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Truth Or Poll/Transcript

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'(The class is taking a test.)

Binky: (in head) If a meteor is traveling at a speed of 40 miles per second, how long will it travel in one hour?

Binky: (out loud) Aw, man! I barely understand the question!

(Binky has a fantasy of his desk flying on a meteor in space. He screams and a watch that is ticking floats by him.)

Mr. Ratburn: (V.O) One minute remaining...One minute remaining.

Binky: Uh, 42! 3,000?! 1?!

(Binky starts to fly toward the sun. Mr. Ratburn appears on the sun.)

Mr. Ratburn: 10 seconds! Nine, eight, seven...

(Binky screams and the fantasy fades.)

Mr. Ratburn: Times up! Pencils down.

(The class puts their pencils down. Mr. Ratburn goes to Binky's desk and finds his test which has a drawing of a meteor.)

Binky: Any extra credit for creativity?

(Mr. Ratburn sighs and takes his test.)

Title Card: Binky taking a poll[edit]

Buster: (V.O.) Truth or poll!

Written by: Sarah Katin and Nakia Trower Shuman Storyboard by: Daniel Miodini and Andreas Schuster.

(Arthur unlocks his bike while kids leave the school. Binky walks to him and Brain is nearby.)

Binky: Man, that math test was a killer, right?

Brain: (Puts on helmet) Actually, I thought it was pretty easy.

Binky: Well, of course YOU thought it was easy, but for regular kids it was impossible. Right, Arthur?

Arthur: I got a B+, I guess it wasn't too bad.

Brain: If you did the homework.

Binky: Homework, shmomework, that test was like being belly-slammed by Uncle Slam! I bet everyone thinks so, expect you two!

Arthur: Too bad you can't know what everyone thinks.

Brain: You could take a poll.

Binky: Yeah, smarty-pants, I'll just take a poll! What's a poll?

(Brain starts to ride away on his bike.)

Brain: It's when you ask people the same question to find out what a group thinks about something. But I think you'll find that most kids thought the test was fair!

Binky: Oh, yeah? Well, we'll just see about that!


(That afternoon, Brain shoots hoops on the playground in the park. Binky runs to him with a clipboard.)

Binky: There! I was right!

Brain: What's this?

Binky: My poll.

(Brain takes the clipboard that says, "Was the test too hard? There is a collum of yes and no. There are three yes' and no no's.)

Brain: Was the test too hard? Yes, yes, yes.

(Brain shakes his head.)

Brain: This proves nothing!

(He hands him back the clipboard and dribbles the basketball.)

Binky: What?! Why not?! I asked three people and they all said yes!

Brain: You need to ask more people than that to get an accurate result.

Binky: (scoffs) Wait here.

(He runs off.)


(Brain is tying his shoes. Binky shows him the same clipboard.)

Binky: There! That's 10 yes'.

(Binky hands him the clipboard and there are 10 yes' and no no's.)

Binky: See?! I was right! The test was too difficult.

(He picks up a basketball.)

Binky: Although, to be fair, Mei Lin didn't say it was too hard, she just stuck out her tongue.

(He takes a shot and it misses.)

Brain: Wait, Mei Lin?? Your baby sister? Who else did you ask?

Binky: My mom, my dad, the Tough Customers...

Brain: But, they aren't even in our class, you have to ask people who actually took the test.

(He hands him back the clipboard.)

Binky: (scoff) Well, you could've told me that earlier!

(He walks off and Brain sighs.)


(Binky walks up to Muffy and Francine in front of the school and shows them the clipboard.)


(Binky walks up to George, who is goalkeeper during a practice match of the Lakewood soccer team. While George turns to look at the clipboard, Arthur scores. Arthur drops to his knees and plays air guitar. George gives Binky a dirty look and he smiles guiltily.)


(Fern is reading a book on a bench. Binky jumps from the bushes and shows her the clipboard. She gasps.)]


(Binky is in Brain's room brushing leaves off his hair. Brain is typing on his computer.)

Brain: Great! You've asked everyone in our class! This will make for an excellent sample size.

Binky: Thanks!

Brain: Now, for the results of your poll.

(The poll prints out of the printer. Brain takes it and shows Binky. It says, 'Was the test too hard?' There's a pie chart that say's 65% no, and 35% yes.)

Binky: What's this?

Brain: A pie chart.

Binky: Ooh, are you making pie? What kind?

(His hand rubs on his stomach)

Brain: I'm not making pie, this is just a way to visually present your data. See this red section?

(He points to it)

Binky: Yeah.

Brain: That represents all the students who thought the test was too hard, 35%.

(Binky moves his arms up and down)

Binky: Whoo-hoo! Go red! Uh, what's that blue stuff?

Brain: The students who didn't think the test was too hard, 65%. So, I was right. Most kids in the class did disagree with you. The end.

