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Molina family's house

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"Molina family's house" is not an official name.
Molina family's house
Seen from the exterior, including sidewalk
Location Elwood City (next door to Arthur's House)
Type House
Administrator Mr. Sipple (formerly)
The Molina family
Number of rooms At least 6
Residents Mr. Sipple (formerly)

Ramón Molina
Mrs. Molina
Alberto Molina
Vicita Molina
Amigo (pet)

First appearance Arthur's TV Trouble (as Mr. Sipple's house)
"Arthur and Los Vecinos" (as the Molina family's house)

The Molinas' house is the house inhabited by Mr. and Mrs. Molina, Alberto Molina, and Vicita Molina. It was formally the house that the Reads' next door neighbor Mr. Sipple lived in before he moved away from Elwood City. The residence of the Molinas' house is located in Elwood City and is also right next to the Reads' house. It's unknown what the house's address is. The exterior of the house has a green roof with red shutters. The house also has a unique artwork around the front door and there is also a backyard surrounded by a white fence.


Vicita used to have a crib in her room, but it later was replaced by a bed, as shown in "Tales from the Crib." She also has a mirror in her room. Alberto has many posters of both Bionic Bunny and Dark Bunny on the walls of his room. On his bed he has a sheet that has Bionic Bunny as well. He also has a computer as well as a lamp in his room.

