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Francine's Bad Hair Day

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Francine's Bad Hair Day
Season 1
Episode no. 1b
Date aired September 2, 1996
Episode Guide
Arthur's Eyes
Arthur and the Real Mr. Ratburn

Francine's Bad Hair Day is the second half of Episode 1 of the first season of Arthur. It was written by Kathy Waugh and the storyboards were done by Sarô. It first aired on September 2, 1996, along with Arthur's Eyes.


School Picture Day is just around the corner, and Muffy wants to make sure Francine has a photo to be proud off, unlike last year's photo. However, Francine doesn't seem interested in hair and is in fact interested in a kickball game.

Plot Outline

The episode begins in Mr. Ratburn's class. Mr. Ratburn tells the students that school pictures are scheduled for next Thursday. Arthur gives the viewing audience advice about school pictures, like not to drink soda before your picture is taken. Buster is shown taking his picture but burps loudly right when the picture is taken. And he also says that it's not wise to rub on carpet and sit on a metal seat. Prunella rubs her feet on the floor and sits on a metal stool, causing her hair to stand on end. Arthur adds that you shouldn't wear a flower if you have allergies. Binky is waiting for his picture to take but sneezes from the flower he is wearing, destroying the backdrop behind him at the moment the camera snaps.

Francine's Bad Hair Day

Arthur's team is in the ball field planning out a strategy against the fourth graders. They need to get the fourth graders one more out to win. They strategize that the ball goes to Francine no matter what. The game resumes and Arthur pitches the ball. The kicker kicks the ball on the first shot and it hits Arthur's face and then it flies toward Francine, but Buster gets in the way and knocks over Francine. Quickly, Francine grabs the ball and manages to tag the fourth grader out and win the game.

Francine's hair, after Muffy attempts her best in Francine's bathroom

In the girl's bathroom, Muffy, Sue Ellen, and Prunella are talking about what they will be wearing to school pictures. Francine arrives and is happy about the winning game. Muffy asks what Francine is wearing to school pictures, but Francine doesn't really care. Muffy thinks that Francine would have the most beautiful picture in the class (besides herself that is) and that she could be like Muffy. Francine doesn't believe it though. At Francine's house, Francine and Muffy look in Francine's closet and end up finding a pink dress. Francine tries it on, Muffy thinks it is perfect. Continuing on, Muffy now wants to do Francine's hair too, but Francine thinks there's nothing wrong with it. Muffy is irked at this and has Francine close her eyes while she does her hair. She does so and opens her eyes to a hair disaster. Francine becomes frustrated at this and tries to get out of it, but Muffy yet has another idea. She calls Flossie, a manicure lady, for professional help.

Muffy and Francine about to enter the Salon de Beauté.

Muffy tells Francine to meet her at the Salon de Beauté, tomorrow. When they meet, Francine is disappointed to see that it was a beauty parlor, she refuses to enter, but Muffy came prepared with a 'secret weapon'. A photo of last year's school picture of Francine with unclean hair and dirt on her face. Francine is convinced and enters the parlor. Flossie is pleased to see Muffy and Francine arrive. She takes Francine and takes a screenshot of her, she uses the snapshot and shows her various hairstyles for Francine to pick, such as the 'queen of the nile' look and a tall curly style, Francine asks if she has something more original, she does so and shows her a long normal hairstyle which Francine accepts. Flossie gets to work and works on Francine's hair with rinsing, cutting, combing, etc. She then puts a hair drying machine over her head and has her rest and to wake up with her finished hairdo.

The "Queen of the Nile" look—one of the many hairstyle options for Francine.
In her sleep, Francine has a dream of her at a professional kick-ball game with her new long hair. The game starts with Arthur pitching, Francine pulls the kicker down with her hair, causing him a strike. We cut ahead and watch Francine launch a flying ball back toward Arthur with her hair, giving the opposing team an out. At the finishing part of the game, she runs toward the home plate and touches it with her hair just before the ball is returned. Francine's team cheers and carries her (and her hair) out happily.

