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D.W.'s Very Bad Mood

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"D.W.'s Very Bad Mood" is the second half of the 18th episode of season 2 of the animated children's series Arthur. It originally aired on April 27th, 1998.


In an alternate telling of his everyday life, Arthur, in a very obvious "Leave it to Beaver" parody, describes how great it is to have a "perfect" family; two loving parents who cater to his every need, a great house (reimagined as a mansion), and great friends who go with him to a great school where they're never late. Arthur seems very contented with his life, except for one thing.....D.W.! Reimagined as a ferocious giant, D.W. proceeds to chase away her family and wreak havoc on Elwood City in a Godzilla-esque fashion, sending the entire city into pandemonium as she takes out her latest temper tantrum on the innocent city dwellers.

Returning back to his normal reality, Arthur is baffled (And terrified) because D.W. has been in an especially bad mood that has lasted for days, ranting violently against everybody around her and refusing to do anything she is told. At the Sugar Bowl, Francine is inviting her friends to her birthday party, but Arthur is exhausted and says he can't attend. Francine explains that the party is two full weeks away, but Arthur explains that D.W. kept him up the entire night screaming at everybody that nobody loves her and that she would not feel any better about it the next morning, all while slamming doors. Francine tells Arthur to ask her what's wrong, but he says that maybe she should instead, and she agrees to it.

That night, Francine comes over for dinner with Arthur's family, but things quickly become unpleasant when D.W. snaps at her mother for warning her about her less-than-polite eating habits. D.W. is about to go into a rant against Arthur when Francine politely asks D.W. what's wrong with her. Shocked, D.W. runs off in tears. Francine excuses herself to try to smooth things over with D.W. upstairs, explaining to her that as a friend of Arthur's, she wants to help them when something's bothering him. D.W. does not accept her explanation and in exhaustion tells Francine to leave. The next day, Arthur is aggravated because D.W. spent the whole night slamming doors to the point where the police probably should have arrived to intervene. The gang imagines a show of "Temper Tantrum Patrol Squad", where the police apprehend children in the middle of violent temper tantrums. The police try to arrest D.W., but call in backup as her temper is too much to control. Coming back to reality, the kids discuss how to solve the problem. Francine gets the feeling something is really bugging D.W., but what does a 4-year old have to get completely upset about? Francine is determined to find out, but Binky and the Brain quickly chicken out on Arthur about soccer practice and Francine told Binky and Brain that the soccer practice is starting tommorow, coming up with lame excuses to avoid confronting D.W.

That afternoon, Francine and Arthur spy on D.W. from the treehouse as D.W. is eating lunch outside. They see her eating a sandwich but spitting out the bologna, with Pal proceeded to eat it! Arthur tells Pal to stop it because it's gross, but blows their cover as D.W. tells them off again. That night, Arthur spies on D.W. as she sleeps with Francine listening in on a walkie-talkie. D.W. is mumbling in her sleep that "something's wrong", but wakes up screaming that Arthur is a "dodo-brain", which he proceeds to repeat into the walkie-talkie absent-mindedly, much to Francine's amusement. The next day, they see D.W. and her classmates leaving preschool when D.W. appears to be looking at a group of friends, among them her classmate Lisa talking about what appears to be her birthday party at the movies. Francine catches on to what's up and goes to Arthur's to talk to D.W. D.W. again is rude to Francine, but her mom tells her to control her attitude. D.W. admits that she'd feel much better if she could see "Kwazy Kewl Kittens: The Journey Home" at the movies, and Francine agrees that she (And Arthur) will take her.

At the movies, D.W. does not seem to be having fun, until she sees Lisa and her friends arrive, and starts laughing almost maniacally. Lisa greets her, somewhat blankly, as D.W. goes on about her friends and how she goes to lots of birthday parties. Lisa says "that's nice", but soon it appears she and her party friends (Among them D.W.'s friend Emily) are excluding her. Feeling sick, D.W. wants to go home, which Arthur eagerly does. Finally knowing what's wrong, Francine decides to watch over D.W. alone and takes her to the Sugar Bowl for ice cream. D.W. finally admits that she was angry over not being able to go to Lisa's party, as she wasn't invited, and has a fantasy where she enacts revenge on Lisa and her friends by ruining the party. Francine doesn't care for the idea of revenge, and asks if Lisa is a close friend of D.W. She admits that she isn't that close a friend, but her best friend Emily did get to go instead. Francine trys to explain that nobody can go to every party, but Francine has an idea to make her happy again.

