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Ladonna's Like List/Transcript
Arthur stands at his locker.
Arthur: Do you ever wonder if people are thinking about you? Like, right now. I wonder if Francine is thinking about me.
Francine stands nearby at her locker.
Francine: (thinks:) That Arthur. What a great friend. If only everyone were like him.
Arthur: Hey, what were you just thinking?
Francine: Huh? I was just wondering if we were having meatloaf for lunch. (sniffs) Or maybe it's... chili?
She walks away. Buster approaches.
Arthur: What about Buster? I bet he's thinking about me.
Buster: (thinks:) Arthur's the best. Such a great guy. (loud:) Hey, Arthur, guess what.
Arthur: What?
Buster: It's meatloaf day. My school lunch almanac never lies.
He walks away.
Arthur: Oh, well. Maybe we think too much about what people think about us anyway.
Ladonna comes up.
Ladonna: Hey, I was just thinking about you.
Arthur: You were?
Ladonna: Yeah, I was thinking: What does Arthur think of me? Am I a good friend? Do I talk too much and don't listen enough? Do you think that's true? You can be honest.
Arthur: I think... we’re having meatloaf for lunch.
He walks away. Ladonna looks confused.
Title Card: Ladonna checks her list on the first day
Ladonna and Bud say goodbye to Arthur and D.W. at the garden gate.
Bud: Bye, D.W.!
Ladonna: Bye, Arthur!
They walk back to the house.
Bud: Lucky they're our four-houses-down neighbors, huh?
Ladonna: Yup. It's nice living in a place where everyone likes me.
Bud: Well, not everyone.
Ladonna: What do you mean, not everyone?!
Bud: Nobody's liked by everyone. Not even me, and I'm adorable.
Ladonna: Well, every in my class likes me. I'll prove it to you.
Ladonna puts a sheet of paper on the dining table.
Ladonna: This is Ladonna Compson's Like List.
Bud: What's a Like List?
Ladonna: Whenever someone on the list does something that proves they like me, I'll check off their names.
She shows him the list with all her classmate’ names.
Bud: Is my name on there?
Ladonna: You're family. You have to like me.
Bud: That's true. Even though your feet stink.
She pulls his cap down.
Ladonna: Do not! You'll see. This list will be all checks in no time.
The next morning before school, Ladonna walks up to Fern who is reading on the school steps.
Ladonna: Is that ‘Loki Benediktssen and the Teenage Aesir’? I love that book.
Fern: Me too. This is my second time reading it. What did you think of the sequel?
Ladonna: There's a sequel?
Fern: Uh-huh, and it's even better than this one. I'll lend it to you.
The bell rings. Ladonna takes out her list.
Ladonna: Fern Walters: check.
She walks inside and lets the door fall in George’s face.
George: (sighs)
He puts down the ferris wheel model he was carrying and opens the door.
Mr. Ratburn has drawn a butterfly on the blackbird.
Mr. Ratburn: We'll be doing group presentations about the life cycle of butterflies. Everyone please find a partner.
George is about to ask Ladonna who is sitting next to him.
George: Hey, dou you...
Francine: Hey, Ladonna, partners?
Ladonna: Sure. Francine Frensky: check.
She checks her list and walks over to Francine while George looks disappointed. Buster comes over to him.
George: Wanna be partners?
George smiles.
At recess, George sees that seat at an outdoor table is free. Before he gets there, Ladonna sits down with Arthur, Buster and Francine without noticing George.
George: (sighs)
He walks away looking annoyed.
Buster: Whoa, that smells incredible.
Ladonna: My mom made Thai curry last night. Want some? Carful, though, it's really spicy.
Buster takes a spoonful.
Buster: This stomach is made of steel. Here, have some of my homegrown tomatoes.
Ladonna: I like you, Buster Baxter. You're an adventurous eater.
Buster: Thanks. I like you too.
He eats the spoonful.
Buster: (swallows) Hh!
His face turns red.
Buster: Delicious.
He grabs a water bottle and quickly drains it.
Buster: More water! (gasps)
He runs to and fro. Ladonna checks his name.
