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User blog:WillTheArthurandBusterFan5050/Arthur and Buster Funtime Video

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Has anyone seen this goofy animation video of Arthur and Buster?

Okay so it's not that lidgit of a video, the characters don't change body poses or facial expressions in this video to give a headsup. Another headsup, Arthur and Buster's real voices are not used, men's voices are used, see whose voice is deeper, Arthur's or Buster's.

Big Bird is also in this video as is Toad from Super Mario, and one of the Ice Age characters. I don't know who that is with Big Bird.

And don't worry, there is no swearing or anything inappropriate in this video (sex, smoking, drinking, etc.) none of that stuff, or else I wouldn't have posted or finished watching this.

It's also kind of funny.

Arthur and Buster pretty much just look like these: 

File:Arthur 2.png
File:Buster promo.png

This is pretty much how they look the whole video through.