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Thora lookalike (The Chronicles of Buster)

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"Thora lookalike (The Chronicles of Buster)" is not an official name.
Thora lookalike (The Chronicles of Buster)
Gender Female
Animal Aardvark

Hair color Gray
Complexion Peach

Family Unknown Male Aardvark (Number 4) (grandson)

Cartoon debut "The Chronicles of Buster"

 An unnamed elder aardvark was watching The Chronicles of Ahmayzzia in IMAX 3D, in The Chronicles of Buster.

Physical appearance[edit]

This character looks very like Thora Read, they are both aardvarks, they both wear the same clothing. It is unknown if this character wears glasses or not as she has only been seen wearing 3D glasses. Another difference between her and Grandma Thora is that this character has much more pale skin than Arthur's. Also, she has a shirt underneath her sweater when Thora doesn't.

