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User blog:Pugpo/The Red Claw Saga 1: The Yarn Realm

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This fanon takes place after the events of Fifteen...

          Nemo slowly walked away from Pal, Amigo, Kate , Nadine , Treenie , and Uncle Wormy , who were still cheering in the window. Unfortunately, Nemo had lost the prophisised Key to the Yarn Realm, which had been permanetley desposed of in the blue box. Nemo had to tell the rest of the Red Claw of his failiure. He frolicked bakc to Francine's apartment, where he licked a certain knot in a tree. The tree trunk sprung open. Nemo pressed the intercom. "Agent Calico? This is Agent Nemo. The key had been destroyed. Arrange a conferense meeting in Conferense Room E," he said. "I'm on it, Agent N," replied Calico. Another door opened, and Nemo trotted into the Headquarters.
          A group of cats in Conferense Room E huddled around a table. Suddenly, the door creaked open. "Here comes the chief!" some cat said. In stepped Fur Elise, who was the head chief of the Red Claw. "Everything OK, chief?" asked Nemo. Fur Elise nodded. "Not really, Nemo. I almost had the human girl, D.W., in my grasp. On more day with her, and I'm sure she'd forget about her imaginay friend, Nadine...Operation Imaginay Friends Be Gone must be abandoned." she said. The crowd of cats gasped. Nemo drooped his head. "I'm afraid I cannot report any better news. The Key to the Yarn Realm has been desposed.". A random cat next ot Nemo outbursted. "Oh Nooooo! Now we'll never into the Yarn Realm!". Fur Elise looked puzzled. "What was the key desposed in Nemo?" she asked. "A blue box, sitting in front of Pal's house," replied Nemo. Elise nodded. "Yes, yes...well, I happen to know where that blue box goes...and it is not desposed of forever". The cats cheered. "But where?" asked Nemo. "The city recycling center...".
           Fur Elise, Nemo, Alphonse, and a couple other cats trotted into the Elwood City Recycling Center. "The key must be here somewhere," sad Elise. Off in the distance, Amigo and Alberto walked past the recycling center. Suddenly, Amigo smelt trouble. He looked ot his left. Nemo! Amigo lifted his ear. "...We'll find that key in no time..." he heard them say. In a flash, Amigo darted away from Alberto. "Blah blah blah blah, Amigo!" cried Alberto. Amigo ran all the way to Pal and Kate's house. "Pal!" Amigo said. Pal and Kate were playing in the sandbox. "What is it, Amigo?" asked Pal. "It's Nemo! I saw him and a few other cats walking into the Recycling Center! The said they were looking for some kind of key!". "I bet it was that funny picture with the smiling lady!" said Kate. Pal nodded. "Yes, it must be". "And get this!" conmtinued Amigo. "Fur Elise is with him!". Pal's jaw dropped. "Fur Elise? That darn cat who came into our house?". Amigo nodded. Pal's eyes narrowed. "...This is personal...".
           "Look!" said Nemo, holding up a pretzel bag. "What is it?" asked Alphonse. "Pal and Kate had this bag when I had the key! This must be their trash pile!". The cats started sorting through the junk. "I found it!" Nemo said, pulling out the smiling lady picture. "The key! Now we can geet into the Yarn Dimension, and have all the yarn we want!" Fur Elise marveled. "Hurry, let's make the portal!". Fur Elise and the other cats started to walk out of the center. Quickly, Nemo dashed in front of them. "Not so fast!" he said. "Nemo..." Elise was shocked. "...What are you doing?". "If I didn't see the pretzel bag, we wouldn't have found it!". "So?". "So it's mine!". The cats gasped. "Don't be silly, Nemo, give the key to me!". Nemo shook his head. "No! You've been ordering me around far to long!" snapped Nemo. Fur Elise was seeming. "Give it to me!". Nemo ignored her, and pulled out the other peice of the portal: a picture of the Red Claw logo. "Nemo, no!". Nemo pressed the two pictures together, and they spiraled into a spinning vortex, with strands of every color of yarn flailing out of it. "Nemo, I'm warning you!" Fur Elise threated. At that instant, Kate, Pal, Amigo, and all the imaginary friends rushed into the Recycling center. "Stop!" cried Pal, Kate, Amigo, and Fur Elise all at once. Nemo leaped into the portal. "Your reign of bossyness is finished!" Nemo told Elise. "No!". Fur Elise grabbed Nemo's tail. Nemo was half way through the portal, with Elise grasping his tail. Pal charged forward, and shoved Fur Elise through the portal. Nemo and Elise tumbled in, and the portal closed up. Pal looked around. "The funny smiling lady! It's gone!".
       Fur Elise and Nemo floated through the Yarn Realm, head to toes in yarn balls. "We're trapped! We have all this yarn, but the portal is closed, and we can't bring it out!" Whined Fur Elise. "Not really..." said Nemo, showing Elise something in his paw. He was holding the picture of the smiling lady...

To be continued...