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This user is a fan of Lakewood Elementary School.

Basic Info[edit]

Hi. I'm Andre, a 20 year old kid from Minnesota.

I'm in my second year at Bemidji State University, and am busy studying Computer Graphics and English. When I grow up, I want to be a writer, animator, or director of a kids show like Arthur or WordGirl (my two favorite shows). My hobbies include: playing violin/guitar/piano, animating with Blender, writing stories, assembling home computers, doodling, and pondering the meaning of life. I currently am a lab monitor at my college, where I write most of my articles and revisions.

Arthur and I[edit]

I saw Arthur for the first time when I was about six, at my babysitter's house. Her children were into the show, but my own family didn't really watch tv. My only real memory from watching it back then is the intro, especially Mr. Ratburn being mistaken for a shark and D.W. scaring the Arthur inside the television.

Then, thirteen years later (July 2012), I was idly flipping through afternoon summer channels when I came accross a kid's cartoon that showed a U.S. President with ears on top of his head. Intrigued, I continued watching while the President searched his white house for some little lost girl who liked horses. The secret service got involved in the search, and the show made fun of their search tactics and secret codes in such an original way that I forgot the show was meant for kids. This show was called Arthur and I was hooked.

Arthur has made me realize that tv shows don't actually need violence or adult language to be funny. I think it's difficult to make an educational kids show entertaining for adults as well, but somehow Arthur does both. I still am learning lessons while watching Arthur. Sixteen straight seasons proves this show is of the highest quality.

My Favorite Arthur Character[edit]

My favorite character in Arthur is D.W. I love her variety of expressions and her adult to child-like range of remarks. One of my favorite things to do when re-watching episodes is to look at all the different shapes her eyes make. I especially like D.W.'s voice, though it does change a little between seasons.

My favorite episodes featuring D.W.:

  1. Happy Anniversary
  2. D.W., Bossy Boots
  3. Never, Never, Never
  4. Blockheads

Arthur Movies I Own:[edit]

I am the proud owner of over 10 gigabytes of Arthur seasons (10-15), purchased from iTunes (and backed up three times!). I also have three VHS movies of older episodes (three shows on each). I really wish there were dvd's or iTunes downloads for seasons 1 to 9. However, I'm slowly catching up on the older seasons by watching Arthur on PBS (almost) daily.

Things I'm working on right now:[edit]

  • Design Technology degree at Bemidji State University
  • Musical Animations (I like ANIMUSIC )
  • Editing Arthur Wiki articles
  • Minecraft (my game tag is also apostier)