The next morning, D.W. gets a letter in the mail, which she has her mom read to her. It's an invitation to Francine's birthday party! D.W. is thrilled and her bad mood finally goes completely away, and this is a third grade party instead. All is finally well again, but Arthur is less than thrilled to be bringing his sister to his friend's party.



  • Francine is completely mentioned to have a birthday party in this episode; but it had never been confirmed to when her birthday is. However, she is eight years old, especially when episodes or books that can take place from the second semester of Arthur's third grade year.


  • In this flashback where D.W. is trying to get to the door so that she would tell her father that she doesn't want to feel any better, her baby sister Kate's presence is totally ignored. Seeing as Kate sleeps in D.W.'s room, she would've been crying at the sound of the slamming doors.


  • Arthur: (When having some breakfast) Okay, okay. So I'm slightly exaggerating.
  • D.W.: These corn-pops are really soggy! I won't eat them!
  • Arthur:.......But only slightly.
  • D.W.: You can't make me! And I am not going to preschool either! I'm sick of preschool! I'll do it what I want! Do you really hear me?! DO YOU?! (Voice echoes)
  • Francine: (At the Sugar Bowl) One for you, And one for you, And Arthur? Wake up!
  • Arthur: Huh?
  • Francine: I'm inviting you to my birthday party.
  • Arthur: I'm sorry. I can't go. I'm too tired.
  • Francine: The party isn't for two more weeks. You will get plenty of time to sleep.
  • Arthur: You wanna bet? D.W.'s gone absolutely nuts. Last night, She would not stop screaming.
  • D.W.: You're just making me go to bed because you don't want me around! You don't love me, you wished I was not even born!
  • Dad: (kisses D.W. goodnight) Sleep tight, D.W. Let's hope you'll feel much better in the morning.
  • D.W.: (opens the door) I WON'T feel better in the morning! (slams her door but then opens it again) I won't, I won't, I WON'T! (slams her door again but then opens it once more) I WON'T! (slams her door for the last time and started crying for the rest of her life)

  • Francine: (To Arthur about what he said) Okay. I will. (At Arthur's house) Thanks Mrs. Read.
  • Mom: (To Francine) My pleasure.
  • (D.W. is taking a bunch of fries)
  • Mom: D.W., one at a time!
  • D.W.: You're always picking on me! You never pick on anyone else! Only me! Me! ME!
  • Mom: You know that's not true, D.W. Everyone has to eat politely and that includes you.
  • D.W.: That does NOT include me! You NEVER include me. You always make me stay home whenever there's anything fun! Only Arthur gets to have fun! Only Arthur....
  • Francine: D.W., can I ask you a question?
  • D.W.: Maybe.
  • Francine: What is the matter with you?
  • (D.W. gasps and then runs off crying while closing the door, Francine groans, & Mrs. Read sighs)
  • Arthur: (To Francine, sarcastically) That was great. You really solved the problem.
  • Francine: (About D.W.) I didn't think she'd get so upset.
  • Mr. Read: It's not your fault, Francine.
  • Francine: (To Arthur & his parents) May I be excused? (Goes upstairs as she hears D.W. continues to cry) Uh, I'm sorry, D.W. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But you really are being a total doofus. If you know what I mean.

  • Brain: (To Arthur) So, did Francine figure out what's wrong with D.W.?
  • Arthur: (To The Brain) No, it only made her worse! Last night she slammed so many doors and I thought we'd get arrested!

  • Policeman: You have a right to remain silent!
  • D.W.: I will not be silent! I'll be as loud as I want and..and you can't stop me! No one can stop me! Who made you the boss of the world?
  • Policeman: We need back up, fast!

  • D.W.: I know what you're doing and it won't work!
  • (Inside Arthur's house, Arthur is talking on the phone with Francine)
  • Arthur: (Quietly) She's not saying anything. It's 10:00, and I'm tired.
  • Francine: Arthur, I'm telling you, whatever it is, you'll stay in your sleep. You can't give up.
  • Arthur: (hears D.W. moaning) Wait! This might be it!
  • D.W.: No, it's wrong! Something's wrong!
  • Arthur: "It's wrong..."
  • D.W.: Because...
  • Arthur: "Something's wrong..."
  • D.W.: It's because...
  • Arthur: "Because..."
  • D.W.: Because Arthur is a DODO BRAIN!
  • Arthur: "Because Arthur is a dodo brain."
  • (Francine laughs until...)
  • Arthur: Stop laughing, Francine! (Outside D.W.'s school) This is it, Francine! If we can't figure out what's wrong with D.W. today, Then I give up!
  • Francine: I'm telling you, Arthur. We're close. Then you can sleep. (Sees D.W. once again) Wait, There she is.

  • D.W.: I'm invited! I'm invited! I'm invited!