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Thora's mother's great-uncle

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"Thora's mother's great-uncle" is not an official name.
Thora's mother's great-uncle
Gender Male

Hair color Brown

Family Thora Read (great-great-niece)
Thora's Brother 1 (great-great-nephew)
Thora's Brother 2 (great-great-nephew)
Thora's Brother 3 (great-great-nephew)
David Read (great-great-great nephew)
Loretta (great-great-great-niece)
David's brother (great-great-great-nephew)
Aunt Bonnie (great-great-great-niece)
Arthur Read (great-great-great-great nephew)
D.W. Read (great-great-great-great-niece)
Kate Read (great-great-great-great-niece)
Job Prospector

Cartoon debut "Family Fortune"

Thora's great-great-uncle is an unnamed prospector who went to British Columbia to seek his fortune. At a potlatch, he received a dance apron made by a Native American tribe from the Pacific Northwest called the Chilkat. He occasionally wrote home, and eventually passed down the dance apron to his great-niece, who passed it down to her daughter.