Shortly afterwards, Ladonna armwrestles Binky.
Binky+Ladonna: (strain)
Ladonna wins.
Buster: Wow!
They shake hands.
In karate class, Ladonna and Sue Ellen have a sparring match. Ladonna grabs Ladonna and throws her on the mat.
Ladonna: Oof.
She and Sue Ellen smile and Sue Ellen helps her up.
Ladonna plays chess against Brain at school. Eventually she smiles and tips lays down her king. Brain hands her a book called ‘Chess 101’.
That afternoon, Ladonna comes into the living room where Bud is playing with Rapty.
Ladonna: Phew. Being this likable is exhausting.
She sits on the couch.
Bud: Check off any names today?
Ladonna: I’ve got ‘em all. Told ya everybody likes me.
Bud: No check mark there.
Ladonna: Oh. George. Guess I forgot about him. But George likes everybody.
Bud: Are you sure?
Ladonna: Puh-lease. He’ll be checked off before lunch tomorrow.
The next morning, Ladonna runs after George as he enters the school.
Ladonna: Hey George!
She lets the door fall in her face without noticing him.
Ladonna: Huh?
Buster walks up to George at his locker and taps him on the shoulder.
Buster: George!
George takes headphones out of his ears.
George: Oh. Hi, Buster.
Buster: I had a dream last night about a mutant butterfly. And it gave me some ideas for our project. Let’s plan it out at lunch, okay?
George: Sure.
During recess, Ladonna waves to George who is walking with Buster.
Ladonna: George! Over here! I saved you a seat!
George: Buster and I are gonna work on our project while we eat. But… um… thanks.
Ladonna: Okay. No problem. Maybe later.
George: Sure. Hey, what if we make a butterfly model in woodshop.
Ladonna: Cool. Mr. Ratburn will love it.
Ladonna looks at her list with a disappointed expression.
After school, Ladonna hides by the door and waits for George to come out.
Ladonna: Hey!
George: Ah!
Ladonna: Didn’t mean to startle you. Wanna go to the movies?
George: Um. Now?
Ladonna: Yeah. They have ‘Pirate Kittens versus Werewolf Puppies’ in 3D. My treat.
George: Thanks, that's really nice, but I kinda have a lot of homework.
Ladonna: Oh, okay.
George: Some other time.
He leaves.
Ladonna: Sure, some other time.
She looks annoyed.
Ladonna: George Lundgren, you will like me.
Ladonna comes home. Bud meets her in the hallway.
Bud: You get that last name checked off?
Ladonna: I don't wanna talk about it.
Bud talks to Rapty.
Bud: That sounds like a “no”.
In the kitchen, Ladonna pours orange juice for herself and Bud.
Ladonna: It doesn't make any sense. Why wouldn't George like me.
Bud: It could be because you're bossy. Or because you talk to much. Or because of your stinky feet.
Ladonna: Nobody asked you.
She hands Bud his glass.
Bud: You just did a second ago. Maybe you and George just don't have anything in common. What does he like?
He fills some juice into a bowl for Rapty.
Ladonna: I don't really know... Wait! There is one thing I know he likes.
In woodshop, George and Buster are working on a butterfly model.
Buster: How about we add a jetpack so it's a bionic butterfly?
George: That’d be cool, but I think we'd better stick to the picture. You know, because... science.
Ladonna comes in.
Ladonna: Wanna see what I made?
She presents an alligator dummy.
Ladonna: (as dummy:) Hi, George.
George: Whoa. Cool dummy.
Ladonna: Thanks. I just love dummies. And ventillicism.
George: You mean ventriloquism?
Ladonna: Yeah, that too. Watch. (as dummy:) (mumbles)
George: Huh? I don't understand.
Buster: I think she said “I’m a panda stuck in an elevator”.
Ladonna: No, that was “My name’s Wallinda and I’m an alligator." Maybe you could give me some lessons.
George: I don't know. I'm not that good.
Ladonna: Are you kidding? You're the best. Isn't George the greatest puppeteer ever?!
She speaks so loudly that Arthur, Buster, Binky, Sue Ellen and Mr. Bevel start looking at them.
