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Mary Shelley

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Mary Shelley
Gender Female
Animal Cat

Hair color Black

Cartoon debut "Fernkenstein's Monster"

Mary Shelley (born Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin, 1797-1851) was a writer. She wrote Frankenstein in 1816 at age 19, while on vacation in the Swiss Alps with her future husband Percy Shelley and their friends Lord Byron and John Polidori. They had a contest to come up with the scariest story. As Fern recounts the event in "Fernkenstein's Monster", Mary had her friends paralyzed with fear.

Mary married Percy Shelley in December 1816 and published Frankenstein in 1818. John Polidori's entry for the contest was published in 1819 as The Vampyre It started the genre of vampire fiction.

Mary Shelley wrote several more novels of various genres but could not repeat the success of Frankenstein.

She is one of Fern's favorite writers, along with Agatha Christie and Persimmony Glitchet. Glitchet is the only one of the three to still be alive. "Fern and Persimmony Glitchet"


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