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Lisa's unknown relative

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"Lisa's unknown relative" is not an official name.
Lisa's unknown relative
Lisa's unknown relative 60701.png
Gender Male
Animal Rodent

Complexion Gray

Family Lisa (unknown close family relationship)
John (unknown close family relationship)
Unknown Male Adult Rabbit (Number 2) (unknown family relationship)
Unknown Female Adult Bear (Number 3) (unknown family relationship)

Cartoon debut "Arthur Babysits"

Lisa's unknown relative is the unknown relative of Lisa and John. He cannot be the father of them because Unknown Male Adult Rabbit (Number 2) is, however he may be the old design but it is unlikely to be true. He may be an uncle or a cousin to them.





Muffy's New Best Friend[edit]

He was seen with Lisa at the cinema box office in Muffy's New Best Friend.

Arthur Loses His Marbles[edit]

He was seen playing Bingo in the introduction and turned around to stare at Thora Read when she was being loud about her victory.