Buster: Hh!
George: I... I have to go to the bathroom.
He runs out.
That afternoon, Ladonna comes into Bud’s room where Bud is playing on the bed.
Ladonna: Bud! I need your help!
Bud: Let me guess. Is it for George?
Ladonna: No. Okay, maybe.
Bud: Why does it even matter? Lot's of people like you. Who cares if everyone does?
Ladonna: I care.
Bud: Why?
Ladonna: Because I just do, okay! Now come on, you're gonna help me with my dance routine!
Bud slides off the bed
Bud: Agh!
The next morning, the kids are sitting in class with their insect projects. Ladonna is missing.
George: Ladonna never even noticed me before, and now it's like she wants to be my best friend.
Arthur: I don't know, George. She's just friendly to everybody.
Buster: Where did she go, anyway?
Francine: She went for a drink of water ten minutes ago. I'm starting to wonder if she's ever coming back.
At that moment, Ladonna comes in wearing a boater, a white shirt and black pants with red suspenders.
Ladonna: George Lundgren. Today is your lucky day.
George covers his eyes.
George: Oh no.
Ladonna: I, Ladonna Compson, have written this poem and choreographed this dance for you. “Oh, George, I really like you, I think you are so great / so here’s a little poem to help us celebrate.”
George: Celebrate what?
Ladonna: “His family is from Norway. I think that’s pretty cool. / It always makes me smile when I see you round our school.”
Mr. Ratburn looks disapprovingly.
Ladonna: “George, I think you’re super and I hope you think I’m fun. This poem is from your pal, Ladonna Comp-son.”
Mr. Ratburn: Miss Compson, may I remind you that this is Biology class, not poetry. Please, take a seat.
Buster: Is it your birthday?
George: No!
Buster: Then why...?
George: I don't know!
He runs out of the room. Ladonna goes to sit beside Francine.
Francine: Not cool, Ladonna! George hates being the center of attention.
Arthur: Yeah, why would you do that to him?
Ladonna takes out her list and erases the checkmarks behind Arthur and Francine.
Ladonna: Now I'm going in the wrong direction.
Later, Ladonna takes her lunch out of her locker and the Like List falls out. She walks away without noticing. George picks it up and looks angry.
George runs up to Ladonna who is eating alone by a tree. He holds up the list.
George: Is this why you've been paying so much attention to me?! Because you're trying to check my name of your Like List?!!
Ladonna: Um...
George: Fine! Here's a check by my name! In fact, have two!
He makes two check marks on the list and throws it at Ladonna’s feet.
George: There! Now you can go to ignoring me like you usually do!
He walks away.
Ladonna: George! I'm... I'm really sorry.
She looks sad.
That afternoon, Ladonna is slumped over the kitchen table holding the list. Bud comes in.
Bud: How's it going with the list?
Ladonna: I'm done with it. I have to see George.
She crumples up the list and walks to the door.
Bud: What? But I thought you were done trying to get people to like you.
Ladonna: That's not what I'm going to do.
Ladonna rings the Lundgrens’ doorbell and George answers.
George: Oh no. You don't have a mariachi band with you, do you?!
Ladonna: No, I just came to apologize. I think if I had been treated the way I’ve been treating you, well... I wouldn't like me either. Anyway, I'm really sorry. That's it.
She walks away. George looks thoughtful.
The next morning, Ladonna walks to the school entrance, still looking sad. Someone holds the door open for her and she sees that it is George.
Ladonna: Huh? Oh, um... Thanks.
George: Sure, no problem.
Ladonna and George walk down a hallway.
Ladonna: Are you still angry with me? Because I actually do want you to like me, even without that silly list.
George: I do like you. Especially when you're not reading a poem you wrote for me.
Ladonna: Yeah, that was kind of over the top.
George: So... how’d you get the tail to move on Wallinda?
Ladonna: I tied a little string to it and moved it with my other hand.
George: Oo, nice touch. I can help teach you to talk without moving your lips, if you want.
Ladonna: I could sure use it. I sounded like I was speaking under water with a mouth full of marbles, cross my heart.
They turn around a corner.