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Chess is a board game that some of the kids in Elwood City play.
Season 11[edit]
Brain's Shocking Secret[edit]
Binky is seen making up the "Leaping-Ninja-Pawn Head Chop" move when he plays against Brain.
Season 13[edit]
Brain Gets Hooked[edit]
Brain participated in a chess tournament.
Season 14[edit]
The Wheel Deal[edit]
It is revealed that Lydia Fox likes chess and was ranked as one of the top players in the country.
Season 15[edit]
Best Enemies[edit]
David Read and Herman Merkles are shown playing chess at the Merkleses' House.
Through the Looking Glasses[edit]
Brain is shown playing chess with Anton at the Ice Cream Shop.
Season 16[edit]
Brain's Chess Mess[edit]
Brain starts a chess club after he loses against Los Dedos in the junior chess championship. Rattles is revealed to be a skilled chess player who teaches Brain and the other club members how to play properly. Rattles' teachings eventually allow Brain to finally beat Los Dedos.