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| ==Introduction==
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| ''In a department store, Arthur and Buster look at a commercial on a TV screen. Three children are pressed against the back wall of a dark alley looking scared. A shadow falls over them, which turns out to be a girl holding a Woogle.''
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| '''Announcer:''' Is it a toy? Is it a pet? Is it an alien? | | '''Announcer:''' Is it a toy? Is it a pet? Is it an alien? |
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| '''Kids:''' (scream) | | '''Kids:''' (scream) |
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| '''Girl:''' No, it's my Woogle!
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| '''Jingle:''' “Oh, they bounce like a ball, / they stretch like a snake, / they wiggle and waggle and shimmy and shake. / They smile when you hold them / and cry when you don't. / They're Woogles, Woogles, Woogles! / They say something cute when you give them a squeeze. Like…” | | |
| | '''Jingle:''' “Oh, they bounce like a ball, / they stretch like a snake, / they wiggle and waggle and shimmy and shake when you say something |
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| '''Woogle:''' “Can I have a hug, pretty please?” | | '''Woogle:''' “Can I have a hug, pretty please?” |
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| '''Woogle:''' Woogles come in every color of the rainbow, and then some! So collect them all! Take me home today! | | '''Woogle:''' Woogles come in every color of the rainbow, and then some! So collect them all! Take me home today! |
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| ''The commercial ends. Arthur shakes his head.''
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| '''Arthur''': Ha! Woogles! Who would ever buy something so dumb?! Hey, Buster? Buster?
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| ''Buster has just bought a Woogle.''
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| '''Arthur''': Oh, brother!
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| ==Title Card: Stampede==
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| ''Buster dribbles his Woogle as they walk home.''
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| '''Arthur''': Buster, I can't believe you bought one of those things. They're so dorky!
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| '''Buster''': Yeah, you're right, but I really like it anyway.
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| '''Arthur''': Why?
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| '''Buster''': I don't know.
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| ''He tickles the Woogle.''
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| '''Woogle:''' (giggles)
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| '''Buster''': (chuckles) His name's Bilbo.
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| ''Arthur stares at him. Muffy comes running with another Woogle with a huge nose.''
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| '''Muffy''': You got Bilbo? That's one of the only Woogles I didn't get! Say hello to Snuffles.
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| '''Buster''': Hi, Snuffles.
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| ''Muffy squeezes her Woogle.''
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| '''Snuffles''': Atchoo!
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| '''Buster+Muffy''': (laugh)
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| '''Arthur''': This is a joke, right? I mean, you guys don't really think those things are cool. Do you?
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| '''Muffy''': Come on, Buster. He just doesn't get it.
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| ''She pulls Buster away.''
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| '''Buster''': Does your Woogle like to sit under lamps? Mine does. But I was worried about him melting...
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| '''Arthur''': Huh??
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur walks into the classroom and tries to sit beside Francine.''
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| '''Arthur''': Francine, you're not gonna believe what Buster and Muffy just bought... Augh!
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| ''He jumps up after sitting on a Woogle.''
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| '''Fracnine''': (chuckles) Oh, Arthur. You should have seen your expression when you sat on Archie!
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| '''Arthur''': Archie?! You bought one, too??
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| '''Francine''': Sure. Why not? It was worth it for that gag alone.
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| '''Arthur''': Oh...
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| ''Mr. Ratburn comes in. He puts his suitcase on the desk and takes out a Woogle.''
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''During recess, Arthur notes that every kid seems to have at least one Woogle.''
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| '''Francine''': Arthur, you look so...Woogle-less. I got two Archies. You can have one. Here.
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| '''Arthur''': No. No, thanks. I don't need one those dumb things.
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| ''Francine looks shocked.''
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| '''Francine''': (gasps) If you don't wanna have fun, okay, it's a free free country, but don't take it out on my Woogle!
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| ''She leaves.''
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| '''Francine''': Did that mean boy hurt Archie's feelings?
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| ''Arthur looks around at the other kids playing with Woogles. Brain sits at a table with a book.''
