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The Georginis are an imaginary tribe of miniature moose who appear in a dream George Lundgren has in Do You Speak George. They call him “Great George” and teach him their secret language.


The Georginis live in the Gramazon Jungle which appears to be full of word-based dangers like tongue-twisting toads and a gobbledygook swamp. The whole jungle is the product of a dyslexic child’s imagination.

Within the jungle the Georginis live in a village of wooden houses that are build halfway up tree trunks.


The Georginis all look and dress identical. They look like George but are only about half as tall. Their chief is slightly taller than the others.

All Georginis wear green skirts around their waists and light yellow stoles around their necks.

Their voices are high and squeaky.

Georgini Language[edit]

While the Georginis speak mostly English with George, they teach him their sacred language which consists of gestures and sounds.

Unlike Oola, Arster-Buthur and Brain’s Math Language, the Georgini language is not based on English.

After waking up George starts developing the Georgini language. Brain criticizes that without an alphabet Georgini requires thousands of gestures or sounds.
