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Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight

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"Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight"
Mom and dad have a great big fight.png
Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight Title Card.png
Season/Series: 3
Number in season: 14A
Original Airdate: United States May 24, 1999
Written by: Joe Fallon
Storyboard by: Robert Yap
"Francine and the Feline"
"D.W.'s Perfect Wish"
Read transcript
"Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight" is the first half of the fourteenth episode in the third season of Arthur.


When their parents fight over spilled milk, Arthur and D.W. worry that it was their fault—and wonder whether either Mom or Dad will have to move out.[1]


Arthur's parents talk back and fourth while they try to do a million things at once in the kitchen. D.W. and Arthur yell at each other and eventually come into the kitchen and argue in front of their parents.

Arthur eventually gives in as D.W. says she'll play with him and leave the room. Suddenly, a thing of milk spills over! However, the video freezes and Nadine appears to mention that she's the host for the episode.

Mom and Dad Have a Great Big Fight

Nadine shortly resumes and refreezes the video shortly after the milk spills. She then rewinds it, then stops it again so that the viewers can see D.W.'s angle from this after they leave the kitchen.

D.W. complains and mentions how she wishes their parents were different and she begins to imagine what it'd be like if they treated Arthur badly and gave her all of the attention. After it ends, D.W. plays Confuse the Goose by herself and suddenly hears the milk spill.

While Jane and David argue and D.W. runs to Arthur and tries to tell him what she heard and saw. Arthur fails to believe her, and D.W. goes over the story to him. Arthur asks her to tell him what they said, but D.W. can't recollect it.

Arthur still fails to believe her until seeing how scared she looks. So he decides to go and see for himself. He doesn't hear anything as Nadine suddenly appears once more. Listening from the other room they hear their parents argue again and both of them head into Arthur's bedroom. They begin to argue with each other, claiming that both of them are at fault.

D.W. asks what could happen if they decide to never speak to each other again and the two of them begin to imagine it. Not liking what they saw, Arthur tells D.W. she is just over-reacting and D.W. is then led to believe that one of their parents will leave the family!

And so they both imagine what it would be like if they only lived with one parent. Then D.W. begins to worry that they may get rid of one of them in the "split-up". Or eventually become orphans!

D.W. then says that they will just fend for each other instead and live together peacefully in a home. However, this dream is short lived upon realizing neither of them can cook and Arthur can't sing Kate or D.W. to sleep either...

With this in mind, they decide they have to do something about this problem. D.W. thinks its her fault since she wished they were different and now it's come true.

They then sneak down the steps and begin to hear Jane and David "argue" again and David decides to go and Arthur and D.W. try to stop him until they learn he only meant go get milk.

Jane soon comes in and asks D.W. why she thinks they hate each other. Arthur then explains that D.W. heard them fighting and thought that they hated each other. But their parents assure the two of them that they weren't going to leave the family or anything drastic.

As Arthur and D.W. head upstairs, Nadine arrives again to say that the moral of the story is clear "Don't put milk near the edge of the table". And the episode comes to an end.



  • This is the second show hosted by Nadine, with the first being D.W. Gets Lost.

Cultural References

  • Artthur imagines what it would be like in an orphange, like in Oliver Twist with Arthur being Oliver.


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