Binky: Well, I'm gonna ask them again. Some of them might change their minds.

(He walks out of the room. Brain looks annoyed)


(The Baxters’ doorbell rings and Buster finds Binky outside.)

Binky: Hey, remember that poll I gave you yesterday?

Buster: Yeah.

Binky: I'm gonna ask you the same question again, but this time with donuts!

(He holds out a donut. Buster grabs it and starts eating it.)

Binky: Now, did you think that math test we took was too hard.

Buster: No.

Binky: What!

(He snatches back the donut.)

Binky: Gimme that! You're supposed to say yes.

Buster: I can't help it! I really didn't think it was too hard.

Binky: Well, I still think it could've been a lot easier!

(He starts to walk away.)

Buster: Well, if you would've asked me that, I would've said yes.

(Binky stops in his tracks and faces Buster.)

Binky: Really?

(Buster is looking at the donut as if hypnotized by it.)

Buster: Yes, yes yes yes!

Binky: Thank you for your valuable input. (Tosses donut to Buster.) Have a nice day.

(Binky walks away smiling, Buster eats the donut.)


(Binky pins a poll on a wall by Francine and Muffy. They walk up to him. The poll says, "Could the math test have been easier?" The blue has 99% and the red has 1%.)

Francine: Wow, 99% of students agree.

Brain: I wonder who that 1% is.

Binky: That's Brain.

Francine: Right. Of course.

(Brain walks up to them.)

Brain: What is this?

Binky: The results of my latest poll. Read it and weep. Oh, by the way, (Points to the 1%.) this represents you.

Brain: "Could the math test have been easier?" Well, of course it could have been easier.

Binky: You agree too? Hey, everybody! We've got a 100%!

Brain: But, that's a ridiculous question! Saying the test could've been easier isn't the same as saying it was too hard!

Binky: You say tomato, I say potato. It's all the same.

Brain: No, it isn't! The wording of your question is misleading, and your percentages don't even make sense.

Francine: It seems clear to me.

(Muffy shrugs.)

Muffy: I certainly wish that math test had been easier.

Buster: Me too!

Binky: I think you might just be making up these rules to get the results you want.

(Brain puts his head on his head and groans.)


(Binky is in line for lunch. There are chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla ice creams. Arthur takes the last strawberry one.)

Binky: Hey, you took the last strawberry ice cream.

Arthur: Sorry, I was ahead of you.

(Arthur walks off.)

Binky: Mrs. MacGrady, is there any more strawberry?

Mrs. MacGrady: 'Fraid not. I don't order a lot of it. Chocolate and vanilla are the most popular.

Binky: How do you know?

Mrs. MacGrady: Just experience, I suppose.

Binky: Would you like me to do a poll, that way you'd know for sure what the most popular flavor is?

Mrs. MacGrady: Well, now. That would be very helpful. Thank you, Binky.

Binky: Don't mention it.


(Binky interviews Prunella and Ladonna outside the school.)


(Binky hangs from the jungle gym to interview Jenna, startling her.)


(George opens his locker and is startled to find Binky inside there with his clipboard.)


(Binky hands Mrs. MacGrady a hand-drawn poll that says, 100% of kids want rhubarb ice cream. )

Mrs. MacGrady: Well, butter my toes and call me a biscuit, I would never have guessed.

(Binky shrugs.)


(Buster is takes a scoop of rhubarb ice cream outside.)

Buster: What is this flavor?

(Binky is sitting with him at a table.)

Binky: Rhubarb. Isn't it delicious? It's my favorite. I like it even better than strawberry.

Buster: It is intriguing, but why is there only rhubarb ice cream now?

Binky: I took a poll, it's what everyone wanted.

Buster: Oh, was I in that poll?

(Buster takes another taste of the ice cream.)

Binky: Yep, I asked you if you'd rather have a new flavor, or no ice cream at all. New flavor won by a landslide.

Buster: Oh, right.

(Brain walks over to them holding a cup of rhubarb ice cream)

Brain: You're behind this, aren't you?

Binky: Hey, I don't make the results, I just report them.

(Muffy sits next to Binky.)

Brain: Muffy, be honest. Do you really like that rhubarb ice cream?

(Muffy takes a scoop.)

Muffy: Meh, but it's trending.

(Binky closes his eyes and folds his arms.)

Binky: The people have spoken.

(Brain puts his hand on his head in frustration)

Brain: (groan) This stops now. You're not the only one who can take a poll.

(Brain walks away while Binky looks at him in annoyance.)


(Muffy and Francine are walking in the hallway, Brain waves.)

Brain: Hi there.

(Muffy and Francine look at Brain and he's holding a clipboard.)

Brain: Do you have time for a quick poll about the playground?


(Binky walks to the Tower of Pain and he's shocked to see that there are flowers on the equipment.)

Binky: (gasp) What happened to the Tower of Pain?