Francine wakes up and sees her hair results, it is nothing that she expected. Her hair is instead curly, and is a Jewfro, while Muffy ended up being the one with the Prom Queen look. Muffy thinks it's wonderful. Francine pays Flossie and leaves the beauty parlor. She prepares to get on her bike, but Muffy stops her for curly hair and bikes don't go together. Back at home, Francine tries on the pink dress again. Muffy sees it rather splendidly and thinks it looks good with her hair. She reminds her to not to swim, ride in convertables, and to wear headgear in rainy weather. Francine's Mom tells Francine that Arthur called to remind her to bring the kickball to the next game tomorrow. This reminds Muffy, and tells Francine not to play kickball. Francine highly regrets this, but Muffy reminds her of her 'secret weapon' making Francine go for it.

The next day of school, Arthur and Buster run down the hall, kicking a ball of paper and come up to Muffy and Francine. The boys are shocked at Francine's new 'do. Francine asks if they like it, but the boys just laugh at it. At lunchtime, while Francine is eating, one of her hair clips jumps out of place and nearly hits Buster. In reaction to this, Buster, along with Brain, make fun of her hair style. Francine becomes infuriated and grabs a bottle of ketchup to use on them, but Muffy stops her and accidentally slams her hand down, causing her to squirt ketchup on her dress. In the girl's bathroom, Muffy attempts to clean as much off as possible and covers the remaining stain with a bow. Francine begins to feel reluctant of her new looks.

The kickball game begins and Arthur is surprised to see that Francine can't play, for she has to stay pretty looking for school pictures. The game starts without her, Buster and Arthur are still confident and think they can do it without her, but problems start when they have trouble getting the ball. The fourth-graders begin winning by two to nothing. At the benches, Muffy and Prunella try hard to keep Francine restrained in her position, but as Prunella claims that it's just a silly game, a kicker kicks the ball toward her. Francine quickly jumps out of the benches and catches the ball, outing the fourth grader. Francine is now in the game and is up to the home plate, the catcher mocks at her hair, but she isn't bothered by this. The pitcher pitches and Francine kicks it far over the trees. She starts to dash around the bases and reaches home base, winning the game.

Arthur, Binky, and Buster cheer, after Francine scores a home run, hence winning the game.

School pictures start and Muffy is upset that Francine ruined her looks, but Francine says that she was getting tired of staying good looking and that she liked the way she looked before. Buster's picture is taken with him reminding the cameraman that he was the one that burped. Arthur gets his picture taken, but due to the flash, it reflects off Arthur's glasses and causing beaming light. Muffy tries to prevent Francine from getting her school picture taken, but Francine tells Muffy she's making it worse and then Francine eventually escapes from Muffy's grasp as the man says "Next" and has her picture taken while she's her filthy self. Muffy's turn comes and then she taunts "Oh, that Francine!" and she rather looks angry than smiling when her picture is taken.

Francine and Arthur trading each other's school pictures

We cut to the school hall, Francine's hair is finally back to normal, and Muffy is throwing away her picture, and she suggests to Francine to burn her photos. But Francine disagrees and actually likes her picture. Arthur comes up and asks Francine for a trade of pictures. She agrees and Arthur looks at her picture and likes it, Francine likes Arthur's also. Muffy walks away regretting that Francine will never be like her. Arthur asks for a game of kickball and Francine answers yes. They both run outside to play another game.


Major Roles Minor Roles Cameos



Flossie: 1 prom queen to go! Extra curls! Hold the sauce.

Arthur: There are few things you have to remember about school pictures. [scene goes to Buster getting his picture taken] Like it's not a good idea to drink 6 cans of soda and then have your picture taken. [Buster burps when he gets his picture taken]

[scene goes to Prunella rubs her feet across the carpet] Or rub your feet across the carpet and sit in a metal chair. [Prunella sits down; camera flashes and her hair sticks out]

[scene goes to Binky in a suit getting his school picture taken wearing a flower] Or wear a flower if you have allergies. [Binky sneezes while he gets his picture taken; his picture is shown of him in mid-sneeze.]

