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Chippy the Choo-Choo

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Chippy the Choo-Choo
Item Type



Elwood City Public Library

First Appeared (cartoon)

D.W.'s Library Card

First Appeared (books)


Chippy the Choo-Choo is a book that is shown in the episode "D.W.'s Library Card".


It was being returned to the library by Aloysius Zimmerplotz. D.W. briefly mistook it for the book Hopalong The Frog.


  • Despite its reference to Thomas and Friends, it holds almost no resemblance to it apart from the fact that Chippy and Thomas both have the same style of piston rods and have no tender. Also, the red engine on the cover (presumably named Chippy) looks like a combination of Thomas & Friends characters James, Duck, Rosie and Peter Sam.