(Brain walks over to him.)

Brain: I took a poll, (Shows him a chart that says "Would you like flowers on the jungle gym? The blue has 87%, the red has 13%.) 87% of the students wanted to see it replaced with a flower garden. (Hands it to Binky.)

Binky: But...

Brain: Sorry, I don't make the results, I just report them.

(The Tough Customers are looking at Binky in annoyance. Binky says uh, and has a guilty smile.)


(Brain gasps to see that everyone in his chess club is playing tablet games.)

Brain: What happened to my chess club?

(Rattles plays a Dark Bunny racing game. Binky shows up behind the door, and shows him a poll that says "Should chess be replaced with video games?" The blue says 75% yes, the red says 25% no.)

Binky: Sorry, 75% of the members felt that chess should be replaced with video games. (hands him sheet.) The facts don't lie!

(He walks away.)


(Brain puts up a poll on a wall next to numerous of other polls saying, "Do you want our school to be academically challenging?" The blue says 99% yes, the red represents 1% which means no. Brain walks away while Francine and Buster walk up to it.)

Francine: Huh. 99% of kids want our school to be academically challenging? Yeah, of course.

(Binky comes and puts up a poll on the wall. He walks away.)

Buster: But 99% of kids also want less homework. Wait, can both those things be true?

(Francine shrugs.)


(Binky is in bed holding a poll that says "Should the school week be 3 days long?" The blue has 75%, which in this case means yes. The red has 25%, which means no.)

Binky: (tired voice) 75% think that the school week should be three days. 82% want watching T.V. to become a sport. (Drops papers.) Ugh! (echo) Too many numbers.

(Binky falls asleep. He closes his locker.)

Arthur: Hey, Binky.

(Arthur runs up to him.)

Arthur: Come see the results of the latest poll.

(Binky follows him to a group of people looking at a poll that says, "Do you think Binky should be put into a pie. The blue has 100%, which means all yes'. People are murmuring.)

Buster: Wow, a hundred percent. Who knew?

(Binky walks past people to get a better look.)

Binky: Do you think Binky should be put into a pie? What?

(Brain is by them.)

Brain: Sorry, the people have spoken.

Binky: No! Stop! There must be some mistake.

(There is a huge pie on the table in the cafeteria. Lot's of kids are crowding around it. Binky sticks his head out and is covered in pie.)

Binky: Wait, how could 100% of kids have said yes. I didn't vote to put me in a pie!

(Brain is right by him in an apron and chef hat.)

Brain: Yes, you did. The question was, would you rather have no pie ever again or a different flavored pie.

Binky: Oh, right. I sure would miss pie.

(Mrs. MacGrady is about to pull a lever.)

Mrs. MacGrady: Now, who wants that a la mode.

(Lot's of kids say "Me!" and raise their hands. She pulls the lever and it activates sauce to be poured on him. Binky screams and wakes up.)


(Binky is in line for lunch. He doesn't grab the rhubarb ice cream and instead grabs a fruit bowl. Mrs. MacGrady is present.)

Mrs. MacGrady: Binky, I thought your poll said that rhubarb was the most popular flavor. Why isn't anyone taking it?

Binky: Uh, maybe they changed their minds?

(Brain is in line behind him.)

Brain: Binky's polls are biased, Mrs. MacGrady. If you want a fair one, I'll do it for you.

(Binky and Mrs. MacGrady exchange looks.)

Binky: No! Don't let him! I'll redo mine.

(Brain walks over to him.)

Brain: Your polls are misleading!

Binky: Well, at least I'm not putting kids in pies!

(Buster and Francine look at Binky)

Francine: Please, no more polls.

Buster: I don't even know what I like anymore! Today, I put ketchup on my pancakes, because 72% of people said it was their favorite condiment!

(Mrs. MacGrady bangs a ladel onto a large pot and walks out into the cafeteria.)

Mrs. MacGrady: Everyone who wants Brain and Binky to stop taking polls, raise their hands.

(Everyone raises theri hand except Brain and Binky.)

Mrs. MacGrady: Well, I haven't counted yet, but I think that's over 90%.

(Brain and Binky exchange looks and raise their hands.)

Binky: Make it a hundred!

(Everyone puts their hands down.)

Mrs. MacGrady: Polls are very valuable tools, but the questions you ask are just as important as the results.

(Binky looks at Brain.)

Binky: I guess I got a little carried away.

Brain: Me too.

Binky: You were right, I should've studied more for that math test.

Brain: Yeah, and kids didn't actually jungle gym redecorated. I just asked them if they liked flowers.

(Binky puts out his hand.)

Binky: Truce?

(Brain takes out his hand and shakes it.)

Brain: Truce.

(They start to walk towards the viewer.)

Binky: Actually, they really brighten up the Tower of Pain. I took a poll, and we're gonna keep them.