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El Boomerang

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For the person, see Juan-Carlos Salamanca.
El Boomerang
Item Type

Soccer Ball


Alberto Molina

First Appeared (cartoon)

"Follow the Bouncing Ball"

El Boomerang is a soccer ball signed by a famous player with the same named Juan-Carlos Salamanca. It is owned by Alberto. It was lost in "Follow the Bouncing Ball" and was later returned to Alberto in "The Long Road Home."

The Ball[edit]


The soccer ball of Francine and Alberto were confused which each others. When Francine is about to return the ball to Alberto, Francine tells Buster to throw the ball down from the balcony of his condo. It bounces over her head. After a while of chasing it, it stops, only to be hit by the skateboard of Molly. It goes near Grandma Thora's dog Killer, and her leash slips off of Thora's hand, causing the dog to chase the ball. It bounces onto the back of a pickup truck and all hope is lost. At the end of "Following the Bouncing Ball", it escapes from the back of the truck. Throughout Season 14, the ball can be seen bouncing around.

It later returned to Alberto in "The Long Road Home" when Arthur's penpal, Adil, found it and shipped it to Arthur's house. It was in the same week as Alberto's party and Arthur was going to give it to him as a present, but couldn't. At the end of the episode George kicked it and it landed in the arms of Alberto.


Alberto's Explanation[edit]

"It was 1959, Ecuador was playing Uruguay. They were tied, With 10 seconds left in the game, Juan-Carlos Salamanca, the great player in the history of Ecuador, got the ball. He later perfected that move and became known as.. El Boomerang."


Started Second stop Third stop Fourth stop Fifth stop Sixth stop Seventh stop Eighth stop Ninth stop Tenth stop Eleventh stop Twelfth and final stop
Elwood City in Follow the Bouncing Ball A sea side town in Buster Baxter and the Letter from the Sea The streets of a city in China in Around the World in 11 Minutes In Costa Rica on the beach during Muffy's vacation in Muffy and the Big Bad Blog The streets of Moscow, Russia in Arthur Unravels The canals of Venice, Italy in All the Rage Was in Bodh Gaya, India in D.W., Queen of the Comeback The streets of Dakar, Senegal with Cheikh in In My Africa Was in space in Buster Spaces Out Was in Istanbul, Turkey were it fell from the sky to Arthur's friend Adili in the opening of The Long Road Home. Was at Arthur's house in The Long Road Home. To Alberto out side the clock tower at the end of "The Long Road Home"