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User blog:Mariodogmanfan11 and SpongeBobfan/Every Episode I Have Seen Thus far
Episode Reviews[edit]
Arthur's Family Feud - I am glad this episode focuses on Arthur and D.W.'s side and not just D.W.'s side. And the Ending was nice so, it's a Good Episode
Falafelosophy - Aside from the cliched message on writing for yourself instead of others, this episode was nice. A Good Episode
Germophobia - This episode Deseves the hate. Poor buster is treated awfully by his so-called friends just because he is dirty, what were they thinking , then they blame Arthur even though it was their Idea, not just his. This episode combines Both Arthur and buster Torture and Gives a botched up and broken moral about being clean. BrainPOP can teach this lesson better, its a Bad episode and i will NEVER watch this garbage again!
Arthur Unravels - This episode was so boring, but one scene was used as a meme, people at my school would replay this scene, so it's an Okay Episode
Brain's Shocking Secret - Nothing to say about this, a boring Okay Episode
All Thumbs - I dont mind this episode, Arthur is mean in here, but it's not obnoxiously done like In Germophoia or So Funny I forgot to Laugh. And it talks down to its audience? So did "The Secret Origin of Supernova". Okay Episode
Based on a True story - Unpoplular opinion, this episode is really good, it introduces the new family really well.
The Wheel Deal - A really good episode. Handles handicaps really well.
Arthur's Number Nightmare - The Kids should know its not a rank, because IT HAS MR. HANEY Bad Episode
Arthur vs. The Very Mean Crossing Guard - This episode is very, very horrible and overrated, Ted is unlikeable and I don't liked the moral because It's botched, Jokes shouldn't be hurtful. Bad Episode
D.W. and the Beastly Birthday - Didn't D.W. already turn 5? Are they really running out of ideas, the subplot was pretty boring too? Okay episode
Arthur's Missing Pal - The first "movie." It's no movie since it never got theaters, but never mind. Arthur is kinda neglectful here, and this movie is too forgetful to care, so its a Okay Episode
D.W.'s Very Bad Mood - everyone except Arthur and Francine is very unlikeable here and Lisa is unlikeable too, because of how she invited Emily, what not D.W., although I'm not on D.W.'s side either. D.W. also got rewarded for bad behavior. Bad Episode
-Also, Why does this episode and its sister episode have the word "Very"?
Play it again D.W. - Wow, D.W. being a pain in the neck, she plays her stupid song which annoys Arthur. poor Arthur, I would be annoyed if someone did that to me Bad Episode
So funny I forgot to Laugh - Arthur is really dumbed down in this episode, just like Lincoln in Making The Case from The Loud House altough i dont blame him, if francine didnt bully Arthur in the very first episode maybe Arthur wouldnt bully Sue Ellen, it is a Bad Episode but its kinda Overhated, also Francine and Muffy are hypocrites.
Arthur, It's only Rock N Roll - This special is such a gem, I can't believe this episode airs very little, last time it aired was on February 2022, for the Arthur Mega Marathon. I love this episode, since it talks about selling out. Every character gets their own time to shine and everyone is likeable here, except Muffy who was quite creepy with Nick and got them stuck on the elevator. But it's still a Good episode
Arthur's Eyes - Arthur being made fun of is not funny. Also Francine is unlikeable. BAD start to her character. Bad Episode and not a good way to start the series.