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| '''Arthur''': Hey, Brain, I'm glad I'm not the only one who's not playing with a Woogle! Why are kids so into those things?
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| '''Brain''': It's a fad, Arthur, a popular fashion that's briefly capturing the imagination of a community.
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| '''Arthur''': What??
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| '''Brain''': Maybe Tiny Einy can explain it better.
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| ''He pulls out a Woogle with hair like Albert Einstein.''
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| '''Tiny Einy''': Fun equals you times me squared!
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| '''Arthur''': Ohh...
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| ''He looks miserable.''
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''That night, Arthur tosses and turns in bed.''
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| '''Arthur''': (groans) Woogles... Why...?
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| ''In his dream, the third-graders pose for a class photo.''
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| '''Photographer''': Let's make this a great class picture! Big smiles! Wait a second! Where's your Woogle?
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| ''Arthur questioningly points at himself.''
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| '''Photographer''': Yeah, you - bow-tie!
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| ''Arthur looks around and sees that everyone is suddenly holding Woogles.''
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| '''Arthur''': (gasps) Um... I... I don't have one.
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| '''Photographer''': Oh, this is a disaster! Let me think, let me think... Aha!
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| ''Shortly afterwards.''
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| '''Arthur''': Are you sure I don't look doofy?
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| '''Photograph''': No, kid, you look great. No one will notice the difference.
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| ''Arthur is holding a stick of broccoli. The picture is taken.''
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| ''An adult Arthur shows the class photo to his children.''
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| '''Adult Arthur''': After that, everyone called me... Broccoli Head.
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| '''Arthur's daughter''': Father, do you mean you don't have a Woogle to give me? Every other kid at my school has their parents' old Woogle!
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| '''Arthur''': No, I don't have one. Sorry.
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| ''A violin plays.''
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| '''Arthur's baby''': (cries)
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| ''The kids get suitcases and leave. The baby pulls the suitcase with his teeth.''
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| '''Arthur's daughter''': It can't be true. Oh, the shame! I only hope there are some kind grown-ups out there with extra Woogles who will take us in.
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| ''The daughter opens the door. Outside are Arthur’s adult classmates with their children.'' | | '''All''': Atchoo! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! |
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| '''All''': Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! No Woogle, Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head! Broccoli Head!
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| '''Arthur''': No!! No, no, no!
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| ''The dream ends.''
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| '''Arthur''': No... (gasps) ... No... not Broccoli Head...
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| ''He sits up.''
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| '''Arthur''': Whoa. | | '''Arthur''': Whoa. |
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur runs into a toy store where a clerk is just setting up a sign saying “Sold out”.''
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| '''Arthur''': Sold out?! There was a huge box of them just yesterday!
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| '''Clerk''': Yup, they went like hot cakes.
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| ''Arthur walks along a street. There are signs in the shop windows saying “No Woogles”, “All gone” and “Don’t ask”.''
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| '''Arthur''': "No Woogles." "Sold out." "No more you-know-whats."
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| ''Arthur enters the park where Muffy is having a tea party with a large collection of Woogles.''
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| '''Arthur''': Muffy, there isn't a Woogle left in any store in town. You have a lot. Can I buy one? Please?
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| '''Muffy''': Sure. I have four Gogos. You can have one cheap. That'll be 27 dollars.
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| '''Arthur''': You said I could have one cheap!
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| '''Muffy''': That is cheap, according to the official Woogles Collectors Price Guide.
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| '''Arthur''': I only have five dollars!
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| '''Muffy''': Then you don't have a Woogle.
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur walks home looking sad. He sees a street vendor with a partly obscured sign saying “-oogles”.''
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| '''Arthur''': Hey! I'll take one! I'll take one!
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| ''He buys one. The vendor moves some watches and reveals that the sign actually says “Poogles”. Buster walks by.''
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| '''Buster''': Poogles?! Eeeew!
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur returns to the park, where Francine has joined Muffy’s tea party.''
