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Arthur's New Friend/Transcript

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(The screen goes on, & we see Arthur in his room; he addresses the camera)

Arthur: Hey! Would you like to see my photo album? Great! Now Let's see. I think it was in here.

(He looks through 1 of his bottom drawers, where he pulls out a few of his clothes. The photo album is nowhere is sight)

Arthur: Nope. Maybe it's in here.

(He looks in his wardrobe, & a bunch of stuff falls out on him. The photo album is still not visible)

Arthur: Ow! (Sighs) No. Maybe under the bed.

(He looks underneath his bed. Only an old, moldy, decomposed pizza is shown)

Arthur: Woah! (Takes the pizza out) I wonder how long this was under there.

(He sniffs the pizza)

Arthur: (Disgusted) Eeeewww!! (Back to the viewers) Want a sniff?

(He puts the pizza at the camera for us to sniff. D.W's voice is then heard)

D.W: Arthur! (Comes in with a book of hopalong the frog) it's time for you to read to me. You promised. (She then looks at the camera) Oh! I didn't know you had company! Maybe you would like to read me hopalong the frog.

Arthur: D.W, we're very busy. Go bug mom & dad.

(Pushes D.W out of the room)

D.W: But-

Arthur: Here, you can have my pizza.

(Gives her his disgusting moldy pizza, & she glares at it. Arthur then closes the door on her)

Arthur: Phew! (Sees the photo album) There it is!

(We finally see the photo album. Arthur grabs it)

Arthur: There's this 1 picture I really wanna show you!

(Opens the photo album. We see a picture of Arthur with Pal when he was a puppy)

Arthur: That's me with Pal when he was a puppy. Isn't he cute? & that's me with the president.

(We then see a photo of Arthur with the president. He flicks the page, & we see a photo of someone as a baby, and it doesn't look like Kate)

Arthur: (Getting embarrassed) Um... I don't know who that is. Must be D.W.

(Not wanting us to see it, He nervously flicks a few pages, finally getting to the 1 that shows his new friend arriving at his house. The friend that shows up in the photo is dependent of whose name & photo was sent in)

Arthur: There it is! This is the 1 I wanted to show you!

(Close up to the photo)

Arthur: Do you remember when this was taken? I sure do! I was so nervous. I really wanted you to like me

(Intertitle shows: Arthur & his new friend)

Arthur: Arthur's new friend. Starring: (Type name)

(A crowd is heard cheering)

(The screen then turns on again. We see Pal's face following something, and we hear bouncing. We then see Arthur juggling a soccer ball. A mailman shows up)

Mailman: Got something for you, Arthur!

(He gives Arthur an envelope. Arthur then opens it, as the mailman starts leaving. Arthur sees the contents of the envelope, and gets excited, and the mailman stops)

Arthur: Allright! Guess who's coming to visit me! (Type name)

(We then see that the contents is actually a photo of his new friend, depending of the photo and name sent in)

Mailman: Oh, is that the friend you've been exchanging letters with?

Arthur: Yeah! And we're finally going to meet! This is the best news ever!

(The scene transitions to the kitchen, where Mr. Read puts down a pancake on Arthur's plate. Arthur reads the letter)

Arthur: And I'll be at your house this Friday, can't wait to meet you. You're friend, (Type name)

(We then look at a different photo of the friend. It's the friend between bushes outside with a bird on it's left arm)

Arthur: And here's another photo!

Mrs. Read: We'll have to do something special.

D.W: I know what we'll do! We'll take your friend to the Mary Moo Cow live show! (Sings) The best that I know is F.UN. F.U.N spells fun!

Arthur: D.W, we've already been to that 4 times.

(D.W grabs the photo of the friend)

D.W: Yeah, but it might be the 1st time for your friend, & the 1st time's the best!

Mrs. Read: We can throw a party!

Arthur: That's a great idea! & we can have all my friends from school over!

D.W: And lots of balloons & hats!

Mr. Read: & I could make my famous, mint chocolate brussel sprouts pie.

