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Let's Hang Out
Let's Hang Out is a song that is sung in "Arthur's New Friend" when Arthur imagines hanging out with you.
Arthur: I wonder what it'd be like just to hang out with (name).
Singer: We'll get a pizza
Buster always takes the biggest slice.
He'll drink all your cola
In fact, he'll do it twice!
Buster: Excuse me!
Singer: Let's hang out
The way we always do.
Let's hang out
Just me
Arthur: Woah!
Singer: and you!
We can hang out with Francine
She might let you take a swing.
She cheers you on everything
But thinks your name is "Sting."
Francine: Woo hoo! Nice going, Sting!
Arthur: It's (name)!
Francine: Oh, right, sorry!
Singer: Let's hang out
The way we always do.
Let's hang out
Just me
(Arthur laughs)
Singer: and you!
We can watch the clouds go by
With not a thing to do.
There's a camel and a bike
And hey, that looks like you!
Let's hang out
The way we always do.
Let's hang out
Just me and you!