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| '''Arthur''': Hi, guys. Mind if ''we'' join you?
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| '''Francine''': What's that?!
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| '''Arthur''': It's my Woogle. His name is Charles.
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| '''Francine''': Charles? I don't think so!
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| '''Arthur''': Okay, I don't know his name. But it's a Woogle, so I can play, right?
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| '''Muffy''': Arthur, Woogles stretch like a snake.
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| ''She stretches her Woogle. Arthur tries the same with his Poogle, but it does not work.''
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| '''Muffy''': And they shimmy and shake.
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| ''She wobbles her Woogle. The Poogle just falls over.''
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| '''Muffy''': And they bounce like a ball.
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| ''She bounces the Woogle. The Poogle just drops to the ground.''
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| '''Muffy''': And they say something cute when you give them a squeeze.
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| ''She squeezes her Woogle.''
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| '''Woogle''': I wuv you! (giggles)
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| ''Arthur tries to squeeze the Poogle and nothing happens. Buster joins them.''
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| '''Buster''': Hey, Arthur, you bought one of those Poogles??
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| '''Muffy''': Poogles?
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| '''Francine''': Poogles?
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| '''Francine+Muffy''': Eeeew!
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| '''Arthur''': I knew it was a Poogle all along! I meant to buy a Poogle!
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| ''He leaves and passes a mother with three babies in a stroller. He gives the Poogle to them. The babies pass it along. The baby that ends up with it starts crying.''
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| '''Baby:''' (cries)
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur sits on Grandma Thora’s couch. She brings him cookies and milk and coffee for herself.''
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| '''Arthur''': Everyone has one but me. And, I don't know, I just feel really left out.
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| '''Grandma Thora''': That's how fads work. Everyone just has to have it now. But soon no one will even care.
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| '''Arthur''': But it's not soon now! It's now now! And everybody cares... a lot!
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| '''Grandma Thora''': I wish I could help. I remember when your father... Wait a minute! I bet I still have it.
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| '''Arthur''': Have what?
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| ''Thora takes a small box out of a closet.''
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| '''Grandma Thora''': Rocky! Your father's pet rock! They were all the rage 20 years ago. Here, you can have it.
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| ''Arthur looks at the box and shakes it.''
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur walks home with the box. He sees Binky coming from the other direction.''
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| '''Arthur''': (gasps) Binky! I can't let him see me with this! He'll laugh at me!
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| ''He turns and sees Francine and Muffy coming from behind.''
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| '''Arthur''': (gasps)
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| '''Francine''': Hey, Arthur, what's in the cage?
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| '''Muffy''': Has your Poogle been bad?
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| '''Arthur''': It's not a Poogle. It's a pet rock.
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| '''Muffy''': What's it do?
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| '''Arthur''': Um... It rocks! Heh heh. Get it?
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| '''Francine+Muffy''': Yeah.
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| ''They look unconvinced.''
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| '''Francine''': Poor Arthur. Not having a Woogle has messed him up bad.
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| '''Binky''': Cool rock!
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| '''Arthur''': (groans)
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Buster walks to school holding his Woogle.''
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| '''Buster''': And after school, you'll get to visit Muffy and all her Woogle pals. We can sit by the pool. Won't that be fun?
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| '''Arthur''': Oh, hi, Buster!
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| '''Buster''': I'm gonna talk to Arthur for a sec. Okay, Bilbo? Bilbo says hi.
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| '''Arthur''': I was wondering. Do you think it's possible that Woogles aren't good for you?
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| '''Buster''': What do you mean?
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| '''Arthur''': Well, you spend all your time with it. We haven't played hockey in days. It's just Woogle, Woogle, Woogle, day and night, like you can't help yourself.
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| '''Buster''': I can help myself. I don't need it. I could get rid of it at any time and not care.
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| '''Arthur''': Are you sure?
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| ''Buster throws the Woogle into a trashcan and walks on. After a few steps, he stops. Both boys stare at the Woogle.''