Arthur's Baby - The whole episode is just Arthur being worried about his baby sister, one scene did make me laugh such as the seance with a Shoe on Arthur's Nose Okay Episode
Surprise! - Catherine is a huge Jerk in this one and Poor Francine has to suffer when Catherine pull pranks on her wow, she is heartless, also when Catherine gets embarrassed in her party, its hard to feel sorry for her. if it wasnt for Catherine being embarrassed it would be a bad but now its An Okay Episode
Arthur's Big Hit - Poor Arthur and Binky, they get to suffer too much torture, Arthur's so-called friends side with D.W. "Because she is a little girl" LIKE I SAID, I DONT CARE IF SHES YOUNG, THATS NO EXCUSE! and don't even get me started on D.W. D.W. doesn't feel any remorse at all for breaking Arthur's plane, even when both of them apologize to each other near the end of the episode, in which D.W.'s apology is insincere as she FORCES him to give her a break and uses being a kid as an excuse. AGAIN, I DONT CARE IF SHES YOUNG, THATS NO EXCUSE! AND EVEN IF D.W. WAS RIGHT, ARTHUR IS A KID TOO! also, David and Jane are no better. For example, they don't seem to care about the fact that D.W. broke Arthur's plane and instead only care about D.W. getting hit, even when Arthur gets punched by Binky Barnes near the end of the episode, they don't seem to care and claim "that's how D.W. felt when you punched her", instead of pressing assault charges on the Tough Cosumers. D.W. is a KARMA-Houdini, Arthur is a HUGE BUTT-MONKEY, AND THE MORAL IS BROKEN, EVEN MARC BROWN HIMSELF HATED IT, and I don't blame him, the only highlight is D.W. being punched by Arthur. Bad Episode
Arthur the Loser - Arthur's so-called friends ARE RUDE TO HIM AGAIN, Arthur is no better and everyone else is shoe-horned into this episode and gives a botched-up moral! Bad Episode
Neves of steal - This episode is really underrated. People mostly hate it for the sad ending. there not a lot of Arthur Torture so its a plus. And its moral was good. High Okay Episode
The Last of Mary Moo Cow - D.W. is preventing Arthur from watching his show, come on! at least there wasn't a lot of Arthur Tourture so Low Okay Episode
The Last Tough Customer - This is a Huge Improvement over So funny i forgot to laugh, the bullying concept is handled better Good Episode
The secret origin of supernova - this is a really boring episode, Arthur shouldn't trash Dark Bunny just because it's unhealthy, it's maybe Brain's Fault for telling Arthur its unhealthy, it's a bad episode, i never want to Know about Supernova, its using the "made for kids" excuse, it broke a moral of "That's a Baby Show!" and it has Arthur's Annoying voice actor.
Arthur And the Haunted Tree House - Why didn't this episode premiere on Friday the 13th, missed potential from PBS. Anyway, this episode is kinda cool. Who knew a tree house would be scary? And the Ending is OK, Arthur and D.W. don't get punished too harshly for scaring each other, but they do get some karma. A Good Episode
Big Brother Binky - This is a Caillou episode done right, I didn't like Arthur stealing mei-Lin Away from him but its a good episode
To Eat or Not to Eat - Why would buster prevent people from eating candy bars AND NO, BUSTER IS NOT BETTER OFF WITH AN APPLE, MRS. MCGRADY! Bad Episode
Buster's Breathless - This really handled the asthma concept right. Good episode
D.W.'s Library Card - I feel bad for this episode, its paired with something infamous, the scene where Arthur Reads the book to D.W. was heartwarming Good Episode
The Contest- Really amazing how Arthur can parody South Park of all shows Good Episode
Arthur's New Friend - This episode is too funny to not laugh at, the lack of special effects and voice effects already make this a Good Episode
That's a Baby Show! - This Episode taught a good Moral "You cant judge people or their shows just because its for babies" and "Dont judge A book by its cover", so to anyone who is judging someone because the show is for babies like Sesame Street, watch it or Back off because some older people like it and you will ruin their viewing experience. Good Episode
Arthur's Almost Live Not Real Music Festival - The songs are talented. Good Episode
Elwood City Turns 100 - This is a really good half hour episode, why does no one talk about it? Good Episode
April 9th - it is really realistic, it talkies adult issue as a result of the September 11 attacks. I can relate to Arthur, Binky, Sue Ellen, and Buster because Fire is scary. Buster even made a new friend! Good Episode
Shelter from the Storm - This episode is also relateable because some storm's do cause power outage's Good Episode
brain Freeze - it is kind of okay, Puk-Puk was good, everything else was weak Okay Episode
D.W. All Wet - This Episode Reminds me of nature Cat, They both hate water. D.W. screaming will get you on your nerves and Arthur is unlikeable for pranking D.W. D.W. also wishes an octopus would eat Arthur. Bad Episode
Francine and the Feline - Arthur is really unlikeable just like Spongebob in "A Pal For Gary" they dont know the feelings of their pets Bad Episode
Arthur's Tooth - Joe Fallon, stop with the "character makes fun of another" you made The Loud House's "Heavy Meddle" rip off this. at least they have a good ending Okay Episode
