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Popular Girls/Transcript
Arthur Read: During spring vacation, we get a week off from school, and we go to the community center for day camp. We do lots of fun new stuff. Our group did Shakespeare.
Nigel Ratburn: MacBeth finds the witches in their lair. MacBeth, you're scared. Witches, you're scary.
Sue Ellen Armstrong, Francine Frensky, Fern Walters: Bubble, bubble, (inaudible) trouble!
Arthur: Buster's group collected cool ancient things.
Buster: A look at antiquities!
(Muffy bounces on a pogo stick; Jenna puts on a record player and it plays music)
Arthur: Prunella was in the group that did clay sculptures.
Prunella: How did I end up in this group?
Arthur: And wait until you see what my group is doing next.
(girls laugh)
Arthur: Oh, no, not that!
(Title card)
Popular Girls
Writer: Sandra Willard --- Storyboard Artist: Jeremy O'Neill
Francine: Popular Girls.
(We now return to the story)