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Unknown Female Adult Rabbit (Number 5)

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"Unknown Female Adult Rabbit (Number 5)" is not an official name.
Unknown Female Adult Rabbit (Number 5)
Gender Female
Animal Rabbit

Hair color Brown (s10-s11),
Blonde (s13)
Complexion Tan (s10-s11)
Cream (s13)

Family Husband

Cartoon debut World Girls

Unknown Female Adult Rabbit is an unnamed character who made her first appearance in the episode "World Girls". She made an appearance with her daughters at the World Girl World mall.

Her whole family was seen during the opening of the episode "D.W. on Ice" in a group picture that was taken by Arthur and placed in a museum. She appeared in the episode "When Carl Met George" where she was seen with one of her daughters. In the episode D.W. on Ice, her husband spoke in French to Arthur hinting she could be of French descent.

Physical appearance[edit]

Unknown Female Adult Rabbit is rabbit with a tan complexion. She wore a purple shirt, long beige pants, and red sneakers. She has an orange purse and brown hair. In When Carl Met George her hair color changed to blonde and her complexion was a cream complexion.

