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Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked/Transcript
Sue Ellen: Yes! I am unbeatable! I'm the queen of the virtual world!
(Intertitle - Slot Machine)
Muffy: (voice-over) Sue Ellen Gets Her Goose Cooked.
Emily’s answering machine: Hello, you have reached Emily and Marie-Hélène. We can not take your call because, because… because we are on a treep. A big long treep. So leave your message at the sound of the beep. (laughter)
D.W.: Hi, Emily, it’s D.W. I have a new game. Call me. And what’s a “treep”?
Sue Ellen has fallen asleep in class after practicing a computer game all night?
Mr. Ratburn: Shall I repeat the question, Sue Ellen?
Sue Ellen: Red! The answer is red! Hh…
Mr. Ratburn: No, Sue Ellen. Twenty-two times eleven is not “red”. It’s two hundred and forty-two. However, If I’d asked what color your cheeks are turning, red would have been the correct answer. Let’s try to stay awake, shall we?
Sue Ellen flicks food at Francine
Francine: Grrrrrrr!
Emily’s answering machine: Hello, you have reached Emily and Marie-Hélène. We can not take your call because we are still on our treep. And a “treep” is a trip with a French accent.
Sue Ellen and D.W. have found the game “Confuse the Goose”, that “Virtual Goose” is based on.
Sue Ellen: Are you good at it?
D.W.: I’ve had that goose so confused it was quacking.