Prunella: My mother said I could get a new dress for picture day.

Muffy: I'm getting new shoes and a dress.

Muffy [to Francine]: It would take a lot of work, but you could be a whole new Francine. We could even look like twins. Maybe.

Francine: Really? Nah.

[After Muffy does a some-what horrendous job on Francine's hair]

Francine: Aahh!!

Muffy: I don't get it. It always works for me.

[Francine tries to get out of her dress]

Francine: Get me out of this!

Francine [to Muffy]: You didn't tell me we were going to a beauty parlor?

Muffy: What'd you think this was? A pet shop?

Muffy: Now, there are a few little things that you should know about hair care. [Francine goes to her bike] What are you doing?

Francine: Riding my bike.

Muffy: I don't think so. Bicycles and curls do not mix.

Muffy [to Francine about "hair care"]: Now remember what said. No swimming, no riding in convertibles, and wear protective headgear in the rain.

Mrs. Frensky [from outside Francine's room]: Honey, Arthur called to remind you about the kickball game tomorrow. Don't forget to bring the ball.

Muffy: Oh, I forgot. Absolutely no kickball.

Francine: No way! [falls back on the bed]

Muffy: And no lying down.

Francine: I can't do this. There's too many rules.

[When Arthur and Buster see Francine's new hairdo]

Francine: Do you like it?

Buster: No.

Francine: I wasn't asking you.

Arthur: Well.. it's..

Buster [acting like a monster]: Alive!!

[the boys fall on the floor laughing]

Muffy: Pretend you don't see them. Boys ruin everything.

[When Arthur and Buster see Francine's new hairdo]

[When Francine's hair clip flies out]

Buster: Incoming! [to Brain] Was it an accident or does she look like that on purpose?

Brain: Probably a combination of gravitational pull and too much stress on the hair follicles.

[They both laugh]

Francine: You are gonna get it!

Muffy: Francine, calm down!

[Ketchup gets on Francine's dress]

Francine: [screams]

Muffy: [screams also] Now look what you did.

Arthur [to Francine when she tells him she can't play kickball]: What do you mean you can't play?

Muffy: You heard her. She can't mess up her hair.

Arthur: Why?

Francine: I have to keep it nice for school pictures.

Arthur: But, Francine. It's the 4th graders. They'll kill us if you don't play.

Buster [about Francine]: She's lost her mind, that's all.

Arthur: And we're gonna lose the game.

Buster: Ah, who needs Francine? We're just as good...

[The ball comes near Buster and Arthur]

Buster: Hey!

[Buster and Arthur bump heads and fall down; a 4th grade rabbit comes over to them]

4th Grade Rabbit: Can I help you find the ball?

Buster [after Francine catches the ball] : She caught it and you're out!

4th Grade Bunny: She wasn't even playing!

4th Grade Aardvark [to Francine]: Did you know there's a poodle on your head?

Francine: Yeah, and it does tricks too.

Buster [to the photographer]: Remember me? I'm the one who burped!

Mufffy [grappling her hands on Francine's arm]: Listen to me! Don't go in there. You'll regret it forever.

Francine: You're making it worse! [grabs at Muffy's wrists to break loose]

Muffy [after Francine gets her picture taken all messy from kickball]: Oh, that Francine!

Muffy [after she and Francine get their school pictures]: It's like my father says: you get what you pay for.

Muffy: I give up, Francine Frensky. I'm sorry I have to say this, but you'll never be like me.


  • The unnamed rabbit fourth-grader has various voices, once he sounds like Binky, then he sounds like Buster, then he sounds like himself.
  • The French jingle played at the Salon de Beauté has been recycled in some later shorts such as Draw!, Francine Frensky, Olympic Rider, and Arthur's Faraway Friend.


