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Wanda Deegan

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Wanda Deegan
Gender Female
Animal Poodle

Hair color Orange
Complexion Tan

Family *Rubella (older daughter)

Book debut Arthur and the Cootie-Catcher
Cartoon debut "Misfortune Teller"

Wanda Deegan[1] is Prunella and Rubella's mother. She enjoys yoga and granola. Her husband never appeared in the series, although it is likely that she may be either widowed or divorced, though her maiden name is unknown; however her and Unknown Male Adult Poodle have been seen with together and with Prunella and Rubella.

Wanda is a kind-hearted character. She enjoys doing yoga with Prunella and her friends.

Physical appearance[edit]

Wanda Deegan is a poodle with a tan complexion, and curly orange beehive hair. She wears a blue sweatshirt, white pants, a necklace with white beads, and red lipstick. Her eyes are white with a black dot on each one, unlike her daughters who have completely black eyes.



  • In Arthur's Absolutely Fun Day!, the player is able to meet Sue Ellen at a strawberry field called Wanda's Berry Farm. It is unknown if it is owned by her or another Wanda, as she and her daughters do not appear in the game.


  1. "Thank you! Wanda loves you, too." — Wanda Deegan, Three's a Crowd