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Template:ECT Issue

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{{{date}}} ([[User blog:Muppetfan/The Elwood City Times, Edition {{{edition#}}}: {{{date}}}|blog post edition]])

From the Admins




Know something that needs attention? Please contact one of the administrators.

Deputy editorials









{{{Authoravatar}}} [[User:{{{Author}}}|{{{Author}}}]]


User Spotlight



Newsletter Poll



Do you have an interesting opinion or news to share about the wiki or the Arthur series? Would you like to be the next user to be spotlighted in the user spotlight? For either of these things, or any other ideas you have for the Elwood City Times, please contact Muppetfan for approval.

Note to Subscribers: To discuss this issue or vote on the poll, please view the [[User blog:Muppetfan/The Elwood City Times, Edition {{{edition#}}}: {{{date}}}|blog post edition]].


This template is used to create editions of Arthur Wiki's official newsletter, The Elwood City Times.

Where to use it[edit]

This template should be used on a subpage of this template (exemplified here). It should be named using the abbreviated name of a month (generic date): Template:ECT Issue/May 13. Place the columns and news using this template on that page.


Examples or walk-through sentences are added to the parameters below for reference.

{{ECT Issue
|date              =May 13, 2012
|editon#           =4
|Muppetfancolumn   =Muppetfan's editorial column goes here.
|THECJISBACKcolumn =THE CJ IS BACK's deputy editorial column goes here.
|Magnezonomoncolumn=Magnezonomon's deputy editorial column goes here.
|Communitynews     =Community news, such as major decisions made or upcoming events. Place each note in a bulleted list like so:
* Annawantimes is awesome.
* Annawantimes is awesome. 
|Othercolumntitle  =The title of one other column that has been submitted.
|Authoravatar      =You'll need to add the author's avatar here. To do so, simply enter the file name, for example, [[:File:DJ MC CJ-avatar.png]]. The recommended image size is 40px.
|Author            =The full username of the author of the other column. 
|Othercolumn       =The text of the other column that was submitted.
|Spotlightsubject  =The subject of the user spotlight
|Spotlighttext     =The text of the user spotlight
|Poll              =<poll>
-poll question-
option 1
option 2
option 3
option 4

Sending the issue to subscribers[edit]

After you've posted this template on the Template:ECT Issue/<date> page, paste the following on someone's message wall:

<div style="overflow:auto; height:300px; border: 5px solid #B0C4DE;">
{{ECT Issue/<date>}}

When posting this edition on someone's wall, be sure to entitle the message: The Elwood City Times, Edition <edition#>: <date>