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Buster's Secret Admirer

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"Buster's Secret Admirer"
Buster's Secret Admirer 14.jpg
Season/Series: 15
Original Airdate: October 11, 2010 (Australia)
October 12, 2011 (North America)
Written by: Allan Neuwirth
Peter K. Hirsch
Storyboard by: Elise Benoit
"Whistling in the Wind"
"The Last King of Lambland"
Read transcript

Buster's Secret Admirer is the first half of the 3rd episode of Season 15. It first aired on October 12, 2011 with "The Last King of Lambland."


Buster receives chocolates in the mail from a "secret admirer" and tries to uncover who it was sent by, asking everyone from Arthur to Molly.


The introduction starts in a fairytale forest. Buster is sitting at the base of a tree, plucking the petals off a flower as he talks about how great love is. The flower suddenly comes to life and starts talking back (I hate love! How would you like to have your petals plucked out!). Then, squirrels in the tree start throwing things at Buster, who is now very frightened and runs away into a clearing.

A flock of flying cupid-pigs suddenly appear and shoot at Buster with arrows. He screams as he wakes up, realizing it was only a dream. He looks at the camera from his bed and says, "Isn't it weird how sometimes the nicest dreams turn out to be the worst nightmares?" Then he suddenly realizes that an arrow from the dream is in his bed. He screams.

Buster's Secret Admirer

The episode starts in Buster's dining room just before school. Buster is finishing his cereal when his mom comes in with the mail. There is a package for Buster with no return address. He's almost late so he decides to open it up at school.

At school that day Buster shows the mysterious package to Arthur. Buster is afraid that it came from someone playing a trick, so he has Arthur open it. It turns out to be an expensive box of chocolates with a valentine themed card inside. Buster starts on the chocolates as Arthur reads the card:

    For someone I adore
    A boy who's never a bore
    Likes a good joke, loves to eat
    Let me treat you with something sweet
         ~Your Secret Admirer

Buster immediately looks around for students who could be his secret admirer. Not able to figure out who it could possibly be, he starts researching the meaning of the word. He discovers that if he scrambles the letters of 'secret admirer' the words 'dream reciters' can be made. Buster makes up what dream reciters are: hooded beings that create his dreams, who also gave him the chocolates. Arthur doesn't agree but gives Buster a big lead. Since the chocolates were expensive, perhaps the secret admirer is Muffy. Buster sends a thank you package to Muffy filled with a poem, a pickle, and a bologna sandwich. The food is (of course) rotten when it arrives at Muffy's house and Muffy is disgusted. She marches angrily towards Buster the next day and makes sure he understands that she would never be his secret admirer.

Buster's next guess if Fern since she is so good at poetry, but Fern says she isn't. After asking Sue Ellen and Molly, Buster begins to doubt he'll ever find his secret admirer. The next issue of The Frensky Star is titled "Who is Buster's Secret Admirer? Who cares!!". It appears that the whole school has heard of Buster's search and is tired of it. Buster decides to stop looking.

That night, Buster has another dream. In it, a forklift delivers a giant box of chocolates to his front door. Driving it is one of Buster's hooded Dream Reciters. Buster chases it around Elwood City until it vanishes in front of Buster's classmates. They all make fun of Buster, saying how they'd never be his secret admirer. Suddenly the dream changes and three dream reciters appear around a cauldron. They give Buster a big clue about who the real admirer is: the first letters of the original poem spell a word.

The letters spell 'fall'. Buster realizes that the secret admirer was his own mother since they celebrate a little holiday called Fall Day every september. Buster makes his mother a breakfast the next morning and gives her another poem back, signed 'Secret Admirer'. "I wonder who that could be," his mom says.


  • In the second scene with the Dream Reciters, it features music recycled from the show "Redwall TV ". This piece was used it the show's final episode.