Mr Ratburn and the special someone - after so many years we found out that Mr Ratburn is gay, and They do it in the most down-to-earth way possible Good episode
The Feud - this reminds me of The Loud House "Brawl in the Family" expect better Okay episode
When rivals came to roast - brain shouldn't be sus about mighty mountain Low okay episode
The longest 11 minutes - Really Relateable and overhated. Good episode
Muffys car campaign - Muffy needed her karma for what she did in the episode that shall not be named. Good episode
Binky can't always get what he wants - if I was binky I would rather be in a TV commercial then a talent show Bad episode
Muffy house guests - another muffy episode? Why is there so many Muffy episodes Okay episode
The poll - Brain should never use polls for the schools benifits, use them for video games Okay episode
Fright nignt - nothing to say. Okay episode
Citzen Ckeih - again, nothing to say. High okay episode
When duty calls - bud shouldn't have left rapty again High okay episode
The pea and the princess - why would a pea get more attention than the princess? Prunella wasn't a good directer. Bad episode
D.W. and DR whoosit - Doctor who isn't inappropriate, why is this episode dissing it? The moral is poorly handled and the jokes are dumb except for "Egad, The Dad Is Mad". This episode feels like a season 11-13 episode! It's probably the worst since season 11-13! Bad episode
George scraps his sculpture - Nothing to say. Okay episode
Arthur big meltdown - Clever callback to "Arthur's Big Hit", it's also not as bad as "Arthur's Big Hit" Okay episode
The great MacGrady - better remake than the original Good episode
D.W.'s new best friend - bud needs to learn you can have more than one best friend, like Arthur in "Buster's New Friend", but D.W.'s song was FIRE!!! Okay episode
Freaky tuesday - mr Ratburn needs to learn that too much work makes kids stressed Okay episode
Binky wrestles with a story - nothing to say, because it's bland. Okay episode
All will be revealed - I cant believe that Nadine took DW's Snowball. So, Arthur shouldn't have been blamed throught the series. Low Okay episode
Making Conversion - Why would George's Mom force him to talk to adults? Doesnt she know he's shy? Bad episode
All Cloudy day - I dont really watch slient flims, so i cant relate. Okay episode
Listen Up! - Plot similar to The Loud House "A Grave Mistake" but better High Okay Episode
Arthur New Old vaction - Title makes No sense, good to see Ladonna back after Season 23 High Okay Episode
Blabbermouth - I cant believe that Muffy would say blabbing is good. Its not! You get in trouble! Does that seem "good" to you? There is nothing good about this Episode and makes a botched up moral Bad Episode
tipping The scales - Really good with the school setting Good episode the best episode thus far
All Grown Up - RIP Arthur 1996-2022. Good Episode
Castle's In the Sky - This only reason why they chose the O.G. tree house was because Frank rejected their ideas, where is the logic? it is a Bad Episode
Fern's Slumber Party - I hated Mrs. Walters in this episode, she forces fern to be social. this episode was boring and annoying. Bad Episode
Cereal - Really D.W.? You blamed your own brother? Though D.W. isn't the main problem. Its Buster! He ignores Arthur and puts this whole blaming podcast thing on Arthur. Its a Bad Episode
Arthur's Perfect Christmas - This is really Cool, i really liked the message about Christmas. the only downside is D.W.'s tantrum. Good Episode
The Rhythm And Roots of Arthur - Really Good message, it is Good Episode
An Arthur Thanksgiving - I havent gotten much to say about this episode because I haven't watched it in a long time, but why would Aunt minnie be Out of character? But it could be worse so its Okay Episode
Arthur's First Day - Poor Muffy, she gets treated poorly just because she accidently lost Emily, the tough cutometers should be suspended, but no, they get no karma. The main plot of Arthur and Buster being separated is a Copy of "Schooled" from The Loud House and i hated that episode already. While its not as bad as "Schooled", it is still a Bad Episode
The Fright Stuff - Ed crosswire needs to learn that pranks are fun, Why would he ruin it? Its moral was poorly executed. Bad Episode
Desk Wars - this episode was really entertaining and funny, its a Good Episode
Desperately Seeking Stanley - this has to be one of, if not the boringest episode ever. Okay Episode
Buster Gets Real - Arthur is a pain in the neck here, Arthur is overreacting just because Buster loves Top Supermarket Sitcom! Not to mention it has Arthur's annoying voice actor. Its really bad it's a Bad Episode
Never Never never - this episode deserves the hate, D.W. is so annyoing here, it's a Bad Episode
Looking for bonnie - really boring. It's a Painfuly Okay Episode
In My Africa - this episode is really underrated, the song is catchy and the best part of this episode. It's a Good Episode
Nicked by a name - Its moral: Nicknames are bad. Are You Serious? Why would they make this type of moral? It's A Bad Episode
D.W. Queen of the comeback - Same thing and Same Bad Episode rating. Ignoring bullies don't always stop the bullies from bullying you. This episode assumes all bullies are trolls. Some bullies are more than "trolls". Like my classmates.

