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What is that Thing?

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"What is that Thing?"
What is that thing.jpg
What is that Thing Title Card.png
Season/Series: 4
Number in season: 9A
Original Airdate: November 1, 1999
Written by: Peter K. Hirsch
Storyboard by: Jeremy O'Neill
Emmanuelle Gignac
"Prunella's Prediction"
"Buster's Best Behavior"
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"What is that Thing?" is the first half of the ninth episode in the fourth season of Arthur.


A magical device helps everyone finish their seemingly impossible tasks — but what is it?


The plot begins with D.W. pestering Arthur with questions such as-who invented movies? Who thought of dolls? It's driving Arthur crazy but when he tells her to stop, she simply retorts that she wouldn't need to ask those questions if he would take her to the puppet show on inventions that Mr. Ratburn is holding. Arthur doesn't want to go and asks D.W. to their mom or dad take her. Unfortunately, both Arthur's Mom and Dad are working and can't go, and force Arthur to take her. Arthur reluctantly complies and decides it wouldn't be so bad if his friends went with him, so he goes to find However, Buster is trying to figure out an idea for the "Write An Episode For Bionic Bunny" contest, as the deadline that day. Arthur suggests an idea that Buster likes, however that was Arthur's entry, though Arthur is happy his friend likes his episode idea. Then he goes to Francine, but she can't go either because she wants to be there for her cat, Nemo,because as of watching 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea he had developed a fear of water so acute that even at the sound of a shower being taken is enough to frighten him. Muffy can't go because her new doll, Annie, fell down a sewer, and she won't go without getting it out. The Brain won't go without fixing his toy plane, which is missing a wheel. As Arthur walks home, disappointed, he finds a strange object. it's a metal spool with holes on the rim with red thread wound up around it. He ponders what it is unsuccessfully, when D.W. runs up and wants to see it. Arthur won't let her and they fight over it, causing it to fly from Arthur's hand and managing to unintentionally catapult it to The Brain. The Brain doesn't know what it is but it's about the right size for a wheel for his plane. He fits it on and flies it, and for a while it works but then falls off...right next to Francine's apartment. Francine spots it and has no idea what it is, but decides to try and use it to hypnotise Nemo into liking water. It works, and he promptly runs into Catherine's shower, now being attracted to water. Next,  it rolls down the sidewalk to Muffy's sewer, where she spots it.  Like the rest of them, she doesn't have a clue what it is, but uses the thread to hook it around Annie's nose and pull her up. Then it rolls away from her and she chases after it. Francine sees, her informs Muffy that it's hers, a


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  • Muffy uses the bobbin to save a plush anteater of hers named "Andy". It wears Arthur's sweater - a clever in-joke.
  • Nemo's design has changed in this episode after his debut in "Francine and the Feline", and has remained in subsequent seasons.

Cultural references

  • Elias Howe was a real-world inventor. He was the first to make a sewing machine with: a needle with the eye at the point, a shuttle operating beneath the cloth to form the lock stitch, and an automatic feed.


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