down - N/A

Revenge of the Chip - D.W. learns people get embarressed once in a while.

Binky Rules - Fern and Buster learn to work together to solve the problem.

Meet Binky - N/A

Arthur Rides the Bandwagon - Arthur learns fads are temperaly things and how quickly they unpopular.

Dad's Dessert Dilemma - Arthur learns he shouldn't use his father talents just to get people to like him.

Popular Girls - Fern and Sue Ellen learns they should just be themselves not care what a magazine say.

Buster's Growing Grudge - Buster learns that staying mad won't get him what he wants.

Arthur's Treasure Hunt - N/A

The Return of the King - N/A

Attack of the Turbo Tibbles - The Tibbles Twins learn that they shouldn't do everything they see on T.V.

D.W. Tricks the Tooth Fairy - N/A

Double Tibble Trouble - N/A

Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival - N/A

What Scared Sue Ellen? - Sue Ellen learns to face her fears and confront it instead of running away.

Clarissa is Cracked- D.W. learns it's better to tell the truth and to treat other people dolls better.

Arthur's Dummy Disaster - George learns it's better to just be himself instead of using Wally to get attention

Francine and the Feline - N/A

Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight - Arthur and D.W. learns just because parents fight doesn't mean they hate each other.

D.W.'s Perfect Wish - D.W. learns even though you get older, you still can have fun and still have the memories.

Arthur and D.W. Clean Up - Arthur learns that if you clean your room eariler, you wouldn't be late for something you don't want to do and how if you work together, things will get done quicker.

The Long, Dull Winter - The kids learn the truth meaning of a holiday is to honor someone or something that's really important.

Season 4

D.W.'s Library Card (episode) - N/A

Arthur's Big Hit - Arthur learns hitting is wrong and violence doesn't solve anything and it would eventually come back to you.

Hide and Snake - N/A

Muffy's New Best Friend - Muffy and Francine learns just because they are best friends it doesn't mean they don't have to like everything if one friend like something else.

Buster's Breathless - Arthur and his friends learned that just because Buster have asthma doesn't mean he needs extra help.

The Fright Stuff - Arthur and his friends learn pranks can hurt people and their feelings.

The Contest - Arthur and his friends learn that there will always be someone better than you at something.

Prove It - Arthur learns that just people are younger than you doesn't make them less smarter.

The Blizzard - Arthur and his friends learn as long they stick together and work together they can survive anything.

The Rat Who Came to Dinner - N/A

D.W. Tale Spins - D.W. learns not all stories have be written.

Prunella Gets It Twice - Prunella learns that you should be happy getting a present even though it's the same thing and realize how hard people work to get those things.

Binky Barnes, Wingman - Binky learns that something that is "girly" can be actually interesting.

To Beat or Not to Beat - Francine learns she's not ready to do two things at the same time.

1001 Dads - Arthur learns that just because Buster don't see his father that much doesn't mean he's sad all the time.

Prunella's Prediction - Prunella and Arthur learns they shouldn't hide just because what they wear.

What is that Thing? - N/A

Buster's Best Behavior - Arthur and Buster learns to just be themselves instead of trying to be like each other.

My Music Rules - N/A

That's a Baby Show! - Arthur and his friends learn that something that look babyish can actually be cool.

Season 5

Arthur and the Big Riddle - N/A

Double Dare - Arthur and friends learn it's stupid to do something just because they were dared.

Kids are from Earth, Parents are from Pluto - Sue Ellen learns it's better to let parents be themselves and how being normal is boring.

Nerves of Steal - Buster learns it's wrong to steal something.

It's a No-Brainer - Brian learns that even though he maybe wrong, he still the same person.

The Shore Thing - Arthur and his friends learn that normal places like the beach can be exciting.

The World Record - Arthur learns that it's possible to do something as long their people to help them.

The Cave - Arthur learns it's better to face his fear then hide it.

The Lousy Week - The characters learns the important of taking out lice and how to be careful.

You Are Arthur - The viewers learn people have different points of view.

The Election - N/A

Francine Goes to War - Francine learns it's better to know a person than judging them.

Sleep No More - Buster learns he shouldn't worry about a contest.

Pet Peeved - Binky learns the importance of following instruction.

The Last of Mary Moo Cow - N/A

Bitzi's Beau - N/A

Just Desserts - Arthur learns not to eat too many sweets and fairly tales can be exciting.

The Big Dig - N/A

Arthur's Family Feud - N/A

Muffy Gets Mature - Muffy learns she shouldn't listen to teen maganizes and it's better to act her age.

Season 6

rhyme for your life

Season 7

Pick A Car Any Car - Arthur learns not to give up hope.

Jenna's Bedtime Blues -

season 8