(Everyone stares at Mr. Read because how weird that flavor is. Kate starts to cry)

Arthur: Um... I'm not sure my if friend would like that. Even though it's delicious.

Mr. Read: OK, just let me know what you want, & I'll make it.

(The photo of the friend between the bushes is shown again)

Arthur: (At the photo) Your gonna love this party! It's gonna have everything you like!

(He puts the photo away. The scene transitions to Arthur In the living room on an armchair, with his shoes off, & looking at a schedule with a pencil in hand)

Arthur: Hhmmmmmm... Maybe we should have a clown at the party.

(He fantasizes a clown party. A clown blows up a balloon)

Clown: Now, I'll make a giraffe out of this balloon! (He laughs, then when he tries to do so, he begins to sneeze)

Arthur: (Voice-over) No. The only clown I know is allergic to Pal.

Clown: Aaahh! It's that dog again!

(He continues to sneeze, and the balloon deflates. Pal is looking sad. The fantasy ends)

Arthur: Maybe we should have a magician. But what if he's too good?

(He now fantasizes a Magician at the party)

Magician: Now. The great Zam-boonie, will make this child, disappear!

(He puts his want on the new friend. The friend actually disappears, causing Arthur & his pals to gasp in shock)

Magician: That'll be 10$, please.

Arthur: (In fantasy; scared & nervous) Uh oh!

(The fantasy ends, & Arthur groans)

Arthur: Thinking of the perfect party is harder than I thought. Maybe I should get some help.

(Later at school during lunch with Buster & Muffy)

Buster: 2 words, Arthur! Space. Party!

Muffy: What does that mean? Get rid of all the furniture & hang out in an empty room?

Buster: No! It's a party where everything has to do with space! Everything would be dark, except for little stars on the ceiling, & we would wear really cool space costumes.

(He fantasizes a space party in Arthur's living room. The lights are shut off, & everyone is dressed like stuff you see in outer space. Binky has a hard time getting through the door due to his large saturn costume)

Binky: (Frustrated) I knew I shouldn't have come as Saturn.

(We then see some cookies and cakes on the table, they are shaped like stars & other space stuff. George grabs something)

Buster: (Voice-over) & then we eat cookies & cakes, shaped like space stuff!

(George in a takes a bite out of what he grabbed)

George: Mmm... I can't really see these alien cookies, but they sure are delicious!

Francine: (Takes a closer look at the item) I think that's a napkin, George.

(We then get a closer look at the item. It is actually a bitten purple napkin with an alien on it. George looks at it, & laughs nervously. The scene then transitions to Arthur's front yard, where Alan/Brain with safety goggles on, & we see some electrical sparks, is building something)

Buster: (Voice-over) & maybe, The Brain could build a real rocket in the front yard!

(The camera zooms out a bit, and Brain turns his blowtorch off & takes off his goggles, & we see a bit of the rocket. then the camera zooms points to the top of the rocket)

Brain: She's ready!

(The camera points to everyone in front, & the elevator activates. We then see Arthur, Buster, & the friend, dressed in Austronaut suits, heading outside of the shaft with people taking pictures. The trio then enter the actual rocket, & the people who took the pictures try to quickly run back out)

Buster: & we all countdown to blastoff!

(We cut back to everyone outside of the rocket, counting down)

Everyone: 10... 9... 8...

Binky: (Interrupts) Hey wait a minute! He said we should all count, (addresses the camera) that means all of you at home as well! Ready? Start counting!

Everyone: (A countdown timer appears on screen, going down from 10 as the crowd counts down) 10.. 9.. 8.. 7.. 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1, blastoff!

(During that countdown, we cut to Arthur, Buster & the new friend in the rocket. They look at each other in excitement. On 4, we cut to Buster, on 3, we cut to Arthur's new friend, & at 2, we cut to Arthur himself. On the word "blastoff!", the rocket then flies into the sky. Music begins to play. We cut to Buster, with his eyes closed on seat, & we see outer space. A song starts)

🎵🎵🎵 Have your party in space, it's the cool thing to do! Party in space (Buster goes to Arthur's new friend), to welcome you!