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Pick a Car, Any Car/Transcript
(horns honking)
Dad: Now, don't worry. I'm sure it's just a minor problem. I'll have us back on the road in no time.
Kate Read: (giggles)
Arthur Read: As far back as I can remember, we've always had the same car.
Arthur: Hey, Pal! Come here, boy! Come here, Pal. Where are you?
(Pal barks; boys laugh)
Buster: Come on, Pal!
Arthur: Wow, I guess you could say I grew up in this car. I sure hope Dad can fix it.
Writer: Peter Egan --- Storyboard Artist: Jeremy O'Neill
Francine Frensky: (voice-over) Pick a Car, Any Car!
(We now return to the story)
Mr. Crosswire shows the Reads the price of a car.
Mr.+Mrs. Read: Yikes!
Mr. Crosswire: (to his salespeople:) Rule number three: “Yikes” minus I K is “yes”.
Arthur is sad about the car being sold.
Buster: You know what my mom says when I feel like you do?
Arthur: What?
Buster: She says: “When one door closes, another door opens.”
Arthur: What does that mean?
Buster: I don’t know. It never makes me feel any better either.