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| '''Buster''': (gasps)
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| ''Both boys jump at the Woogle and pull at it, stretching it like rubber.''
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| '''Buster''': Let go! It's mine!
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| '''Arthur''': (strains) You don't even want it anymore! You put it in the trash!
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| '''Buster''': (strains) It doesn't count! You tricked me!
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| ''The Woogle slips out of Arthur’s hand and coils around Buster’s head. Both boys fall backwards.''
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| '''Arthur''': Waaah!
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| '''Buster''': Oh! Poor Bilbo.
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| '''Arthur''': Can I just see it for two seconds? I've never even held one.
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| '''Buster''': All right. Just two seconds.
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| ''Buster holds the Woogle and looks delighted. Buster checks his watch.''
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| '''Buster''': One-two-time's up!
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| ''He snatches it back.''
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| '''Buster''': What did you think?
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| '''Arthur''': It wasn't so great.
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| ''He runs after Buster.''
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| '''Arthur''': Can I have another two seconds?
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| '''Buster''': No.
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| '''Arthur''': How about one?
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| '''Buster''': Uh-uh.
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur walks up to Binky in the cafeteria.''
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| '''Arthur''': Can I sit with you? You're the only other kid left who doesn't have one of those dopey toys.
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| '''Binky''': Yeah. And since they're so dorky you couldn't pay me to have one!
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| '''Muffy''': Hey, Binky, I finally got another Chartreuse Woogle! Enjoy!
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| ''She throws a Woogle to Binky, who squeezes it.''
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| '''Woogle''': (burps)
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| '''Binky''': O-hoho! It burps! Check it out! (laughs)
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| '''Arthur''': Grrr!
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| ''He leaves.''
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
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| ''Arthur sits on a park bench and plays with a Bionic Bunny action figure.''
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| '''Arthur''': “Have no fear! Bionic Bunny is here! Keeping the world safe from... from...” There's nobody left to play bad guy!
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| ''Every other kid in the park is playing with Woogles. Francine walks up to Arthur.''
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| '''Francine''': Hey, Arthur, you're sitting here all by yourself. I still have an extra Archie. Take it and come play with us.
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| '''Arthur''': Gee, thanks.
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| '''Francine''': But first you have to admit you were wrong to say they were dweeby and that you really always wanted one!
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| '''Arthur''': What?!
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| '''Francine''': Just say it! Say, "I’ve always loved Woogles" and it's yours.
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| '''Arthur''': Okay, I’ve always loved... No, I can't say that. But... Okay, okay. No! I still think they're dweeby! I don't even know why I want one!
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| ''He takes the cap off a juice bottle.''
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| '''Arthur''': I bet... I bet even this is more fun than a Woogle!
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| ''He makes clicking noises with the cap.'' | | '''Arthur''': There was a lot. |
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| '''Francine''': Yeah, right, like anybody could think that old cap is more fun than a lovable Woogle.
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| ''Suddenly, the other kids stop playing and look at Arthur.''
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| '''Arthur''': Hey, cool!
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| '''Boy''': Wow, where'd you get that? I want one.
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| ''All kids crowd around Arthur.'' | | ''Muffy is having a tea party with a lot'' |
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| <nowiki>***</nowiki>
| | '''Arthur''': Muffy, Woogles in any store in town. You have a lot. That'll be a lot! |
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| ''Some time later, Arthur sits on Grandma Thora’s couch and she gives him a present.''
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| '''Grandma Thora''': Here, Arthur. This is for doing so well on your report card. | | '''Arthur''': I have a lot! |
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| ''Arthur unpacks a Woogle and puts it on the couch beside him..''
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| '''Arthur''': Gee, Grandma, thanks, but you were right about these just being a fad. Now it's juice caps! They're really fun!
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| ''He clicks with a cap. All over town kids are doing the same thing. In front of a store, Woogles are now on sale.''
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| [[Category:Transcripts]]
| | '''Francine+Muffy''': The clowns bought a lot |
| [[Category:Season 3 transcripts]]
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| [[Category:A to Z]]
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