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User blog:Rummy00/The Legend of Grebefoot - Fanfiction by Rummy00

Ever heard of cryptids? We have stories of bigfoot, Flatwoods, Mothman, the list goes on. This isn't a very popular, but still quite eerie cryptid, that some of you may have heard about. The one I am talking about is of course Grebefoot. This creature has a stature of an (estimated) 4'3, seems to be humanoid in appearance, and is known to sing about the extinction of it's people. Witnesses have reported poems being left behind at the scenes of small animals that have been gruesomly mauled to the point of no recognition. A particularly strange sighting as reported by a witness, said that he has saw the alleged Grebefoot dancing and spinning gracefully. Almost all reports have provided consistency in the fact that it is spooked easily and tries to fly away, thus suggesting it is a true Aves Tetrapod, Or perhaps a prime examle of convergent evolution. However it's large size might attribute to its inability for flight.
Witnesses state that they find feathers on the ground with a terrible scent accompying it. This stentch is supposedly a mix of rotten milk, sewer methane, and ammonia. This suggest the animal is diseased, or in its moulting process. If the latter is true, it suggests that this cryptid only comes out during this process. One witness who has been able to get upclose to it, reported that this strange animal will shout in a hushed tone "Grebe, Grebe, Grebe".
Other plausable theories suggest that it is the last of its kind, a previously prosperous species that lived in the swampy areas of Northeastern America.
It's Appearance is as reported, to be a primary brown, with a green tailed feathers, which wrap around its entire lower torso. It's legs have been described as if it has silk fur covering them. It has a large wingspan, of perhaps 3-4 feet, with protruding arm like appendages attatched to the wings. It supposedly has tiny, humanoid hands that are not attatched to the wings.
When scared it will jump in the air and flap, usually excreting the foul stentch and leaving behind feathers, possibly as a defense mechanism. It is also known to peck the ground with its beak atleast twice to warn the predator of its presence, and possibly to forage for food.
The animal has been reported to be able to say, or atlease mimmick human speech patterns, as the formentioned shouting "Grebe" when spooked. Also reported is that it's supposed speech patten replaces P's with B's Others have attributed the crypted to be a siren that lures people to their doom. It has an alleged nasaly screech in its voice which is harmful to the ears but appealing to listen to. If any of you have any more information of this supposed "Grebefoot" please share.
Last known picture of Grebefoot. Circa 2003
Chapter 1[edit]
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