  • It is shown in the intro that Binky is allergic to flowers, yet in the newer episode "Binky Goes Nuts", he is not allergic to flowers, but to peanuts.
  • It's strange that a kickball game is organized just before school pictures, where the students are supposed to stay clean.
  • Pulling the kicker down during the pitch would be considered cheating, although it was Francine's imagination.
  • Also Francine catching the ball when she's in the benches would not count as getting the fourth-grader out.
  • Coach Grimslid can be seen working at the Salon de Beauté, although she is a P.E. coach at Lakewood Elementary School in her later appearances. She was the coach in Arthur's Birthday when Francine was in second grade, and in Misfortune Teller during Francine's present third grade year.
  • When Arthur is getting his picture taken, he is perfectly smiling and sitting still before the picture is taken; but right after the flash, he slightly moved out of position and changed his smile into a shocked face as the beaming light reflected off of his glasses, and then when he leaves, his eyes are strained.
  • For the dress that Francine is wearing for school pictures, Muffy said that there was a tear in the dress, but the tear was not visible.
  • Muffy should remove Francine's barrettes first and then work on her hair.
  • When Francine quickly gets out of the dress that Muffy made her try on for school pictures, the strings to her shoes were shown as loops like Buster's; even though she usually has the strings like they're criss-crossed like Arthur's when in a zoomed-out perspective.
  • In the scene where Francine and Muffy are both looking in the mirror at the Salon de Beauté, Flossie's face was seen directly on the screen right when she appeared there, although the girls were standing directly at the counter in that perspective.
  • When Francine and Muffy walk up to Flossie's desk, Francine was wearing the dress, even though she didn't change into it until she and Muffy came to her home; and in the next shot where Francine pays, she is still wearing her red shirt and jeans.
  • Francine's hair would be too short for the Prom Queen hairdo, especially if she picked that one.
  • The apron Francine was wearing was pink, but it was red in a zoomed out perspective.
  • When Muffy takes out Francine's second grade picture, its background is green instead of a castle backdrop. This was probably done in order to simplify animation process.
  • When Francine and Muffy enter the Salon de Beauté, the door swings inward; but when they leave, the door swings outward.
  • When Francine and Muffy were leaving the Salon de Beauté, Francine's bike was parked outside; but when they arrived there earlier, Francine did not bring her bike.
  • When Francine looks in the mirror of her and Catherine's closet sliding door in their room, she and her mirrored self are aside from each other, despite that she's touching it.
  • When Muffy, Francine, and Sue Ellen are eating lunch at the table, their trays were not visible in the first shot; but in the next few seconds, the trays appear.
  • When Muffy discards her school picture, the waste basket was first shown to be empty, but in the next few seconds, there is a load of discarded papers in it.
  • In Francine's imagination of playing kickball with new very long hair, she was first wearing a sleeveless dress; but with the uniform that had the short-sleeved shirt underneath, the sleeves were not visible when she was briefly wearing the dress.
  • Also, at the end of that dream, while Francine is being carried by her teammates, the gloves she was wearing there had vanished.
  • After Francine's dress gets stained with ketchup, the stain was still on the dress when Muffy tried to wipe it off and cover it with a bowtie. When Francine and her friends get their pictures taken, the ketchup stain is gone.
  • In the kickball scene while Francine's sitting in the benches, she was briefly seen without the bowtie, but she was really still wearing it. When she runs around the bases and reaches home plate, the bowtie is gone.
  • While Francine was running around and made a home run, Binky was with the fourth graders; but after Francine reaches home plate, Binky is cheering with all of the other third graders. In many later episodes, Binky was often teamed with the fourth graders in many sports, such as hockey.
  • When Francine gets her picture taken, the ribbon loops were in the middle while she was getting her picture shot; but in the developed photo, the loops were on the side.
  • When Muffy gets her picture taken, her buck teeth were sticking out of her mouth while her mouth was closed, despite that they normally were visible with her mouth open.
  • After Arthur and Francine trade each other's school pictures, Francine's eyebrows disappear.
  • In the end, when Arthur and Francine run out the back door for another game of kickball, the doors also swing inward when they close; but if they swing outward, they can't swing the other way.