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Song for Buster

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Song for Buster is a song performed in the Postcards From Buster episode "Buster's Buffalo Round-Up." It was written by Glen Berger and Claudio Ragazzi.


Listen and you will hear a tale
About a boy who thought
He didn't have the patience
To accomplish what he ought.

But ringing through the hills
Of South Dakota he will hear
The words of the Lakota
And the cowboy in his ear.

"Don't give up, and don't give in.
Stick it out until you win.
Gather all the strength that you can muster."
This is a song for Buster.

Yippy-i-o, yi-ay.

To the land of the mountain goat
And the buffalo,
To the land of South Dakota.

Yippy-i-o, yi-ay.