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User talk:JoePlay

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Thank you. We are much obliged. Annawantimes (Talk) 21:02, October 31, 2011 (UTC)

Fanon Administrator Group[edit]

It seems I always forget to mention something when I contact you, I truly am sorry for that. I do, however, have something important, and it will be needed in order to run the Fanon portal smoothly. Let me start off by saying that the three Administrators of this wiki, which includes myself, are extremely busy deleting vandalism and warning vandals. This is the key problem concerning the wiki. We also have other tasks, and we do not want to be further constricted with duties of an Administrator of the Fanon namespace.

So here's what I think can be done. I have created a group called "Fanon Administrator" on the wiki (see the MediaWiki article)(and the group member MediaWiki article). Although the group now exists, anyone who is apppointed Fanon Administrator will be able to do less than an ordinary user, according to the ListGroupRights article. What I propose is, is there a way to specifically state the rights of a Fanon Administrator, and factor them into the user group in such a way that they apply to a user who is added to the group? Could this be done by editing the ListGroupRights article, or another article that is the way of adding additional rights? If this can be done, please add the following rights to the Fanon Administrator category. (And note, I copied this from the Administrator category on the ListGroupRights article and deducted a few categories that make a Fanon Admin different from an ordinary Admin. And... if you aren't sure how to do this... could you direct me to someone who does?)

  • Change protection levels and edit protected pages (protect)
  • Delete comments on blog articles (blog-comments-delete)
  • Delete pages (delete)
  • Edit semi-protected pages (autoconfirmed)
  • Have one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled (autopatrol)
  • Mark others' edits as patrolled (patrol)
  • Move files (movefile)
  • Move pages (move)
  • Move pages with their subpages (move-subpages)
  • Move root user pages (move-rootuserpages)
  • Not be affected by rate limits (noratelimit)
  • Not create redirects from source pages when moving pages (suppressredirect)
  • Override files on the shared media repository locally (reupload-shared)
  • Overwrite existing files (reupload)
  • Perform captcha triggering actions without having to go through the captcha (skipcaptcha)
  • Quickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page (rollback)
  • Submit a trackback (trackback)
  • Upload files (upload)
  • Use higher limits in API queries (apihighlimits)
  • commentdelete (commentdelete)

-- Annawantimes (Talk) 21:48, October 31, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks again. I also have taken the liberty to rack my brain, and I can't think of anything else to ask. Sorry to consume your time, Annawantimes (Talk) 22:58, October 31, 2011 (UTC)

Bot request[edit]

I am sorry for bothering you yet again -- but I have a simple question, which may evolve into a (hopefully) simple task. I will need to create a bot account, in order to deliver our newsletter every other week to the nearly 100 users throughout the wiki who will need to receive it. I shall create acount beforehand, called, Annawanbot, and please transform the account into a bot, if you would. I have much research ahead of me about bots, but if it is as simple as checking the "bot" box on the UserRights article, then please do so. As always, thanks, Annawantimes (Talk) 06:42, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

I have created the Annawanbot account, and the password, which I made sure to provide correctly when signing up, does not work in the login. I'll give it a try tomorrow, and try to contact you then. Happy Veteran's Day! Annawantimes (Talk) 06:48, November 11, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks, JoePlay. It is always beneficial to have a Wikia Staff member around. Thank you, Annawantimes (Talk) 17:33, November 11, 2011 (UTC)