Adventures in Budylon - This picture will explain why its a Okay Episode rating. Sorry, here is the real reason, it's okay is because the plot is repetitive but well executed, but boring too.
Invasion of the soccer fans - Do pets never know about modern technology? It's A Bad Episode
Night Fright - the song Arthur made was funny. But everything else was just okay. It's an Good episode which broke its streak of Bad and Okay Episodes. Nice!
Bleep - This episode is underrated, that way Arthur and his friends say bad words is funny, mainly Francine! It's A Good Episode
Happy anniversary - A great way for Arthur turning 10 years. It's A Good Episode
Busters Carpool Problem - I just like this episode. Its really entertaining. Another Good Episode and is a rare good episode from seasons 11-16.
The Last Day - I wish we had this, instead of Arthur's First Day. A Good Episode
Brains Brain - Brain making faces is funny, everything else was just decent. Its an Good Episode
Francine and the soccer spy - The plot about someone spying on each other is interesting and cool. Its an Good Episode. I hope the streak doesn't get broken.
Arthur and the Big Riddle - Shouldn't have tempted fate, The ending is really horrible, it's trying too hard to tell its moral. Bad Episode
The Cave - Francine is a jerk here but at least she gets punished for it. In the end, it's an Okay Episode
Muffy Gets mature - This episode tries to hard to tell a moral. This episode is really boring too. The jokes are also devoid. A painfully Okay Episode
Sleep No more - this concept is interesting, and I did not sleep when watching this. Good Episode
Sue Ellen vegges out - this episode disrespects people who love meat and treat them as heartless, what were they thinking?, also Sue Ellen turns into a vegan/vegetarian just because she met a pig. And pigs don't die from meat, they only die for raw/uncooked meat. This episode is a huge mess. Bad Episode
Double Dare - this episode is underrated, the concept of skipping school is good, the episode is decent, and it's nice to see Francine be nice to Arthur for once. Good Episode
Kids are from Earth, Parents are from pluto - Not all parents are overprotective, the kids should be grateful, but at the same time, the parents should control their behavior. Okay Episode
MacFrensky - Francine and Muffy are so unlikeable and it has a stupid ending where Francine gets punished, but Not Muffy so Bad Episode
Revenge of the Chip - Jane is really unlikeable here, And I feel bad for D.W. here. A Bad Episode
On This Spot - Boring episode. Nuff said. Okay Episode
The Tardy Tumbler - Enjoyable episode. I really liked Prunella and Marina. Good Episode
On the Buster Scale - I didn't mind this episode, I liked Buster and Brain learning their opinions don't have to be Similar so, it's an Good Episode
Arthur Accused - Good job, Buster. Have you not talked about Arthur at the Arcade, he wouldn't have been blamed. Why didn't Mr. Haney apologized to Arthur for blaming him. Bad Episode
1001 Dads - Arthur is being too WorryWart Okay Episode
Besties - The title. But, anyways Arthur is very unlikeable and selfish here, but not as unlikeable as he was in "Germophobia" or "So Funny I forgot to Laugh", I like the song though. Okay Episode
The Cherry Tree - It is nice to See Muffy care for the environment, but only because her tree get Chopped off? You should care for the Enviorment anyways. An Okay Episode
- There has been WAY TOO MUCH Muffy episodes in Season 22 and only 1 of them was good.
- There was A LOT of Boring episodes in Season 11-14.

Based on the Pie Chart it is so obvious I should give this an Okay. And most of the bad episodes were not that bad.
Yoshi Player/That Yozzy Bloke PIEGUYRULZ Animationfan15 and Scrooge200 for inspiring me.